Elder Scrolls Online - Hardcore Fans Are Angry


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Shane Scarbrough of the Skyrim Fansite is the next person to write about the changes for Elder Scrolls Online this month, and he points out why fans are angry.

Final Thoughts

After the Skyrim Fansite published an earlier article touching on some of this post’s themes (“The Elder Scrolls Online Will Be Free To Play: Fans Are Freaking Out“), I was asked by a few readers what my personal feelings were regarding the change…

So here you go:

  • Like many others, I was surprised at the announcement. I knew (or thought I knew) ZOS’s position regarding their P2P business model. During the last year in fact, I found myself put in the position of having to defend the reasons for a subscription-based model in this very blog. Early on, our readers wanted ESO to be free to play, and most likely still do today.
  • Personally, I like ESO the way it is now, and don’t mind paying the subscription fee. I feel the P2P model helped fill the Community with mature gamers, and provided an environment for ZOS to stop the bots and spammers that once plagued the game shortly after release.
  • Even though I’d prefer that the business model didn’t change (purely selfish reasons), I appreciate the fact that sub fees are a huge barrier to console gamers and others. I also appreciate that ZOS needs to make money. Lots of money. I don’t begrudge ZOS their profits. B2P may help bring in thousands of new players, and may be just what is needed to keep the game I love going strong now and into the future.
  • Changing from P2P to B2P may not be as dire as a lot of my fellow hardcore gamers think. B2P may actually be a welcome success — bringing in good gamers (both PC and console) who under the old sub model wouldn’t or couldn’t play. Having to actually buy a copy of the game (and DLC) may provide the barrier needed to keep the botters, spammers, and trolls out of the game.
  • As long as ZOS doesn’t transition The Elder Scrolls Online to “play to win,” I truly believe the Community and the game itself will be just fine. I sympathize with the anger of my fellow hardcore players, but I believe we need to keep calm and game on. Change is coming, and change may bring danger. True enough, but change may also bring opportunity, and we should never forget that.
That’s my two septims, but how do you feel about this issue?
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Hardcore fans? All I see from that author is another cliche repeated:
I feel the P2P model helped fill the Community with mature gamers, and provided an environment for ZOS to stop the bots and spammers that once plagued the game shortly after release.

So, to avoid community becoming toxic like in every single MOBA game, a game has to be subscription based?
This is plain wrong. Raging is the core part of MMOs, it's the very reason people are playing MMOs in virtual worlds instead of raging at home, school, job. For those who need a vent, MMOs are a perfect and cheap solution.
And it's not the subscription model, it's the game system and popularity that determines if the community will consist of ragers, cheaters, botters, etc.

If someone can't take the heat, well, go play Candy Crush Saga.
Apr 12, 2009
I would definitely prefer a subscription model, but I've learned to accept the downsides of the publisher model. It's all about money for the investors - and if a game isn't a huge success, they'll be scrambling to make money some other way.

That's just par for the course, and I feel the chances of ESO being as good as it would have been under a successful sub model are very low. But one can always hope :)
"I feel the P2P model helped fill the Community with mature gamers, and provided an environment for ZOS to stop the bots and spammers that once plagued the game shortly after release."

That was literally what my wife's co-worker said the other day when explaining why he was quitting ESO. Granted you will get more people in which inevitably means more immature players, but guilds can filter that out and I'm sure general chat can be turned off like most MMOs.

I'm more interested in seeing how they go about adding new content/expansions. Blizzard has noticeably amped up their expansion release pace which tends to help with the monotony of the treadmill (ignoring design change decisions).
Jun 13, 2013
North Carolina, US
There are people that do not disable the general chat as the first thing when playing online games?

You are lucky if the first thing you see is not something like:
"WTB 4xITC mega +4Cr +4TF. Any1???"
Dec 13, 2010
Such a canard that sub games have "more mature gamers". Not sure I have any special ability at prognostication, but I saw this coming at some point and was simply waiting to try the game. I suppose those "more mature gamers" are going to have to deal with me now.
Aug 18, 2011
A company needs to make regular income and apparently they are not getting enough of it from subscription so they are going to B2P/F2P. Now if you are not making regular purchase from the cash shop then the history shows that the game will be shaped in such a way that someone else pays for the *both* of you. This is when the game start go down hill…
Oct 8, 2009
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