A Quest That Became Legend - Released

largh-this game looks awesome....if you compare it to MM3-8 :D
True. The worms or whatever they are look decent and the forest is not bad for an indie game. My point was that the M&M combat style was perhaps a necessity set by the lack of experimentation, CRPGs coming from the tabletop world, and technology. I bet that had computers been better that time, the devs would have chosen a different style closer to Dark Souls shite ;) The M&M style appears to appeal to some few people who want to relive the 90s nostalgia of playing RPGs on computer instead of tabletop plus some odd younger nerds. Even most oldies prefer the ARPG style in most mainstream games these days, let alone something as well designed as Dark Souls (purely mechanic-wise). I am surprised that the market for the M&M style is not wider, though. It seems that only indies dare to develop games using that combat mechanics. We knew that we are a niche, but this niche...
Jun 19, 2020
@daveyd This game is almost purely a turn-based combat exercise. The dev gives you a bunch of skills and you mix and match them in a battle chess type of scenario. You have to learn where you can go, you need to go to town by enough of the right potions to help you win and you need to sell and upgrade your kit constantly as you progress. On easy the game isn't bad at all, at normal it is quite challenging and hard would be for the elite tacticians out there. I don't have a prayer on hard, but others finish it fine.
Oct 18, 2006
While it's $30 in the US, it's nearly $44 here in Oz and though I would never eat at Chew and Spew, my wife and I can both eat at an excellent 'All you can Eat' restaurant for a combined $44!! :)
How many hours of enjoyment will that meal give you? This game will give you 60 hours of enjoyment minimum and that doesn't count if you want to go back up for some juicy dessert of alternate builds and/or higher difficulties :p I get you though. I'm the same about games I'm not certain about. I watched a few youtubers before taking the plunge myself. I just can't pass up MM-type games at all.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm the same, the lure of an M&M game is usually too hard to resist, though for now I'm more than satisfied with revisiting Grimrock two. Thirty bucks is dear to me yet not too much.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I'm playing on normal and this game is hard. The jump from goblins to undead was a big spike. Also, the 5 attribute points a lvl are frustrating because you want to get a character speed to 50 for two actions. I'm enjoying it but I wish there were a few easier battles to grind lvls on. A few respawn points would be fine with me.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
Ah, can you eat for 70 hours at that price, Corwin 😜
Oct 18, 2006
I found the orc and kobold area so that's the way to go before the undead.
Yeah, half the battle is learning what you can fight. Undead isn't it. You can tackle the Giant Rats and the lower level orcs and kobolds. You should find your way to the first town on the 2nd map. There are two caves on the first map that you can probably do. Undead is more like level 10 or so.
Oct 18, 2006
What is mildly sad is, because this game is quite difficult, nobody is buying it and the guy is about to give up on it. A Might and Magic attempt that people won't spend $30 on to keep the genre going. This and Legendary Journeys are both very valid attempts at the genre, but I doubt either guy will make another. Why pour 4 years of your life into something that gives back so little. The crpg genre as we knew it is almost gone. We'll only have Dark Souls and Path of Exile shite in its place.
I notice someone mentioned a likely issue with marketing, and I think this is probably the crux.

There's just too much stuff out there and the term RPG has become so convoluted that using that as your search criteria won't help you find the games you like and will, in fact, make it harder to find games like this.

It's almost like a whole new name is required for different kinds of RPGs, so that those who like specific types of games can find them more easily ;)
Nov 1, 2014
I agree, lackblogger. Might and Magic 6+ is different than the grid-based dungeon crawlers like Grimrock or Eye of the Beholder. Archaelund is like a super low level version of this game but with better writing and more robust villages. Became is mostly battles with little breaks to sell old gear so you can equip the new gear and buy spells/potions. It's simple, yet addictive. I hope Hastar is having fun.
Oct 18, 2006
My party is level 18 now and killing trolls and orcs. There is great variety in magic items and it's hard to decide what to equip at times. I think I will go to the Viper Cave next because it was fixed in the last patch.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
My party is level 18 now and killing trolls and orcs. There is great variety in magic items and it's hard to decide what to equip at times. I think I will go to the Viper Cave next because it was fixed in the last patch.
You're catching up to me quick. I'm level 22 I think. Of course, I have two parties going. One lowbie to help dev find bad grammar/spelling.
Oct 18, 2006
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