Elder Scrolls Online - Preview @ Gamerspective


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October 1, 2010
Gamerspective has a new preview of Elder Scrolls Online from Eurogamer Expo 2013.

I’ve only recently gotten into the MMORPG craze with a little game known as Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Up until this point Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games weren’t something I was particularly interested in. A Realm Reborn changed that, however I think if A Realm Reborn didn’t bring me into the world of MMORPGs then Elder Scrolls online would have.

Like most other games I got to play at this years Eurogamer Expo, I was treated to roughly 10 minutes of game time. Within those ten minutes I was given the choice to create my own character.

A total of 9 characters will be available when Elder Scrolls is released at the beginning of next year however, you are only given a choice of 3 depending on which faction you would like to be a part of. We were part of the Dragonfall Covenant faction therefore the three choices for races we had were Bretons, Orcs and Redguards. The other two factions included are Ebonheart Pact Faction with Nord, Argonaian and Dunmer and the Aldmeri Dominion Faction with the Altmer, Bosmer and Khajiit.

Overall character creation in ESO was pretty basic, to be frank it was very similar to Skyrim infact, almost exactly the same, it means those familiar with the other games in the franchise will have no problems adjusting to life in an MMO.

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Overall character creation in ESO was pretty basic, to be frank it was very similar to Skyrim infact, almost exactly the same, it means those familiar with the other games in the franchise will have no problems adjusting to life in an MMO.

huh? Either that guy never played Skyrim or he didn't really get to make his character at the Expo. ESO has way more fine tuning sliders than Skyrim.

huh? Again (reading the article). I'm wondering if he actually played the game. Bretons cannot play in Bleakrock Village, that's an Ebonheart Pack zone and they are Daggerfall Covenant (unless the dev screwed some stuff over). Also, seems what ever build he was using didn't have the Nightblade class available at PAX less than 2 months ago.
Oct 13, 2007
huh? Either that guy never played Skyrim or he didn't really get to make his character at the Expo. ESO has way more fine tuning sliders than Skyrim.

huh? Again (reading the article). I'm wondering if he actually played the game. Bretons cannot play in Bleakrock Village, that's an Ebonheart Pack zone and they are Daggerfall Covenant (unless the dev screwed some stuff over). Also, seems what ever build he was using didn't have the Nightblade class available at PAX less than 2 months ago.

Yeah I played it at an expo last Saturday and we started in Bleakrock Village and it was in the Ebonheart Pact and thus Nord, Dunmer or Argonian were our race choices.

What's strange is that he mentions Breton and shows a screenshot of a Breton character creation screen with the character standing in a desert area (in other words Hammerfell, which is in the Daggerfall Covenant.

I don't think it's completely impossible for Covenant to be in Pact areas, the Devs have after all said that if you finish your alliance quest lines you don't have to create a new character and can go through the quest lines in the other alliances with your original character. They could have just used some server magic to make it so.

But either way it's odd. Either he misidentified the Breton (didn't pay attention during the con and researched things wrong when he wrote the article; he seems to talk about Final Fantasy A Realm Reborn alot) or TESO devs wanted to show some variety in the races between Conventions but didn't want to leak a new area and just use the one they already got. But they've already demo'd the Covenant starting area, namely Stros m'Kai so it's not like they want to hide it.
Oct 22, 2006
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