Lords of Xulima - Review @ Digitally Downloaded


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October 1, 2010
Digitally Downloaded published a new review about Lords of Xulima this week.

Lords of Xulima is strictly for the more masochistic of gamers. Its merciless difficulty that only exponentially spikes the further you play should come as a dream come true for fans who like the ultimate in ball-kicking. If you identify yourself as one of them, this game is totally for you. And I would also recommend that people who are not gung-ho on the hard games do themselves a favour and just this once take the punch in the gut, because Lords of Xulima is a gorgeous, resplendent title that will incur your wrath often enough, but will equally never disappoint.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
It's not THAT difficult, most old school players will be fine playing on "Old School Veteran" the standard difficulty.

I restarted a couple of times at around level 5 to get my party just right, and have been fine since, sure it's challenging at times but if you are willing to grind monsters then you'll get plenty of XP.

There's a good character guide on steam too which I highly recommend by nerdcommando.gamestudios.

I've really enjoyed playing this game, getting close to the end now with over 150 hours on the clock!

Oct 19, 2006
It starts hard enough, but after a bit it's not that difficult at all. My only real problem with the game is how long it is. I abandoned it after like 60 hours and still only about halfway through.
Sep 23, 2008
It's not difficult... but rather tedious after the first few dozen hours. If all you're trying to do is solve some quests and you run into random encounter after random encounter after random encounter, it gets to be quite the chore after a while.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
I would say the opposite is true. It starts out very hard, but gets easier as time goes on. The Hunting skill makes food less of a bother, my bard is killing bunches of trash mobs with a single Requiem (and then puts the rest to sleep), and my front line started rocking once I got enough stats and skill to wield two-handed Battle Axes and Flails.

I like this game a whole lot...
Mar 10, 2009
I would say the opposite is true. It starts out very hard, but gets easier as time goes on. The Hunting skill makes food less of a bother, my bard is killing bunches of trash mobs with a single Requiem (and then puts the rest to sleep), and my front line started rocking once I got enough stats and skill to wield two-handed Battle Axes and Flails.

I like this game a whole lot…

That kind of succulent gameplay makes it more interesting than 99% of the "artsy" gimmicky indie games that have been released as of late.
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
Tried it briefly and got a distinct "endless samey combat" feel from it. Is it strong when it comes to story and exploration?
Tried it briefly and got a distinct "endless samey combat" feel from it. Is it strong when it comes to story and exploration?

From what I've played, I'd say those aspects are decent but not "strong".

I doubt it's the type of game you would enjoy much.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
There are a few decent puzzly bits, but I wouldn't call them exploration really.

Some bits of exploration, but in a walled of world.

It's not a Skyrim for you....

Character customisation is quite good though and the battles are quite well done within their limitations.

I think the AI is a bit stupid though quite often and that makes the game just pump out more difficult opponents by making them much stronger.

It feels more like a battle of inflation than anything else in my opinion.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
There are a few decent puzzly bits, but I wouldn't call them exploration really.

Some bits of exploration, but in a walled of world.

It's not a Skyrim for you….

Character customisation is quite good though and the battles are quite well done within their limitations.

I think the AI is a bit stupid though quite often and that makes the game just pump out more difficult opponents by making them much stronger.

It feels more like a battle of inflation than anything else in my opinion.

Thanks for the info :)

It doesn't have to be a Skyrim - which is really its own kind of thing for me, but it really needs to have more than just combat. I loved Phantasie III back in the day - but I'm way past that kind of grind.

I like what you're saying about puzzles - as that's one of my favorite aspects of old-school RPGs.

But, overall, it doesn't sound too appealing. Maybe on a rainy day :)
I think the party building in it is actually quite fun, though I have most certainly temporarily run out of steam with it after 110 hours. It has definitely had its grinding moments for me at least. The content itself is middling at best at times and the combat does become slightly repetitive, but I've enjoyed the quasi-Baldur's Gate like exploration and discovery within the dungeons.

I agree with Pladio on it being very easy to pick up. I'll perhaps take a short break, then get back and finish it before too long. I sense I've not too far to go. (1 titan down, all princes accounted for.) My party is around level 34.
Jul 12, 2009
Ok maybe I suck at playing these games. HOWEVER, I find Lords of Xulima too hard. I get my but handed to me by trying to kills a few mushrooms. One of them has group poison that eventually kills all of my characters. I am using a thief, Paladin, cleric, bard and Summoner. I try killing the AOE mob to no avail. I NEED HELP. I am obviously not the only one since there are many players asking for a trainer.
Apr 5, 2015
Taxguy, I haven't played the game, but from what I heard from the developers, you may be "biting off more than you chew" in an area you're not supposed to be yet at your level. Just a though. Maybe try another route and see if you can handle enemies in another part of the map. :thinking:

P.S. This sounds like a game I gotta play. :)
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