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GOG - Totally Topware Weekend Sale

by Couchpotato, 2014-02-08 11:04:52 is offering the entire Topware catalog for 70% off.

Two Worlds series, Earth 2100s series, Knights and Merchants, and other top Topware classics 70% off!

This weekend, we offer you GOG's entire Topware catalog 70% off! Among all of the games it features, we'd like to put one in the spotlight the most. There are games that never get hyped much in the media and aren't considered milestones of their genre, but still success in accumulating a modding community so large and dedicated, that you could say the development of such title never really stopped. Such is the case of Knights & Merchants, a medieval real-time strategy with in-depth society simulation and epic-scaled armies. Even though the game came out in 2001, a community of talented fans doesn't stop in their effort to, fix and tweak it, make it enjoyable for the modern gamer, and support it with all the features the fanbase demands. All this goes towards a impressive mod, that we recently featured in one of our Mod Spotlight editorial. Get the game for only $1.79. check out the mod, and witness the magic of PC gaming community!

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