The Witcher 2 - Roundup #7, Solutions to Issues


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
A post on The Witcher 2 site announces patch 1.1 is nearly ready and goes on to offer solutions to a number of issues. Activation code problems, CRC errors during installation, game failing to start, poor performance on high-end GPUs and ATI performance are all covered:
Patch 1.1 is nearing completion and will be available shortly. It will address a number of issues reported by players such as keymapping, inverting the mouse, sudden crashes, problems with activation, difficulties with the game`s DLC, and more.
Also, have a look at some of the most common issues and possible solutions.
Joystiq notes the game requires an NTFS partition:
CD Projekt confirmed the situation to us this morning. Community manager Andrzej Kwiatkowski said, "Yes, we can confirm that The Witcher 2 on Windows systems only works on NTFS-formatted drives." Kwiatkowski further explained that the design is due to the limitations of the older FAT32 system. "FAT32 can't handle any file bigger than 4GB, and one of TW2's files has the size of 9GB."
IGN has a gameplay commentary video.
Eurogamer has a review written by Quintin Smith, with a score of 9/10:
Flotasm sounds like hell, right? Wrong. Flotsam's beautiful. Everything from the architecture, to the conversations you overhear, to the tasks given to you by the nervous inhabitants - it's all breathtakingly believable. Flotsam being a disgusting and dangerous place, both materially and morally, isn't the point. The point is that - as you watch a butcher hack a cow apart under a pale sun and listen in on a conversation about who shagged who last night - the setting is real enough that you'll actually be disgusted, and feel in danger.
This is the most obvious of The Witcher 2's many achievements. It provides a world that's so well thought out and so lovingly crafted that the player is transported. Flotsam is a shitty place, yes, but The Witcher's is a shitty world. What CD Projekt has achieved here, more so than any RPG I can think of from the last five years, is bringing its (shitty) world to life.
...and Games On Net also has a review with a score of 4.5/5:
The Witcher featured a wonderfully muddied morality, but The Witcher 2 adds further shades of grey to the world. You don't need to have played the first game to enjoy the sequel, but you'll be confused for the first few hours if you haven't. Everything in the game world is about compromise and survival. There are few choices in the main story that have a clear cut polarity, and even the side missions often feature consequences that belie the seemingly straightforward “good” choice; save one person and another will die.Stand up for the little man and later he'll get a knife in the ribs. Even the locally censored quest, that rewards Geralt with sex, is a little less titillating than you might think. You save a woman from being murdered. She's young, naïve and all but destitute. Sex is the only thing she can give as thanks. It feels tawdry, like you're taking advantage.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The forums are down as indicated by the faq linked to in the article. The site is very unresponsive but does work. They were suggesting using the Neogaf and boards for the time being.

Bit surprised they require NTFS though really most people should be have ditched FAT32 on anything but portable media by now. Next they'll tell us the game doesn't run on Window 98 (with 3rd party NTFS driver) but thats another issue altogether.
Apr 23, 2010
I might as well wait a little longer in hope that this patch will improve performance for me. I understood I would have to compromise somewhat but I certainly didn't expect that the game would be unplayable after everything off and lowering the resolution considerably!
Sep 18, 2009
I am unable to download DLC , but other than that had no performance problems what so ever.

There is the thing with game making unreasonable number of save games , that you can not erase. But someone made utility that helps you erase unwanted ones. So its good.

Also I would love that they let you exchange mutagens in some of next patches.
Mar 15, 2010
I still love the game but it does have some bugs (and design flaws that are damned close to bugs).

Inventory needs a Junk/Trinket tab. They do not show up on any other tab except the All tab…which means you have to sift through ALL of the crap you carry to sell that stuff. By the time I got to the area just after Flotsam I had 28 pounds of crap accumulated.

Alchemy: When making a potion you should be able to select a number to make instead of having to do them 1 at a time. And/or it should remember the ingredients you chose for that potion and make THAT as the starting ingredients for the next one. So annoying.

In the Claws of Madness quest is bugged.
If you have nekker eyes/hearts in your inventory and decide to fool the specter, it will force you to use THOSE even if you go buy pigs eyes/hearts. Either that or it's bugged and the pigs eyes/hearts don't deceive him like the guide that came with the game says they should. If the 2nd thing is the case then the guide is bugged :p

Troll Trouble quest (and therefore the Melitele Amulet quest) is bugged.
You can apparently only get the Troll's Head mounted on Sendler's wall if you do the Dice Poker chain up to unlocking the ability to play Sendler, but NOT playing him, THEN do the Troll Trouble quest up to being able to ask him about the head on his wall…THEN beating him at dice and choosing it as the reward. Friggin stupid and definitely needs to be fixed. I assume you can get the troll tongue needed for the cursed amulet you get from Newboy in the prologue. The only other way to get that tongue before leaving this area is by killing the drunk bridge troll…which kinda sucks.

Semi-spoiler, but not really. If you don't go into the Inn in Flotsam right after rescuing Zoltan & Dandilion it makes things wonky. I went and did aot of the non-combat flotsam quests before bothering to go into the Inn. When I finally did neither of them would talk to me and the Kayran attack took alot of messing around and doing other things to get it to trigger. So when they finally did talk the dialogue was out of order and out of place in relation to what I had already done around town. I kinda broke it. No quests were broken, but it was still pretty weird.

Only one random CTD on entering Loredo's estate at a certain time (after being able to go there with weapons & not talking to the guard). Not repeatable. Never had any other crashes.

I wish their main forums were up so I could post this there instead.

Oh and if you have an nvidia card definitely uninstall the two 3D Vision drivers. For some reason I got a big performance boost by doing that.
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Oct 19, 2006
There is a community tab on the Witcher's website; clicking it means you go into a sort of bulletion board. On it (or in it?) you can post messages, I think there's one with a headline entitled something along tec trouble or something.

Also, as others, figment e.g. have pointed to, please make sure to use use the gogforums instead.

Also this from the Witcher team:

In the name of the whole team, we apologize from the bottom of our hearts, to everyone who cannot enjoy the game as intended. We promise that we will keep on working to make everything absolutely perfect! Watch for more news coming soon

Nice to see a company actually being humble and giving updates on what's going on.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
I might as well wait a little longer in hope that this patch will improve performance for me. I understood I would have to compromise somewhat but I certainly didn't expect that the game would be unplayable after everything off and lowering the resolution considerably!
If you have the 3D drivers for NVIDIA installed, it seems they can cause a problem even if not being used. The next round of WHQL drivers should fix that.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Alchemy: When making a potion you should be able to select a number to make instead of having to do them 1 at a time. And/or it should remember the ingredients you chose for that potion and make THAT as the starting ingredients for the next one. So annoying.

Totally agree about having to swap ingredients each time.. very annoying. I also miss the way alchemy was done in TW1, where you could experiment with trying to make potions without a recipe.

In the Claws of Madness quest is bugged.
If you have nekker eyes/hearts in your inventory and decide to fool the specter, it will force you to use THOSE even if you go buy pigs eyes/hearts. Either that or it's bugged and the pigs eyes/hearts don't deceive him like the guide that came with the game says they should. If the 2nd thing is the case then the guide is bugged :p

Not a bug imo. Why would you want to trek back to Flotsam if you already have those in your inventory? I think that's the way the devs designed it.

It's been pretty solid for me overall. I've only had 2 crashes the entire time so far…one was a CTD, and once it logged me out of Windows and rebooted my system, which was pretty weird.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
If you have the 3D drivers for NVIDIA installed, it seems they can cause a problem even if not being used. The next round of WHQL drivers should fix that.

No, that's not it :( thanks for the pointer though.

It seems the only thing I can do to make it playable is lower the resolution to 1024x768 and then it actually plays smoothly even if I select 'high spec'… (do I not understand how these things work or is that weird?) Unfortunately that doesn't help either because on my 16:10 screen it makes a big black frame around the game leaving too small an window to play comfortably.
Sep 18, 2009
Anyone get a weird terrain glitch where the ground pops up at certain locations and Geralt can just walk through this solid looking ground. Restarting the game fixes this, but still a bit weird. :p
Mar 1, 2009
can anyone get to tw2 forums. I can,t.

They took them down before the release of the game to avoid getting swamped by angry customers with install, registration, DLC redemption, gameplay and performance issues. At least that's my version of it.
Their version is that the release of the game and taking down the forums was a "coincidence" and that it had nothing to do with each other. The sad part is that the average CDP/GOG fanboi might even believe that but as for the rest of us... I mean exactly how stupid do they think we are? :roll::mwahaha:
Oct 18, 2006
I've gotten through the prologue and just started the first chapter and it's been bug free. I do agree with some of the issues pointed out though.
Jan 30, 2009
If you have the 3D drivers for NVIDIA installed, it seems they can cause a problem even if not being used. The next round of WHQL drivers should fix that.

This is frustrating and reassuring all at the same time. It's frustrating because the game is advertised as being 3d-Vision ready, and I was really looking forward to it because of that. I'm sure the actual 3D players are still few and far between, but asking someone to play the game in 2D when they are used to playing games in 3D is just not cool. Trust me, once you game with 3D vision, switching to 2D feels like going back in time to windows 95 gaming.

It's also reassuring to me, because it sounds like the extremely poor performance I'm getting (playing in 3D) is actually because it's buggy rather than just being too advanced for my system.

I hate to say it, but this really stinks of Gothic 3 syndrome - Extremely ambitious game, revolutionary concept, built from scratch in-house graphics engine. A total gem of a game that is nigh unplayable due to performance issues, etc...
The only thing left is for CDProjekt to come out and tell us 2 months from now that the engine they built is so buggered that it'll never work right, and the comparison will be complete.
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
3D is not really important to me and wont be till I dont have to buy A 3D vision kit. Maybe when monitors are 3D ready and dont need glasses then maybe. Still I had no glitches or problems from the game.
Oct 1, 2010
I still can't get my dlc to download and install it just keeps looping.

The unresponsive combat really needs to be priority in my mind anytime I make more than 1 action (exp. roll then attack or attack then roll away or sign then attack, you get the idea) the second action aimost always needs to be pressed at least twice in order to work. When you are fighting 6 guys at once this is a bad thing.

Mapping keys in game would be nice.

I know this will never happen but how about different keys for different actions instead of 1 button doing several things. Several times while sneaking I have put a torch out and alerted the guard I was trying to stun.>:O

While were at it get rid of auto lock. keep a manual lock on.

and since i'm ranting now lets redo the inventory screen only showing - items at a time is annoying. I think all games should look at dao's inventory. Lots of items on the screen at once, easily sortable and mouse over gives you all the info you need and compares it to what you have. Neat and simple.

One last small thing why do we need to go into meditation to drink a potion. It's turned drinking a potion into a 30 sec. animation. Combats already too fast to stop and drink a potion in anyway so why?
and since i'm ranting now lets redo the inventory screen only showing - items at a time is annoying. I think all games should look at dao's inventory. Lots of items on the screen at once, easily sortable and mouse over gives you all the info you need and compares it to what you have. Neat and simple.

One last small thing why do we need to go into meditation to drink a potion. It's turned drinking a potion into a 30 sec. animation. Combats already too fast to stop and drink a potion in anyway so why?

Those are a couple of my peeves too; inventory management is pretty unwieldy - being able to sort by weight or even alphabetically would have been swell. And not only is creating potions incredibly tedious (if you wish to repeatedly use specific ingredients), but there's really no reason one should be forced into meditation mode to drink them. They should be drinkable from inventory if out of combat.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
There is mechanic in drinking potions that enables you to drink up to 3(or more) in same time and combine effects.

Its represented by its own interface

Perhaps thats why you can not access it from inventory.
Mar 15, 2010
Wow, I can certainly appreciate the game isn't perfect but the level of hysteria is too much for me. I'm not going to bother with any Witcher 2 threads for a while.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Wow, I can certainly appreciate the game isn't perfect but the level of hysteria is too much for me. I'm not going to bother with any Witcher 2 threads for a while.

In this thread it's your post the most hysteric reaction, seem like you are over sensitive about non love comment about The Witcher 2.

Sure some negative points highlighted there, but what to expect from a thread with issues in the title? Seems like there's many people believing in perfection, I just can't believe it. Is this the kids bellow 10 forum?
Oct 14, 2007
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