Icewind Dale: EE - Win A Free Key Contest


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
To go along with the interview on our site we have a couple of keys to give away for Icewind Dale: EE that where provided by Liam Esler of BeamDog.

To win all you have to do is tell us why you deserve the key. So use your imagination and be creative by writing a poem, posting a short story, or sharing an image.

The staff will pick the winners based on the ones we like.

Now here are the Restrictions

1. You must already be a member for more than three months.

2. You must have more than thirty posts on the forums.

The deadline for the contest is the 31st the day after the games release.

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Played and finished both. In an age of hormonal imbalances and passive aggressiveness.

I won't play it probably, but I want it in my library )


if u wanna be rich
u gotta be a bitch
Aug 7, 2008
Let's drink an ale
on Icewind Dale
and hope the new version is getting fine
like an old interesting Faerûn wine! :ahoy:
Oct 18, 2006

It's no Baldur's Gate
But it's not bad from back when
Bio didn't suck
Sep 16, 2010
I won't claim that I "deserve" a key, because I can't see why I would deserve a free game key more than anyone else.

I want it in my library though, and I'll definitely play it.

I'm a huge fan of the original, as I am with all the IE games. I liked IWD for the fantastic artwork and incredible soundtrack. I also liked it for the huge variety of D&D monsters that it features.

There once was a man from The Dale,
whose profession was delivering the mail.
by chance he encountered a Bugbear
who proceeded to rip out his hair,
and now his head is susceptible to hail

I've never claimed to be much of a bard. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I really enjoy the game more so than BG and would like an enhanced experience playing again. You have to understand I used to be an fps sort of person from 92 to 2003. You know wolf and doom then duke and descent with a dose of tie fighting then on to half a life and more. Then by accident I played an m&m game around 2003 and it was fun. Well I mentioned it to my older sister who turned out to be a bigger gamer than myself and she had this big box of games she mailed me. They were all RPG/adv. Stuff like gab knight, bg 1/2, few m&m and the dale. I played the dale first and it was a fantastic adventure cept that trolls wouldn't stay dead later in the game which was a problem…

Anyways to make a short story shorter I would like to play an enhanced dale since it was so much fun the first time and now I know how to kill trolls !!
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Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
I don't know if I deserve it, because I don't know if I have 30 posts.
But I'm certainly a nice guy and a free-key worthy RPGWatcher. :)
Jul 30, 2007
I deserve this key because, heck, I've bought the original IWD half a dozen times. First, when it came out, I acquired a bit of a... shady copy (CD) on a schoolyard; remember kids, that was back in the days when connections were so slow you had to prod the bytes with a stick, and flatrates were still uncommon in this country. The second time, I bought IWD+HoW on DVD (at a time when I was still perusing physical stores!); it had the English version on it, and I marveled at the atmospheric writing. Whoever used to do the German translations for Black Isle clearly sucked.
Some time later I acquired a collection of all Black Isle RPG's, none of which were new to me but as my physical discs tend to be a bit disorganized I wanted this box to commemorate Black Isle Studios (who were already gone). All the games were in German though.
As my original IWD DVD had fallen prey to natural hazards (such as spilled drinks), I set out to buy that exact version once again; I found copies that had the identical DVD case, on Amazon or Ebay, and they were advertised as UK imports; but when they arrived, they only had the German version on it. Did this twice.
Now I own all the Black Isle games on GOG, in English to boot.

May I add that IWD is my favorite of all Infinity Engine games? I've spent countless hours trying out new parties and Ironman games. I'll always remember Black Isle for the sweet escapism they provided me with when I needed it the most.

Wow, that was a lot of rambling. :)
There's a key? I like keys, i'm old. A key you say, to what? Icewind Dale, i've played that along time ago, I didn't use a key. I'm old, I may have lost a key, maybe it was in Icewind Dale !!! Did someone lose a key? My memory isn't what it once was, Icewind Dale, I think. I played that years ago, I enjoyed it, now where did I put that bloody key? :help:
Aug 18, 2011
Great Britannia
a game with (bug)bears and dragons!

look at my name and *KNOW* a key should be given to me....

(allright I liked Ps:T more, but still, icewind dale was nice to play)
Sep 4, 2013
Beneath the sea
Bio gets beamed by dog
Dale adventure awaits brave
Boo go for the eyes

Oh wait, wrong game on the last line ....
Iceland dale is my home
although much of the world have I roamed
seen towers and forests
deserts, islands and fortresses
life is never the same
nor as hard earned as the dale
the cold winds bite hard
But compared to the ire
Of the wrenches who live there
its as easy as pie
and continually fair
Iceland dale is my home
although I've traveled far
I can never leave long
it's the fishing you know
or the hunting maybe
whether damsel or deer
I can never be free
Oct 18, 2006
Icewind Dale I was one of my favorite games. I used to play it as a kid during a Christmas-vacation, wrapped in a warm blanket in my attic. I'd love to re-play this version. Anyway, here is my contribution in the form of a haiku:

Ah, snow-covered mound.
What secrets were given to thee?
Cries of forebears on the wind.

Edit: the haiku was inspired by my memories of the 'Vale of Shadows', an enviroment in the game that really resonated with me at the time. :)
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Nov 6, 2010
the Netherlands
Speaking of poems, I could never write one like past masters -

ALL I could see from where I stood
Was three long mountains and a wood;

I turned and looked the other way,
And saw three islands in a bay.

So with my eyes I traced the line
Of the horizon, thin and fine,

Straight around till I was come
Back to where I’d started from;

And all I saw from where I stood
Was three long mountains and a wood.

"Renascence" (opening stanza)
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Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
For my submission, I will post a picture:

This is my life these days, I NEED an outlet!!!

Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
We had our first snowfall of the season almost two months ago. Right now, we've got maybe 5 cents on the ground, and climbing. By Halloween, the poor kiddies will be trundling through snow, up hill, both ways!!! I need Icewind Dale because I LIVE there!!!

Crap, think I just saw another bugbear......
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I, like some others, don't feel that I "deserve" it, however I would really appreciate the chance to play Icewind Dale again for sure, especially with the enhancements Beamdog has added. From what I've read, it looks to be a good enhancement for sure and heading back into the Infinity Engine is always a treat, especially when it's been reworked to work properly on the newer operating systems and tech.
Apr 24, 2007
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