DArtagnan is he banned?

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I understand that you have to make judgement calls as a moderator. But, IMO, this problem stemmed from allowing another moderator to ask for money on the forum, which I think is very unwise.
What makes you think we "allowed" threads like that? Neither Fluent nor Couch asked before they opened their threads asking for donations. We're talking about several different levels here, of course.
I'm pretty sure the majority of the team wondered if the thread openers misunderstood certain community dynamics.

I think that if anyone does that, then it must also be fair to challenge the legitimacy of the request, and even to criticise the petitioner for it. It seemed to me that though Dart's criticisms were forceful, Fluent was also firing back in a similar manner, calling Dart an "ignorant fool". The situation did not have the appearance of fairness.
10 against 1 really didn't have an appearance of fairness. Plus there is a difference between questioning the request in your mind and posting your findings in a thread. You can think whatever you want, but your right to express it publically collides with the other person's personality rights. Then there's judgement by a mod. And of you don't do what the mod said, things happen similar to football.
Aug 30, 2006
Looking for approximately 1000 round bales. Grass or alfalfa mix ok. No swamp grass. Prefer minimal rain and 2nd cut if possible. $60-80/bale depending on mix and weight.
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Aug 13, 2013
Couch your becoming such a bada**. ;)

Its been a long uphill battle but slowly we have buffed him. Barkskin +1. A few more levels and we can get him an Ironskin +1.
Aug 13, 2013
10 against 1 really didn't have an appearance of fairness.

There is the real statement 10 against 1 fair or not. Dart was saying what a lot of people were either saying or thinking.

There has been a lot of hostel and not so hostel comments on the sort of thread that DArt got warn in. Maybe the key is banning threads like that one here.
Apr 2, 2011
There has been a lot of hostel and not so hostel comments on the sort of thread that DArt got warn in. Maybe the key is banning threads like that one here.

If we are taking votes, I'm against thread bans if possible. Especially about so meager issues. It teaches zero responsibility. People should be able to recognize what is getting them hooked and avoid it. Its not like you are gonna 'win' the internet.
If someone can't handle that, you can even block peeps!
Aug 13, 2013
Then there's judgement by a mod. And of you don't do what the mod said, things happen similar to football.
Of course, and I acknowledged a moderator's judgement in my last post. A referee could give a red card to anyone, for any reason, and the judgement is final. But we're not discussing the authority, rather the rights and wrongs of the whole situation.
What makes you think we "allowed" threads like that?
Because essentially the same thing has happened several times, and there's never been any sign to the community that this has been challenged. It certainly hasn't been disallowed, and it clearly could be, using that same judgement of the admins.
10 against 1 really didn't have an appearance of fairness.
I don't like to see anyone bullied, but I think that if one does something contentious, and receives multiple critical responses, that this should not necessarily be considered a group attack. The wise thing to do is to prevent the predictable problems of the scenario.
Plus there is a difference between questioning the request in your mind and posting your findings in a thread. You can think whatever you want, but your right to express it publically collides with the other person's personality rights.
I don't know what 'personality rights' have to do with it. However, I don't think one is immune from reasonable personal criticism if we lay out our personal circumstances as justification for a public request for money. IMO, criticism under those circumstances should be acceptable, provided it does not cross into abuse. I think the solution is to prohibit donation-seeking, which is what provokes the responses that cause the tensions.
Nov 8, 2014
If we are taking votes, I'm against thread bans if possible. Especially about so meager issues. It teaches zero responsibility. People should be able to recognize what is getting them hooked and avoid it. Its not like you are gonna 'win' the internet.
If someone can't handle that, you can even block peeps!

If the case is that someone wants to post something in a open forum then people should be able to express their thoughts on the subject then with worry of being banned or warned. Unless a personal threat of harm to ones person or family.

The person that posted this last thread in question knew the sort of feedback that would come of it. Some might be positive and a lot of it negative. This isn't the first time they have posted a thread about needing money or some other item of value.

So like I stated above if there is no rule on this forum about asking for money from other members and members are full aware of the reaction they may get I see no need for yellow carding someone or banning them.
Apr 2, 2011
Yeah, because sharing a Gofundme page for a sick dog is the worst thing can possibly happen on an internet forum. :roll:

And for your info, Celtic, I expected positive responses. Not the Codex-lite responses I got. However, that's my own stupid fault for expecting something more from a forum like this. That's one of the main reasons I won't be sticking around going forward.
Aug 13, 2013
Yeah, because sharing a Gofundme page for a sick dog is the worst thing can possibly happen on an internet forum. :roll:

And for your info, Celtic, I expected positive responses. Not the Codex-lite responses I got. However, that's my own stupid fault for expecting something more from a forum like this. That's one of the main reasons I won't be sticking around going forward.

There's nothing wrong to help your mom and dog, Fluent.
But there's also nothing wrong if some adults that work hard for their money to care for their loved ones expect the same from someone else.
So be polite to each other and may your dog get better, soon.
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah, because sharing a Gofundme page for a sick dog is the worst thing can possibly happen on an internet forum. :roll:

And for your info, Celtic, I expected positive responses. Not the Codex-lite responses I got. However, that's my own stupid fault for expecting something more from a forum like this. That's one of the main reasons I won't be sticking around going forward.

I am not talking about the last post as there is a group of work that goes into this. So you may want to single out this last post but you know there has been more than one.

Just two weeks ago it was a hard drive. Man I really didn't want this to get personal with you Fluent.

Why always the comments about the codex and the people that post there when someone doesn't respond the way you like.

I don't know anything about that site, though not sure why you are bashing them when you don't like to bashed yourself.

My wife is self-employed, she has crippling disease(and had it since she was 21) in the last three years she has had to have two major surgeries. Not being able to work for almost 10 months out of that. That means for our house hold we don't have her income for those months.

She is the first person to go back to work, never complains so I don't have any sort of compassion for someone that claims they can't work but can post videos all day long playing games asking for this great site for money all the time.

When my dog, sure she was the families dog but she was mine took sick this past winter. I asked questions on what would be right to do for her. Not for money to have her leg removed or to see other vets.

You seem to think you are the only person that goes through things. Though most of us get up and put our BIG BOY PANTS on and do what we can.

Anyone that seems as smart as you should be about to find a way to earn money for either yourself or your family.

So this is what the 5th 6th 7th time you have said you are leaving here over the same subject. Then why are you still here? or why can't you learn that if you keep posting asking for money or other items of value you will keep getting replies that you may not like.

It is a shame as you are great with your reviews, you love RPGS and most of the time I like what you have to offer.

blah blah I need to stop….
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Apr 2, 2011
I'm not reading your post and you're going on my ignore list now. Goodbye!
It doesn't pay very well. I often browse the gofundme pages for things I feel like donating to but there is a plethora of people that clog the good causes.

Serious story : there was someone asking for funding for new batteries for her camera because she "really wants to be a professional photographer and this is the only way she can continue."

Hey Wisdom, just happened to see your post, and there is a really good cause that you can donate to going on right now at gofundme. It's generous and good hearted people like you that are very much appreciated. A youtuber that I follow, a woman who does anti-feminism videos, and also is an enthusiastic "girl gamer" as well, she is in a really desperate situation, and has a serious dental issue, and needs surgery. Her insurance company is giving her the run around, and it is a sad situation.

I will link you to her video, so you can understand her situation. She has had a rough life, I mean, really rough, from day one, and basically she deserves a break in my humble opinion. You can find out about it if you go to her website and read the FAQ. She has basically been abused by many people most of her life. She has no family at all that she can go to for help either. It would be awesome if you would watch her video, and consider donating to her gofundme account to help her get this much needed surgery. Her go fund me account is listed in the note right underneath the video. And anyone else that is in a position to help, that would be awesome too! I'd really appreciate it. :)

Youtube video about her situation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQnlZiA8vAI

her FAQ website to find out her background - http://www.missmisanthropist.com/faq/
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Serious story : there was someone asking for funding for new batteries for her camera because she "really wants to be a professional photographer and this is the only way she can continue."

Thanks, I'll look it up.

Just to be crystal clear, my quoted text about the battery gofundme was an example of someone that doesn't need help, they need a kick in the butt. When you go thru 2 pages of these types of requests its amazing people still go to that site sometimes.
Aug 13, 2013
Knowing DArt, he's just going to take the 10 days off of RPGWatch and will be back after that time. Of course, he could just decide that the site isn't worth his time anymore and leave forever. Several of our longtime posters have left in the last couple years. I think I'd actually miss DArt if that were to happen :wow:
Oct 18, 2006
I'll certainly miss him if he decides to not come back. While he sometimes is too rude for my taste, and has some weird opinions, quite often I find his posts are well worth reading. (I can't read everything he writes, after all I have a full time job, and the wife occasionally wants attention when I'm home :)).

I don't have anybody on ignore, because with very, very few exceptions (short-lived trolls, not sure if there are others), I usually find some posts worth reading from everybody, even those I am most annoyed by.

pibbur who sometimes ignores what he himself writes.
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I find that he often makes good posts when he's calm and good-humoured. When he gets into bad arguments, he just grabs that spade and keeps digging.
Nov 8, 2014
I must admit I don't understand why it is so bad that someone makes a "few offensive posts". I mean is your self-esteem that low that what just another forum poster says on the Internet matters to you? Why would this be worth caring about?
Nov 16, 2011
Trois-Rivières, Québec
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