Which Elder Scrolls game was your favorite

Which Elder Scrolls game was your favorite?

  • Arena

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • Daggerfall

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • Morrowind

    Votes: 32 58.2%
  • Oblivion

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • Skyrim

    Votes: 11 20.0%

  • Total voters
I haven't played it unmodded for a decade, and trust me, it already has those shiny new graphics, no remake needed. Just search for "Morrowind MSGO/MXE" or similar on Youtube and you can see for yourself. It's a much better looking game than Oblivion, that's for sure.

So did they ever fix MSGO?

As that mod is discontinued and has a warning not to use it due to bugs/other errors.
I installed Morrowind mods with zero mod managers, back in the day. Haven't done it for a long time or with Vortex, so I couldn't say.
Same with me except for the mod install packages were you have to use them.
Oct 1, 2010
So did they ever fix MSGO?

As that mod is discontinued and has a warning not to use it due to bugs/other errors.

I never had problems with it to begin with. Fairly typical sky-is-falling stuff. I have used it with MGE and a few others assorted visual mods for many years. There may be some rock clipping through a mushroom somewhere or whatever but I've never noticed any issues.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Fairly typical sky-is-falling stuff.
Really? From the developer of the mod.o_O
DISCLAIMER: "Morrowind Sounds and Graphics Overhaul" (MGSO) is seriously OUTDATED and suffers from many bugs that have not been fixed in the last 7 years. Therefore, we DO NOT recommend to download this mod compilation until a more recent version is released.

If you are looking forward to upgrade the game's graphics, we suggest to follow a modding guide instead.

The first one is easier and allows you to have upgraded graphics faster, while the second one is more in-depth.

"Morrowind Sounds and Graphics Overhaul" is a mod compilation that contains mods that will alter and enhance the visual graphics and the sounds of the game. The aim of this project is to make more people around the world appreciate this huge game by giving them a simple installation file which includes everything they will need to play Morrowind with gorgeous graphics and sounds.
Oct 1, 2010
Yeah I DID for Others interested in downloading in the mod.;)
Oct 1, 2010
You already posted that it has a warning about bugs. You copy/pasted that to throw in my face. This outdated mod also has 404,000 downloads and 27,000 endorsements (second most all time), so boy are those a lot of people who love bugs.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Nah I'm just tired of your opinion on certain topics being called "Fairly typical sky-is-falling stuff." See just because you don't a problem with the mod wont mean others wont.

Anyway I'll stop since this is way off topic with a poll thread. So good-day.
Oct 1, 2010
Nah I'm just tired of your opinion on certain topics being called "Fairly typical sky-is-falling stuff." See just because you don't a problem with the mod wont mean others wont.

Anyway I'll stop since this is way off topic with a poll thread. So good-day.

You asked me if MSGO had ever been fixed. With that leading question, what was I supposed to say if I don't think it needed to be fixed? If I say yes or no, I'm agreeing with the premise of your question. Which I don't.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Well good-day as I said. Maybe a mod can clean this mess up?

As I had my fun already.:p
Oct 1, 2010
Easy for me, Skyrim. Pre morrowind games are too outdated, couldn’t stomach the combat in morrowind long enough to complete it and I got bored closing oblivion gates in oblivion.

Haven’t done a play through in over a year. I peaked at Nexus recently and am surprised by how many new mods have been released since my last play through.

Tempted to do a play through but the older I get the less appealing getting 100’s of mods to work together sounds.

Nioh 2 releases on the 5th anyway. Haven’t decided if I want the PS5 complete edition or the PC version.
Dec 18, 2020
Other than the pre-MW ones -- which I did not play so can't judge -- none of them are very good games IMO. I find them to be hollow sandboxes with cookie-cutter characters, with incredibly generic lore.
If I have to pick one though, I suppose it's MW for the more outerworldly atmosphere of its setting.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
Incredibly generic lore? Hardly. Here's just a snippet of a snippet of a Morrowind book. Nothing generic about it.

"He was born in the ash among the Velothi, anon Chimer, before the war with the northern men. Ayem came first to the village of the netchimen, and her shadow was that of Boethiah, who was the Prince of Plots, and things unknown and known would fold themselves around her until they were like stars or the messages of stars. Ayem took a netchiman's wife and said:

'I am the Face-Snaked Queen of the Three in One. In you is an image and a seven-syllable spell, AYEM AE SEHTI AE VEHK, which you will repeat to it until mystery comes.'

Then Ayem threw the netchiman's wife into the ocean water where dreughs took her into castles of glass and coral. They gifted the netchiman's wife with gills and milk fingers, changing her sex so that she might give birth to the image as an egg. There she stayed for seven or eight months."
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Geez…how long did you wait to try it? :)

A long time after it was released. I can't remember exactly, but
I know it was after I played Oblivion. I think I played that a few years after it was released, like around 2008-2009, something like that, it was after the game of the year edition and all the dlc was already out. So then when I got tired of playing Oblivion I think it was shortly after that when I first tried Morrowind. I'm guessing it was around 2010 or so.

I have a habit of playing "new" games a long time after they are released. My backlog is crazy and you wouldn't believe how many of the "big name, hyped" games I still have yet to play. Sometimes I think I must like posting about games and talking about them better than actually playing them. :biggrin:
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
A long time after it was released. I can't remember exactly, but I know it was after I played Oblivion. I think I played that a few years after it was released, like around 2008-2009, something like that, it was after the game of the year edition and all the dlc was already out. So then when I got tired of playing Oblivion I think it was shortly after that when I first tried Morrowind. I'm guessing it was around 2010 or so.

That makes sense. Morrowind was cutting edge when it was released but isn't a game that aged well. There's no way I could play it vanilla now.

My backlog is crazy and you wouldn't believe how many of the "big name, hyped" games I still have yet to play.

Oh I definitely have that problem as well. It's particularly bad for me because there are multiple genres that I really enjoy (RPGs, FPSs, Survival-horror, Immersive sims), and it's impossible to play everything I want.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Oh I definitely have that problem as well. It's particularly bad for me because there are multiple genres that I really enjoy (RPGs, FPSs, Survival-horror, Immersive sims), and it's impossible to play everything I want.

And at level 66 my perspective is that I won't live long enough to complete my backlog.

an incarnation of pibbur who promises himself that at the very least he will install them all.
Nov 11, 2019
One other person picked Oblivion. Modded up, there is just something I love about Oblivion. It's the only Elder Scroll game I finished. If the Morrowind combat wasn't so bad, it would have been on the top of my list.

Take the Skyrim combat and the Morrowind world and you have almost a perfect Elder Scrolls game. Add-in Oblivion quests and the dungeon layouts, with the Knights of the Nine expansion and you, have my perfect crpg.

Daggerfall made my imagination run wild. The only other game to get my imagination going like Daggerfall was Everquest.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
Morrowind was the only game of the series that really had an unusual setting, and that won me over. Daggerfall and Oblivion are too vanilla fantasy for me. Skyrim may be a little better, but Norse settings are also pretty tried and true, though maybe less so when Skyrim was released.
Jan 29, 2014
Vienna, Austria
I'm the opposite. I thought Morrowind tried too hard to be different and I prefer the rank and file fantasy of the other games. I also thought the character animations were horrible even on release. I basically liked everything else, but got bogged down by the endless fights with cliff racers. I really need to play Morrowind again. I never finished it.

I checked last night and I don't own it on Steam or Gog. I thought I had picked it up when it was free but I guess not. I do have the CD version and the two DLC's all on disc too, but don't own a CD drive anymore. I guess I could go buy an external CD Rom and install it that way. I guess I'll do one or even both of those things. I have a ton of games on CD/DVD still.
Last edited:
Oct 18, 2006
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