Biowear blames rival, for bad ratings

Does Biowear make good games?

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But they have themselves to blame for fake 10/10 reviews on metacritic

So their employees are now pretenting to be independent gamers. And then they blame 4chan and the codex for the zeros. Incredible.

I would be shocked if they didn't do things like that.

It's just one more reason not to care about such things.
I would be shocked if they didn't do things like that.

It's just one more reason not to care about such things.

Well, not sure. Cost vs benefit. PR cost of being caught 'cheating' (moderate), benefit of one positive voice in 1300 (quite low).
Feb 28, 2011
Well, not sure. Cost vs benefit. PR cost of being caught 'cheating' (moderate), benefit of one positive voice in 1300 (quite low).

Generally, no one bothers to research such backgrounds. It took some doing.

Besides, everyone is entitled to an opinion - and I honestly don't see anything inherently wrong with liking what's essentially your own work.

Then again, I don't have much faith in people regarding their ability to be objective.

Anyone giving Dragon Age 2 such a score, would not rate highly on my reviewer scale - that's for sure.
You can't make truly great games on a factory line - you have to have passionate people be part of the project leadership to maintain a cohesive vision.

Sure, you can be driven by greed and sales - but you have to get people who're willing to invest themselves creatively at the top.

Suits will never make good game designers, no matter who they hire to be pulled on their strings.
Normally I get a good chuckle out of your quasi-utopian stuff, but you actually hit on some truth here. And better yet, the fundamental theory isn't just limited to artistic endeavors. If you'll excuse a bit of verbal awkwardness, even great factory lines don't get made on a factory line, either.

Suits don't make good leaders in general because they never get emotionally invested in the product or the process. To truly do anything well, you have to have some passion for excellence and that sort of corporate culture has to come from the top down--not as a dictate, but as an example.

I bet that hurt a little bit admitting it's OK to be driven by sales and greed. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
At one time now many years ago (about maybe 2007-2008), the codex was indeed the pinnacle of critical thinking and the codex's posters could analyze a game for the good or the bad. And see the good in any game and the bad in any game. The codex at that time were at least able to be somewhat objective about the (rpg) games being played.

It seems that in the last few years thhe codex are not able to do this anymore; it seems that today the codex will be critical just to be critical. And the Codex bashing Bioware has gone on for many years, this is true. I have tried to write that DA:O and DA2 probably not are that bad games, if you can look behind the gameplay, the dialogue wheel and the lackluster combat. All Bioware games suffer from somewhat not so well made gameplay, a form a lackluster combat and the illusion of diaogue choices that matters. Bioware games should be played for their story, for the characters, for the interaction between the characters, and for the dialogue (not the choices in dialogue, though).

However, blaming the Codex for DA2's somewhat bad reviews is bad harsh, I find; unless you think an 8/10 is a bad score, I don't see any reason behind why it should be so.

There're so many useless forum topics in RPGCodex, I agree with that. But, I don't agree with you about they're critical in order to be just critical. For example, there are two very detailed reviews about DA:O in the article section. And they reviewed it with every aspects of the game. How many reviews out there that touches so many things of the game in one review? Yes the language they are using can be somewhat slangy and sarcastic, but it's also fun to read.

Anyway there're three sites on the internet where I consider their reviews seriously and decide to buy my games according to their opinion: Rpgwatch, Gamebanshee and Rpgcodex (and of course Gamegear because of Mike).
Oct 30, 2006
So their employees are now pretenting to be independent gamers. And then they blame 4chan and the codex for the zeros. Incredible.
Lol ok but the 1 or 0 to DA2 are coming from total idiots, no other explanation for that, and no it's not a matter of subjectivity, just a matter of ridiculous haters.
Oct 14, 2007
I wonder when we can get past this DA2 thing :)
Lol that's the question. Myself i also wonder if DA series will survive of that, now I'm playing it, I think so, but still wonder. For sure a good bet is that EA will put a pause to the series but the question is how long. Another question is if Bioware won't disband in part, or if they'll try like Bethesda did with FO3 but in a totally different context, give the next in the series to someone else. Myself I think this would be a good idea to bring some fresh air to it. But perhaps ends it too, but anyway everything has a end.
Oct 14, 2007
I clicked all those links and saw nothing Bioware said other than Stanley Woo closing threads, which is his job.

In any case it would not surprise me to see certain groups spamming user review sites with bad reviews. Would not surprise me at all.

Good, then I'm not the only one who didn't see any such Bioware statement.

My first impression on this thread was that either the original poster is an idiot or it's a pretty clever trolling attempt. I tend to believe in people's intelligence. ;)
Aug 30, 2006
DA2 is the direct result of having enough resources, but no passion or cohesive creative motivation to create something special…
You clearly don't have played the game or you would realize how wrong this is. You should better play it if you plan comment it, do differently makes no sense at all. Even read some comments from other to get your detailed conclusion and analysis on the game doesn't mean anything. :)
Oct 14, 2007
Lol ok but the 1 or 0 to DA2 are coming from total idiots, no other explanation for that, and no it's not a matter of subjectivity, just a matter of ridiculous haters.

so what happens if you genuinely were disappointed with the game?
Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands
Disappointed up to put it 0 or 1 on 10, lol I won't even argue with that.
Oct 14, 2007
That apparently isn't possible in the minds of some people. Anyone who doesn't like it is either lying or they haven't actually played it. :roll:

Bravo good point. I neither love it or hate it after playing the game. Its an average game at the end of the day. Disappointing.:p
Oct 1, 2010
Feb 22, 2011
Virgin Islands
But they have themselves to blame for fake 10/10 reviews on metacritic

So their employees are now pretenting to be independent gamers. And then they blame 4chan and the codex for the zeros. Incredible.

The Metacritic rating has clearly been manipulated in both directions. Why should I be outraged that BioWare might have pulled in one direction, when others are clearly pulling in the other? It's not a great game but there are dozens of 0/10 scores in a few seconds of scrolling.

I couldn't care less about the low score but the indignation in the other direction is just as bad.

@ D'Artagnon, I don't often agree -- but well said.

Right, I'm out of this thread - it doesn't deserve the oxygen its getting.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The Metacritic rating has clearly been manipulated in both directions. Why should I be outraged that BioWare might have pulled in one direction, when others are clearly pulling in the other? It's not a great game but there are dozens of 0/10 scores in a few seconds of scrolling.

I couldn't care less about the low score but the indignation in the other direction is just as bad.

There are many issues here
1) Hypocrisy by BW - "OMG the 4ch@/codex conspirators are unfairly manipulating metactritic (one thread given as evidence)" ...followed by their own unfair manipulation of metacitic.
2) If I as an individual post an opinion on metactritic regarding a game I have only demo'd, it's a bit douchey. But when BioWare post an opinion on their own game without disclosure it's ... illegal. Slight difference.
3) The zeros are fishy, the game does not deserve that, but why would a few thousand random dudes go to all the effort to set up disposable accounts and write semi-coherent (well in about 60% of cases at least) negatives on game?
4) If I posted a "call to arms" on any forum asking them to bash Skyrim ... why would a thousand+ people feel inclined to obey? Surely if I wanted to do that, I would just talk to some dude in a big city Chinese internet cafe, and offer $1 for each review. We'd soon see 10,000+ reviews go the way I decide. So why would I issue a call to arms on the codex/4ch@?
Feb 28, 2011
Normally I get a good chuckle out of your quasi-utopian stuff, but you actually hit on some truth here. And better yet, the fundamental theory isn't just limited to artistic endeavors. If you'll excuse a bit of verbal awkwardness, even great factory lines don't get made on a factory line, either.

Suits don't make good leaders in general because they never get emotionally invested in the product or the process. To truly do anything well, you have to have some passion for excellence and that sort of corporate culture has to come from the top down—not as a dictate, but as an example.

I bet that hurt a little bit admitting it's OK to be driven by sales and greed. ;)

Nothing quasi about my utopia :)

Oh, and I didn't say it was OK to be driven by greed and sales - but just that it's possible to produce from that standpoint.

However, I don't even bother with the "ok" bit - I just look at the result. To me, it's not what I play games for - but I'm sure it's "ok" to those who're not of the same disposition.

But we agree on the factory line bit, because even a factory line needs love to operate smoothly ;)

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