Cyanide Studios - A Game of Thrones RPG

I played there first rpg called Loki and it was not a good game. Hopefully they learned from there mistakes. So I will be neutral for now and see when the two games come out.

Cyanide is not know for learning about their mistakes. Their games are usually utter bullshit, they have their priorities completely wrong and the fact that the graphics are relatively pretty looking on the screenshots is a thing to worry about.
May 27, 2007
Porto, Portugal
You bit…which was what he was going for.

I kinda figured the post for a troll, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. As you may, or may not know, I've only been here a couple of months. Learning all the new personalities.
Feb 2, 2011
First off…there's 4 books so far, and in a multi-volume series, it's not uncommon for a series to go beyond it's designated number.

I'm not a big fan of the "infinite series" disease in fantasy novels, though. But that might be because they inevitably devolve into crap. Sword of Truth started out terrible and became worse. Wheel of Time started out decent but declines fast. Even Song of Ice & Fire's 4th book was noticeably worse than the preceding ones, one of the reasons I haven't bothered to keep up with the happenstances of the 5th. If it's as bad, wooheeeeh.

Most importantly, why would the game need to have anything in common with PS:T?

Because they said it will?
Oct 19, 2006
I'm not a big fan of the "infinite series" disease in fantasy novels, though. But that might be because they inevitably devolve into crap. Sword of Truth started out terrible and became worse. Wheel of Time started out decent but declines fast. Even Song of Ice & Fire's 4th book was noticeably worse than the preceding ones, one of the reasons I haven't bothered to keep up with the happenstances of the 5th. If it's as bad, wooheeeeh.

I agree wholeheartedly. I never got past book 5 of the Sword of Truth series, primarily because the tone of the novels was far too whiny and melodramatic. Jordan just got carried away with describing every single nuance of his world, and I was about ready to give up after book 9, but after investing ten freaking years, I might as well finish it, especially now that Sanderson has made it worth reading again. I've never had a problem with Martin's SOIAF books, primarily because I love all the political intrigue, convoluted plots, and machinations that go on. I can see things coming to a head and resolution a lot quicker than 9 books, too. Especially considering each single book is near 800 pages.

Because they said it will?

Goddammit. Maybe I read some of the articles a little closer. I have no idea how they would pull that off. The world of Westeros doesn't seem particularly compatible with Planescape's weirdness.
Feb 2, 2011
Are these the same guys that did the half-baked job at the Blood Bowl remake (and subsiquent "Legendary" edition that added stuff that the original remake left out) ? If so I dont have very high expectations for this one. I hope Im wrong
Oct 21, 2006
The Hudson Valley, NY
I'm not a big fan of the "infinite series" disease in fantasy novels, though. But that might be because they inevitably devolve into crap. Sword of Truth started out terrible and became worse. Wheel of Time started out decent but declines fast. Even Song of Ice & Fire's 4th book was noticeably worse than the preceding ones, one of the reasons I haven't bothered to keep up with the happenstances of the 5th. If it's as bad, wooheeeeh.

Ice and Fire I've never read, but I will now.

The Wheel of Time went bad? How so? Too many plots and characters being woven around each other?

Personally I just finished the latest one in the series and can't wait for the conclusion next year.

Sword of Truth is a different matter entirely. I liked those books because it took a different approach to magic and fantasy, but the man needed to figure out a different problem other than Kahlan missing AGAIN!!! How many times was that woman going to disappear? Plus he repeated himself over and over again just to add more pages to his book, but overall it wasn't that bad. Something more akin to a soap opera, but I like an over-the-top soap opera every now and then ;) Sorta like junk food.

I'm onto the Discworld novels now and have about 20 left that I absolutely have to hunt down. The last one I read was Mort and I never laughed so hard. I literally was in tears for about 10 minutes and couldn't stop giggling for about an hour after that. God that man has a way with words and looking at the world that is just amazingly funny.
Feb 3, 2007
Ice and Fire I've never read, but I will now.

One of the best epic fantasy series I have ever read. Gritty. Defintely not for the kiddies.

The Wheel of Time went bad? How so? Too many plots and characters being woven around each other?

Personally I just finished the latest one in the series and can't wait for the conclusion next year.

Ummm...not that it went bad, but right around book 7, it felt really slow and bloated to me. I dunno...through book 5 there was a certain tempo, and it's like the books lost their rhythm for a while. I'm particularly pleased with what Brandon Sanderson has done, and I'm all in again.

Sword of Truth is a different matter entirely. I liked those books because it took a different approach to magic and fantasy, but the man needed to figure out a different problem other than Kahlan missing AGAIN!!! How many times was that woman going to disappear? Plus he repeated himself over and over again just to add more pages to his book, but overall it wasn't that bad. Something more akin to a soap opera, but I like an over-the-top soap opera every now and then ;) Sorta like junk food.

Precisely why I couldn't stand it. When a new book would come out, I'd ask myself, sarcastically, "I wonder if something is going to happen to Kahlan?" The soap opera reference is so spot-on, it's gross, especially when the whole series jumped the shark and went for the amnesia angle. Only Kahlan doesn't get amnesia, the rest of the world does. Uncle! UNCLE!

I'm onto the Discworld novels now and have about 20 left that I absolutely have to hunt down. The last one I read was Mort and I never laughed so hard. I literally was in tears for about 10 minutes and couldn't stop giggling for about an hour after that. God that man has a way with words and looking at the world that is just amazingly funny.

I got into those books about 9 years ago, and I have to say that Terry Pratchett is one of the most gifted users of the English language that I have ever read. After Sourcery, I was hooked, and I now have every book. Lords and Ladies, Small Gods, and Night Watch are particularly good examples of him at his best. I'm still crushed that the poor man was diagnosed with Alzheimers.
Feb 2, 2011
Are these the same guys that did the half-baked job at the Blood Bowl remake (and subsiquent "Legendary" edition that added stuff that the original remake left out) ?

I liked it. I know it wasn't too satisfactory for hardcore Blood Bowl fans but it was a pretty fun game.

Goddammit. Maybe I read some of the articles a little closer. I have no idea how they would pull that off. The world of Westeros doesn't seem particularly compatible with Planescape's weirdness.

Well the comparison is more to indicate how it will be narrative rather than action-focused, I think.

The Wheel of Time went bad? How so? Too many plots and characters being woven around each other?

I gave up on…the 7th? Or 8th? By this point he was simply dragging out the story for more content than it had, which came back in the form of overly long descriptions of irrelevant details, and a very annoying habit of parodying personal relations and putting them all in a cyclical pattern. It got a bit farcical to be honest. As fantasy sagas go the Wheel of Time's story never had the potential for this many pages, and it shows.

Plus he repeated himself over and over again just to add more pages to his book, but overall it wasn't that bad. Something more akin to a soap opera, but I like an over-the-top soap opera every now and then ;) Sorta like junk food.

Very much so, but a lot of the fantasy novel genre is. It isn't exactly an elevated genre. I think I read the Sword of Truth books at age 14-15 and I was literally laughing out loud at the end of the 4th book. I haven't read another one in the series since, but if even as a dumb teenager I could see what a joke this melodrama is, I don't get why it's so popular. Or rather, I do get it, but it's too bad.

At least Sam Raimi recognizes schlock when he sees it, and the Legend of the Seeker show is just schlocky fun.

The last one I read was Mort and I never laughed so hard.

Mort is probably the funniest Discworld novel, barring possibly Small Gods.
Oct 19, 2006
Hmmm I really enjoy the George RR martin books, they are all well written and enjoyable. As for jordan, his writting skills were not evry good in the first book, he got better but the series got bloated and hard to follow.

Anyone looking for a compact fantasy series of 3 books should read Tad Williams dragon bpone chair, awesome series.

Also, blood bowl was quite well done...compared to the original computer game it was light years ahead.
Apr 17, 2007
I picked up the series after as the second book was released and its been over 10 years since. He split Feast and Dance from a single book because Feast was taking too long. Supposedly he was close to finishing Dance but that was like 5 years ago and then Feast really wasnt that great compared to previous installments. I'm deeply worried about the Song of Ice and Fire books because its one of the few fantasy series I have liked. I'm not sure he really wants to work on the series any more either because of pressure or writers block and would rather edit other projects he has going on.

Regarding the RPG, I gathered the idea for invoking PS:T is that the game will be very narrative heavy. Basically more adventure than action which I think is appropriate for this series. I'm going to take a wait and see approach since its the main characters that make the books not the setting at least for me and I would be surprised if the RPG followed the main characters at all other than to use as cameos.
Apr 23, 2010
I kinda figured the post for a troll, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. As you may, or may not know, I've only been here a couple of months. Learning all the new personalities.

Thankfully, there are very few assholes on here (surprisingly). Welcome (belatedly) to the forums.

Oh, and for those who gave up on the WoT, Jordan managed to pull out of his tailspin for his last two books, then Sanderson (as mentioned above) really saved the day (i.e. started wrapping things up). As for the PS:T reference, I just took that for what it was worth: they want a deep story and branching dialog. And can we please stop talking about The Sword of Truth (unless, of course, someone wants to buy the set off of me :p (I no longer buy books a set at a time, without reading them first, because of this series)).
Oct 3, 2007
The Wheel of Time went bad? How so? Too many plots and characters being woven around each other?

That is the main reason I stopped reading The Wheel of Time to many characters that each book felt jumbled. It jumped around to much and focused on characters I didn't care about. It would of been better to make the series about Rand. After the fourth book the series went downhill.

Sword of Truth was Better than The Wheel of Time but got dragged on and ended in a lackluster way.

Harry Turtledove books are the same to many characters with there point of views its hard to go into to. Others enjoy the different characters and that's fine but I enjoy a book with the focus on a main character.
Oct 1, 2010
Also, blood bowl was quite well done…compared to the original computer game it was light years ahead.

Compared the the DOS version it was a masterpiece :)

As a Blood Bowl game is was ok, but there were still many skills left out or broken, and the overall adaptation of the game was mediocre. If you know how to play BB with any type of skill, the single player AI is too easy to beat. Im not saying it was a bad game, just ok. It was just not as complete and polished as a conversion of a tabletop game could be. If they would have concentrated on the turn-based mode and forgot about the real-time mode altogether (I know Chaos League was RT and their original reason for doing the BB game in the first place) it might have been alot better. The graphics are cool though.

Thats why Im hoping Im wrong. At least its something new and refreshing. I just hope they polish it off more than BB was and focus more on gameplay and less on graphics. I have no idea how their other games like the Pro Cycling game are. I only know them from BB
Last edited:
Oct 21, 2006
The Hudson Valley, NY
Which skills are broken? I'm just curious since I still play that from time to time and haven't noticed any that are broken.

The only aspect of Blood Bowl that I would like improved is the AI. Maybe it's asking too much for a decent AI with this type of game, but it would be nice to be able to play the computer and not totally own them in every way possible.

For me there are enough skills and teams to interest me in this game for quite a while.
Feb 3, 2007
I think Blood Bowl would have been better with more focus, yes, and could have been better regardless. But the AI argument I never get. Have you people just not been following game development? AI has been one of the most lagging elements in game development for years now. Devs can't build an AI that can beat you fairly. Sure, they can build an AI that cheats like hell, but that's about it. So what did you expect from Blood Bowl, miracles? If you're a veteran at the game, used to playing against human minds who are also veterans, how do you expect Cyanide to build an AI that can beat you? C'mon now.
Oct 19, 2006
^ ^

"AI doesn't improvise. We can only make it do Strategically Predictable, Break The Rules, or Stupid. There's no algorithm for Pulling Shit Out Of My Ass."
Feb 2, 2011
I think Blood Bowl would have been better with more focus, yes, and could have been better regardless. But the AI argument I never get. Have you people just not been following game development? AI has been one of the most lagging elements in game development for years now. Devs can't build an AI that can beat you fairly. Sure, they can build an AI that cheats like hell, but that's about it. So what did you expect from Blood Bowl, miracles? If you're a veteran at the game, used to playing against human minds who are also veterans, how do you expect Cyanide to build an AI that can beat you? C'mon now.

Hmmm, yes and no. Try out galactic civilizations 2 for a pretty awesome AI. It's pretty much known for that. As for blood bowl, I think where they really missed the mark isn't in the ai/skills but an actuall well thought match server where it actually setup large leagues and made you want to play on. Yes it has multiplayer but it is pretty lacklustre. I think maybe what the game needed was a online segment sort of like a MMO in the fact that you would be teired for competitions and such.
Apr 17, 2007
I'm onto the Discworld novels now and have about 20 left that I absolutely have to hunt down. The last one I read was Mort and I never laughed so hard. I literally was in tears for about 10 minutes and couldn't stop giggling for about an hour after that. God that man has a way with words and looking at the world that is just amazingly funny.

Just remember Rule 1. Always bear in mind Rule 1.
Feb 23, 2009
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