Project Eternity - Update #5, Souls, Technology and Adventuring Companies


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
J.E. Sawyer has posted a new Project Eternity update, discussing souls, the level of technology in the game world and a new $5000 ledge tier. Here's a lengthy snip on technology:

The cultures of Project Eternity are in a variety of different technological states. Though some remote civilizations are still in the equivalent of Earth's Stone Age or Bronze Age, most large civilizations are in the equivalent of Earth's high or late Middle Ages. The most aggressive and powerful civilizations are in the early stages of what would be our early modern period, technologically, even if they are not culturally undergoing "Renaissance"-style changes.
For most large civilizations, this means that all of the core arms and armor of medieval warfare have reached a high level of development: full suits of articulated plate armor, a variety of military swords, war hammers, polearms, longbows, crossbows, and advanced siege weaponry. Architecturally, these cultures also employ technologies found in Earth's Gothic structures, allowing them to create towering vertical structures.
The most recent technologies seeing use in the world are ocean-going carrack-style ships and black powder firearms (notably absent: the printing press). Cultures with large navies and mercantile traffic are exploring the world, which has led to contact with previously-unknown lands and societies and settlement in new lands. Despite their intense drive, these explorers have been restricted from aggressive long-range exploration by monstrous sea creatures that pose a lethal, seemingly insurmountable threat to even the stoutest, most well-armed ships.
Black powder firearms are of the single-shot wheellock variety. Largely considered complex curiosities, these weapons are not employed extensively by military forces. Their long reload times are considered a liability in battles against foes that are too monstrous to drop with a single volley, foes that fly or move at high speed, and foes that have the power of invisibility. Despite this, some individuals do employ firearms for one specific purpose: close range penetration of the arcane veil, a standard magical defense employed by wizards. The arcane veil is powerful, but it does not react well to the high-velocity projectiles generated by arquebuses and handguns. As a result, more wizards who previously relied on the veil and similar abjurations have turned to traditional armor for additional defense.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The souls concept stay in familiar ground for Obsidian (it have aspect of Planescape Torment and Mask of the Betrayer stories). The gods keeping the "sheeps" confused is really interesting as well. I can already see all the crazy people were are going to meet. Also, they have way to make sequels with the same character(soul), but different body and skills (and no memories).

Oh and firearms > wizards's shield is awesome. So is wizard in armor. Now I want more information about the mechanics, because wizard in armor have been a really rare occurrence in party cRPGs.

The new tier is almost all taken now too and I expect to see a RPGCodex squad (they already reserved a spot actually)...
Oct 13, 2007
Aw...guns vs. wizards - a little flavor of old Arcanum, although in a different historic era. Makes me go all misty.
Jan 30, 2012
San Francisco
Oh and firearms > wizards's shield is awesome. So is wizard in armor. Now I want more information about the mechanics, because wizard in armor have been a really rare occurrence in party cRPGs.

Maybe they mean expensive woven silk body armor? Otherwise wizards walking around in plate mail might cause a few game-balance issues.
Mar 22, 2012
So they've got Cain covering tech vs magic Arcanum style and Avellone/Sawyer doing their whole soul routine. Could turn out very well. I am looking forward to further updates about game mechanics, classes and what not.
Oct 18, 2006
Maybe they mean expensive woven silk body armor? Otherwise wizards walking around in plate mail might cause a few game-balance issues.

There is no reason why a mage or sorcerer can't wear armor. Only in D&D games and other tabletop games does this apply because of game balance and no other reason.

That's one reason why I love Skyrim. I can play as a true Mage Knight and not be limited to robes and simple weapons.

Anyway back on topic the info given makes me more interested and glad I put down $65. I hope they meet all there goals and more as there is still 20+ days left.
Oct 1, 2010
Maybe they mean expensive woven silk body armor? Otherwise wizards walking around in plate mail might cause a few game-balance issues.

Not that much different from clerics in D&D. The soul explanation suggest warriors can do "miracles" too.

As for "game-balance issues", we know nothing about the combat system beside that it is RTwP. They are designing it from scratch and it include spellcasters wearing armor. I think that it will be balance (well as well as any combat system can be balanced).
Oct 13, 2007
Mmm, that update made me think of both Torment and Arcanum. The game is sounding better and better.

I agree, it feels like Arcanum in the 16th century with a strong PS:T/MotB infuence. Simply perfect.

Without any publisher interference, and considering the scope of the world, the Obsidian designers are going to have a real blast making this game.
Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain
First thing I don't like about PE. I HATE! mixing technology and fantasy, I HATE! gunpowder in my fantasy games. That's why I've never enjoyed any 'cyber-punk' games, even Arcanum I tried because of good word of mouth, couldn't play more than 3 hours. But guess that's just me.
Sep 23, 2008
First thing I don't like about PE. I HATE! mixing technology and fantasy, I HATE! gunpowder in my fantasy games. That's why I've never enjoyed any 'cyber-punk' games, even Arcanum I tried because of good word of mouth, couldn't play more than 3 hours. But guess that's just me.

No it's not just you. I've never enjoyed guns in my fantasy. Hopefully they will be ignorable.
Honestly, I'm happy that this isn't just another painfully generic fantasy setting. I'd play it regardless (I threw that money down instantly), but I think the standard fantasy is a little played out. I'm happy they're at least changing it up with some early modern elements and some interesting metaphysics.
Sep 16, 2011
There is no reason why a mage or sorcerer can't wear armor. Only in D&D games and other tabletop games does this apply because of game balance and no other reason.

Well, another reason can be adherence to tradition; historical (and fictional) Wizards aren't known for their heavy battle armor. But as long as the magic system doesn't actually require subtle limb movements or prohibit contact with iron, then sure, why not? On the other hand, I seem to recall that guns were the reason soldiers eventually did away with metal armor.
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Mar 22, 2012
First thing I don't like about PE. I HATE! mixing technology and fantasy, I HATE! gunpowder in my fantasy games. That's why I've never enjoyed any 'cyber-punk' games, even Arcanum I tried because of good word of mouth, couldn't play more than 3 hours. But guess that's just me.

Yeah, but... Ultima cannon and muskets.
Feb 23, 2009
Well, another reason can be adherence to tradition; historical (and fictional) Wizards aren't known for their heavy battle armor. But as long as the magic system doesn't actually require subtle limb movements or prohibit contact with iron, then sure, why not? On the other hand, I seem to recall that guns were the reason soldiers eventually did away with metal armor.

i would think opportunity cost is what did away with armor. the resources to build metal armor would be more profitable for a war machine when put into guns and cannon. though curiasser's still wore metal armor effectively i believe.

i would think a mage couldn't wear metal armor due to magnetism and most "magic" forces would seem to be hindered by metal. though i suppose making exceptions with a certain metal type actually being a focus for a certain magic school would make some sense. also the amonimity of not being a warrior, which would fit all but a battle mage/holy warrior whatever, would make sense wearing a robe or other clothes. whatever the world setting magic is sure to be unpopular with some people and a warriors garb i would think would stand out more than other garb.
Oct 26, 2006
There´s always technology in fantasy games ;).
I guess that stuff that has more connotations with modern times can lower the escapism factor for some.

Personally, I like everything what I´ve read in this update and the setting already intrigues me, it seems ripe for creative exploitation.
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Apr 4, 2008
I guess that stuff that has more connotations with modern times can lower the escapism factor for some.

Or D&D and "fantasy" novels screwed people perception of historical warfare.

Firearms were invented in the 12th century (blackpowder in the 9th century). Plate mail were invented in the 13th century and limited to really rich people. Both were used together in Europe until plate mail were "phased out". Guns stayed around though.
Oct 13, 2007
"Also, didn't Might and Magic 6 and Wizardry have spaceships? "

From the beginning, Might and Magic has had spaceships.

"though curiasser's still wore metal armor effectively i believe."
They wore a lot less than their knightly predecessors, but, yeah, they still wore metal armor on their torso. In fact, their name comes from their armor:

"Both were used together in Europe until plate mail were "phased out". Guns stayed around though. "
Yeah, plate and other metal armors only became phased out as arquebusiers and pistols became more common. Arquebusiers reduced the utility of the armor, while pistols gave the calvary an altered role. As a result, calvary became more focused on mobility, leading to cuirassiers.
Sep 16, 2011
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