Witcher 3 - Aims to Be Better Than Skyrim


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Well if you feel like reading another article that claims The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be better than Skyrim then head on over to GamesRadar for a new opinion article.

CDP RED has a near-mythical status as an RPG developer for delivering on the kind of promises it’s been making throughout The Witcher 3’s development. In seven years and two games, it’s grown from an unknown game dev arm of a localisation company to a triple-A studio with teams in both Warsaw and Krakow, working on two hugely anticipated titles (Cyberpunk 2077 is still a relative unknown) across three platforms. That wouldn’t have been possible if it didn’t have the talent to deliver its bold claims. Watch out, Dragonborn: Witcher is coming.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
While the question if TW3 is better than Skyrim won't be answered months after the release, I actually hope that TW3 will be different than Skyrim. ;)
May 6, 2013
I'm more interested in that near-mythical status the article mentions... What exactly does that mean?
Apr 12, 2009
Stupid click-bait title, in my opinion.

Games shouldn't aim to be better than other games - they should aim to be the best they can be, and W3 isn't another Skyrim - it's another Witcher.

Witcher games are much more about story and a deeper narrative, and they don't provide freeform creation or development of your character. You're locked into a predefined role, which is a completely different experience than Skyrim.

Sure, it's going for a more open-world structure - and that's cool, but don't make it into a competition.
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Oct 1, 2010
Nov 8, 2014
Mind you, Skyrim isn't really an open world either. Every time you walk through a door it has to load a separate, confined worldspace. I'd gladly trade that for loading up whole different islands, at the point of travel.
I agree just wanted to point out it can't be compared to Skyrim. As for the no loading screens it's something I always wanted implemented in more RPG games.
You'd know.
I do apparently as articles l find get called click bait by you and a few others.^^
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Oct 1, 2010
The concept of an open world doesn't really have to do with loading screens. It's about being able to roam free without artificial barriers.

While I'd love a "full" streaming engine - it's very hard to make one when you have complex interiors - as it's a nightmare to separate what should be loaded into memory when. AFAIK, only Gothic/Risen have made this work properly with complex interiors - and even those aren't near Skyrim complexity in terms of environment interaction.

That's why I'm curious about The Witcher 3 and how it handles this - and just how complex the interiors turn out to be.
I agree just wanted to point out it's not a true open world game. As for the no loading screens it's something I always wanted implemented in other RPG games.

Feel free to explain what a "true" open-world game is and why TW3 isn't one. :)

As for no loading screens, Piranha Bytes games have offered that for years.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Feel free to explain what a "true" open-world game is and why TW3 isn't one. :)

As for no loading screens, Piranha Bytes games have offered that for years.

..and instead they take us out of the immersion by having a "player opens a chest"-screen. :/
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I would rather see a Crysis level environment interaction coupled with Witcher level quest structure. Skyrim is nothing compared to Crysis.
Oct 3, 2014
Stupid click-bait title, in my opinion.

Games shouldn't aim to be better than other games - they should aim to be the best they can be, and W3 isn't another Skyrim - it's another Witcher.

Witcher games are much more about story and a deeper narrative, and they don't provide freeform creation or development of your character. You're locked into a predefined role, which is a completely different experience than Skyrim.

Sure, it's going for a more open-world structure - and that's cool, but don't make it into a competition.

This, I have no interest in a better Skyrim(That's bethesdas job) I want another Witcher game.
The strength of the two games are in completely different areas.
Jul 26, 2013
I would rather see a Crysis level environment interaction coupled with Witcher level quest structure. Skyrim is nothing compared to Crysis.

Never thought Crysis was that impressive apart from the nice graphics. Also not sure what's so impressive with the environement interaction? you can shoot through walls and shoot down trees? Meh.

I doubt you can open all drawers and doors or interact with most objects that you see on the ground (pick them up, sell them, use them, roll them down a hill, etc).. i think Bethesda is the best company when it comes to interaction with the environment, it's not just smoke and mirrors like with many other games (e.g buildings that can't be entered or doors that are just static objects).
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Never thought Crysis was that impressive apart from the nice graphics. Also not sure what's so impressive with the environement interaction? you can shoot through walls and shoot down trees? Meh.

I doubt you can open all drawers and doors or interact with most objects that you see on the ground (pick them up, sell them, use them, roll them down a hill, etc).. i think Bethesda is the best company when it comes to interaction with the environment, it's not just smoke and mirrors like with many other games (e.g buildings that can't be entered or doors that are just static objects).

I'd agree with this.

The original Crysis was a very impressive shooter - but it has nothing on TES when it comes to interaction.

Destroying a few objects is cool and all, but I'm much more interested in dungeon delving with meaningful interaction :)
Never thought Crysis was that impressive apart from the nice graphics. Also not sure what's so impressive with the environement interaction? you can shoot through walls and shoot down trees? Meh.

I doubt you can open all drawers and doors or interact with most objects that you see on the ground (pick them up, sell them, use them, roll them down a hill, etc).. i think Bethesda is the best company when it comes to interaction with the environment, it's not just smoke and mirrors like with many other games (e.g buildings that can't be entered or doors that are just static objects).
When you have a base like Crysis (a pretty full physics simulation), it is not hard to add the "easy" parts from Skyrim like picking up stuff. That stuff are just props added to world, they were not needed in Crysis but can for sure be added.

And shooting down trees (and other things) can add lots of unscripted options to exploring and dungeon delving. Enemies running on the rope bridge above you? Shoot out the supports and see them crash.
Skyrim dungeons and environments felt very static except for running into wolves, giants and such. The feel of going through them all lacked the Crysis feel. In Crysis you could hide without using special hide move (and not be using Stealth) , the whole game felt more natural (just being able to crouch or fall prone makes things so much fun already).

Something like Far Cry 3/4 is lot superior to Skyrim although it is less RPGish.
I would like to see a more RPG and fantasy version of Far Cry3/4
Oct 3, 2014
Someone doesn't know what it takes to keep track of an almost limitless amount of objects and their position in a persistent fashion :)
Me too. Stopped watching ingame vids just to avoid spoilers.
Any new Platige trailer?

Better than Skyrim… That can only mean it's sales total number. TW2 was already better except it sold less copies.
Apr 12, 2009
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