How do you define RPG?

What is an rpg to me?

Well I've played a lot of different rpgs over the years so if I have to classify an rpg I will do it on the basis of the elements that most 'clicked' for me.

A good rpg should have most of the following:
Gameplay ~ ie/. must have a good combat system - it matters what weapon or spell to use in different circumstances. All the ui elements work together to create an experience that doesn't get in the way of play.
Economy ~ interesting items and loot to find, buying and selling of stuff should have some fun discovery about it, tradeoffs that effect numbers stuff and affects gameplay with companions and npcs ie/. inventory management, special items that unlock content etc
Interactivity ~ world should acknowledge your presence when you interact with it, choices and consequences abound - saving a town or letting it burn ie/. stealing stuff means a trip to prison, objects should be able to be examined at least.
World Design ~ world should hint at wider lands, feel like a real place and be coherent to its own internal mythos. Npcs should feel like believable characters in there own right.
Exploration ~ fun stuff to find, side quest areas, thematically appropriate stuff like durlags keep or the mines of moria. Gives a sense of a wider world.
Story ~ Should be serviceable at least and maintain interest throughout the game.
Puzzles ~ Should have some to test the players wit whether riddles, logic or number puzzles ie riddle chests of betrayal at krondor.

As to how the rpg is portrayed ie/ isometric, blobber, first person perspective - that doesn't really matter so much as long as the elements I have described above are implemented well.
Last edited:
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
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