Drakensang: TDE - A Closer Look Video

XYes, a mountain is there as well, but the reason why it was called "Dragons Song" was basically that it is a hint towards the big saga coming - to which both games were kind of prequels ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
What people like you miss, DArt, is that old stuff has a genius level as well. Just because it's old doesn't mean it doesn't have some genius in it.

You have to remember that back in the day, these things were considered amazing for their time.

Some of those old synths from the '70s are now being highly sought after for a reason. Of course, I liked them before they became trendy, but you can see why these things are treasured now. :D

It's similar to games. The vintage analog synths of the '70s were considered junk in the '80s, and most of them were trashed and thrown away. Then in the '90s, you could buy the best vintage synths for pennies on the dollar of what they originally cost. Current day, everyone wants a vintage analog, they are rare and go for big bucks. So I've seen how humans work first hand by studying that.

It goes something like this. New thing, it's amazing! Newer thing comes out a year later, old thing is trashed/upgraded/gotten rid of. 5 years later, people like me say, "hey, this thing is pretty cool! Let's investigate". 10 years later, people start getting into it again. A little bit later, everyone wants it because it's vintage, cool and now presumably rare. Rinse and repeat. :cool:

Same thing with games. The graphics may not look like the latest Call of Duty game, but there is some genius to be found in their designs.

I am a spelunker, in that sense. A purveyor of fine, ancient goods. :)

No, you keep claiming I don't like old things or that I don't like games with old concepts. You're confused.

I wonder if it's easier to believe that people who're not obsessed with the past - are people who actively dismiss it? That's not how it works, though. Maybe for kids.

I like PoE - and I like the good aspects of what it takes from old concepts. But old concepts are still old concepts, and I like things to move forward too. I don't want to relive the "good old days" over and over. That doesn't mean I can't enjoy a solid game like PoE - it just means I refuse to pretend it's better than it is, as I'm not emotionally invested in old things. I don't really care if something is new or old - I care if I've already played it or seen it a hundred times before.

I've been a passionate gamer since the age of six - so I've seen pretty much what there is to see, as I've owned dozens of platforms - and I've had more time available than most, and I used to dedicate every waking moment just to playing and reading about games, exclusively. So, let's just say I don't think you have much on me there.

But for things like movies, I love experiencing classics I haven't seen, as they're new to me - and a lot of them are truly great. In fact, my favorite movies are mostly from 1940 to 1990.

I'm the one enjoying old and new games, as well as old and new concepts. You're the one dismissing the impact of progress and the value of evolution. You're the one giving all the breaks to the old and all the bitching to the new.

You're emotionally invested in the old - and you WANT it to be better than it is, even if it's still good.

That's not what I'm about. I'm about seeing things for what they are - and I'm about taking what's good and improving upon it. That doesn't mean the old wasn't good or that I've forgotten about the past. It means I want things to get better all the time - and I realise the world doesn't stand still - nor should it.

There's no genius in new and old - there's genius in genius and it's ageless.

But this is hardly the place for such discussion :)
For example, I just talked down an angry bear with my Amazon because her Animal Lore skill was high enough. Little things like that add a great level of role-play, fun and an unpredictable aspect the game.
That sort of moment in Drakensang were a real pleasure and I wonder how someone loving to roleplay can say this game was dull through and through ?! For me it was one of my favorite since the Infinity Engine series. I've always felt a special love for Das Schwarze Auge system and consider it to be a better role playing system compared to D&D.
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
However, I felt like DArtagnan - I spent only a couple of hours and never bought the game (I wasn't entertained like I thought I should be, the game didn't click with me). I sank heaps of hours into King's Bounty series instead…
Now that you mention it I think I understand what both you and Dartagnan mean ! I guess you felt about TDE what I felt about TRoT. Despite having a great time with the first game and completing it with much pleasure, I've never (till now) been able to invest that much time into the second one. I've never been quite able to explain why but somehow I've never found the pleasure I had with TDE. Still I know most players think the second iteration was better but it never clicked with me !
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
Now that you mention it I think I understand what both you and Dartagnan mean ! I guess you felt about TDE what I felt about TRoT. Despite having a great time with the first game and completing it with much pleasure, I've never (till now) been able to invest that much time into the second one. I've never been quite able to explain why but somehow I've never found the pleasure I had with TDE. Still I know most players think the second iteration was better but it never clicked with me !

I had the same experience with TRoT. It seemed like it should have been a good game, but I just couldn't stay interested in it.
Mar 22, 2012
Well said Gloo but for me I didn't enjoy Drakensang as much as I did the sequel and expansion. They are both good games though, and everyone should buy them.:nod:

It's a shame the developer was bought by Bigpoint, and Drakensang was turned into an online browser game. Wasn't the Demonicon RPG set in part of the game world also?
Oct 1, 2010
Reportedly Demonicon's strong points are story and quests. Add ugly graphics and average action combat.
Aug 30, 2006
I owned an ARP Odyssey, Thrasher. And let me tell you this, I would prefer the smaller, single oscillator ARP Axxe over the Odyssey. Why? The Axxe was an instrument. The Odyssey was like piloting the Starship Enterprise. :D

Korg remade the Odyssey and it should be released soon. I'd definitely pick one up again. Great machines. They are great for experimenting on, but with no patch memory, it can become difficult to use.

The Axxe, by the way, was extremely simple to use and sounded great. It lacked all the features of the Odyssey, but was superior for actually making music in a studio with. :)
Personally I´d recommend skipping this one in favour of The River of Time to anyone who´s interested in playing a Drakensang game (and doesn´t mind fairytale-y vibes and rather slow paced combat).
TRoT´s numerous improvements made a huge difference in my book, a 5/10 to 8.5/10 kind of difference.

Compared to the predecessor, the game has a lot less filler combat, better quest design, better encounter design, better puzzles, better use of character system, better itemization, better storytelling and is just all around a lot tighter experience overall.
The first game has more available companions and that´s it and I don´t think that makes up for a generally run-of-the-mill, plodding and repetitive experience the campaign provides.

I don´t remember playing a sequel which improved upon a same framework predecessor to such degree TRoT did.
Apr 4, 2008
Thx Gorath for the info and here is the link :
Runs for another day and a half.
They say "Redeemable on Steam" but I can't find Drakensang: The River of Time on Steam's catalogue (only Drakensang 1 shows up).
Weird… I guess I'll pay and see…

River of Time on Steam:

I like both Drakensang games and the older Realms of Arkania series as well.

The two 'a' in Drakensang are pronounced like the 'a' in the word 'dark', not like the 'a' in drake. The first 'a' is spoken more slowly than the second.
Oct 18, 2006
consider it to be a better role playing system compared to D&D.

Bold statement, Gloo! I haven't played enough of the TDE system to really prefer it over D&D, but it's certainly shined brightly in the 2 games I've experienced it in. :thumbsup:
Probably also depends on the editions.

What I can say for sure though is that I prefer the world of TDA to the "main" worlds of D&D. (Well, would like to see more Stuff from the Dark Sun World though).

I also prefered the Ruleset of the Realms of Arkania Games to the ones of Eye of the Beholder, and prefered the Ruleset of the Drakensang Games to the ones of NWN2 ;)
Jun 2, 2012
Eh, why do we even have to prefer one to the other, anyway? :thinking: There's room in our hearts for both of them. :)
Multiple diverse powers and what I call toys is just my way of referring to distinct abilities that add to the richness of combat or interaction with the world in general…

Well, it seems a little strange to me. There are several social skills to use in dialogues, crafting skills, hunting and thieving skills, some special skills like perception and iron will, combat skills (for both att and def), weapon skills, few puzzles too… so where is the problem with interactivity and abilities there? Can you compare it to other RPGs? Do you think the game lacks something new, is it old-school too much?
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
Yeah, it has plenty of toys for me to play and experiment with. It gets really creative and fun the more time you put into it as you unravel it bit by bit. It may seem a bit sparse at first, but once you're able to develop your characters, it gets really interesting and fun.

I think the skill checks are some of the best in the genre. The game was really built to implement these checks well. Cool stuff! :)
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