Lords of Xulima - Indiegogo Update #4


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Lords of Xulima has a new Indiegogo Update giving more details on the games enemies.

One of the things that we loved in old-school games was when you first entered into battle with a new enemy that you had never seen before.

We miss the feelings of uncertainty and fear that such an encounter would inspire: What powers might the creature have? When was the last time I saved my game? We are hoping that we've captured those same feeling in Lords of Xulima.

"It is said that the Lords of Xulima experimented with different forms of life, following their visions and their whims"
Visit the link for more information as it's a lengthy post

More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I challenge any Watch member to watch the pitch video and NOT think this looks awesome. This is the type of game everyone says they like on here! As has been discussed in other threads, indiegogo should not stop us from pledging. I'm just debating which tier...
Nov 13, 2012
Wisconsin, USA
I don't know if it's "awesome", but this game definitely has my attention.

So far, I like pretty much everything I've seen about it. The only thing I'm lukewarm about is the party being represented by a single character in the game world.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yes, looks like it could be good and well worth pledging. I imagine they will make their initial goal of $10,000, but don't see them making a great deal more on Indiegogo, particularly since there isn't much publicity around the project. I don't think Numantian games is at fault in this respect, just that you really need to be American and/or have some celebrity status to get good results from crowd funding. This one is a bit under most people's radar.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
So far, I like pretty much everything I've seen about it. The only thing I'm lukewarm about is the party being represented by a single character in the game world.

I find that a bit disorienting too and would probably have favoured the traditional first person view as being more immersive. Am also not too keen on the voiceover in the introduction which sounds a bit overblown and affected (Lords of Shulima!?) - hope that isn't indicative of the actual game - some thing that's hard to get good on a budget of course.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
I find that a bit disorienting too and would probably have favoured the traditional first person view as being more immersive. Am also not too keen on the voiceover in the introduction which sounds a bit overblown and affected (Lords of Shulima!?) - hope that isn't indicative of the actual game - some thing that's hard to get good on a budget of course.

I like the isometric view actually. It just seems weird that you only see one character while roaming. It's obviously a nod to jrpgs, but I'd prefer a Baldur's Gate type style where we can see the entire party. Still, it's not really a big deal.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I like the isometric view actually. It just seems weird that you only see one character while roaming. It's obviously a nod to jrpgs, but I'd prefer a Baldur's Gate type style where we can see the entire party. Still, it's not really a big deal.

I agree with the one character and isometric view. If they were inclined to, it should be easy to replace the one guy with the party
Feb 3, 2011
remember it's a kickstarter game looking for $10k at that. I imagine showing all your party members on the map while you move and not having it look stupid (them bumping each other) or slow (pathfinding * 6) will probably take resources away from the real meat of the game. I prefer the one character approach, and would be even better if it had no voice-over at all.
Sep 23, 2008
remember it's a kickstarter game looking for $10k at that. I imagine showing all your party members on the map while you move and not having it look stupid (them bumping each other) or slow (pathfinding * 6) will probably take resources away from the real meat of the game. I prefer the one character approach, and would be even better if it had no voice-over at all.

Except for that fact it is not a kickstarter game, so even getting the funding they want will be hard.
Apr 17, 2007
I really like the Greek mythology vibe coming from the intro. I actually like the voiceovers. The isometric one character movement screen reminds me a bit of King's Bounty - it looks like you might be able to choose your battles as in that game. As I have said on these pages before, I think it is the indie games that really need our kickstarter and the like support, not Wasteland 2, Project Eternity, etc. Those games will be made and will have big budgets without the Watch funding them.

How come games like Balrum could use kickstarter? Those guys weren't US/UK.
Nov 13, 2012
Wisconsin, USA
remember it's a kickstarter game looking for $10k at that. I imagine showing all your party members on the map while you move and not having it look stupid (them bumping each other) or slow (pathfinding * 6) will probably take resources away from the real meat of the game. I prefer the one character approach, and would be even better if it had no voice-over at all.

the party members dont have to be separate sprites moving independently. It can be just 1 sprite showing the party members moving together.
Feb 3, 2011
Dont know much about indiegogo but game looks good enough to throw them 20$. Hope it turns out good.
Feb 24, 2010
remember it's a kickstarter game looking for $10k at that.

I reckon they've already made a large proportion of the basic game with their own funding, since noone could make a game of this scope with just $10k. The crowd funding is to extend the the game, I think, and add stuff they couldn't afford to do on their own.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
One question, will you still fulfill the orders you've got on Indiegogo even if the campaign fails, or will there be other means to order i.e. a boxed copy? I'd still like to get that $75 tier, since the game will be completed wether the campaign is succesful or not, right?
@Roq. Yes, that's right. The crowdfunding campaign is to improve the game and none of the stretch goals we have set, affects the core of the game in a substantial way.
The most important goal is the one with the original sound track ($40.000). If we could reach it, for us the campaign would be a success (it is difficult but let’s see how it goes).
Feb 20, 2013
One question, will you still fulfill the orders you've got on Indiegogo even if the campaign fails, or will there be other means to order i.e. a boxed copy? I'd still like to get that $75 tier, since the game will be completed wether the campaign is succesful or not, right?

We hope to reach the first goal of $10.000 at least. If not, we still can try more options as offering pre-orders or even start a new smaller campaign. We'll do all we can to fulfill all the orders.
Feb 20, 2013
Good :) I was thinking of some other campaigns where the boxed copies were only available during the campaign... actually only Grimoire comes to mind right now but I'm sure there were others, too.
The most important goal is the one with the original sound track ($40.000). If we could reach it, for us the campaign would be a success (it is difficult but let’s see how it goes).

I think to get to that level would require that the project gets a lot more publicity, such as previews on sites like Rock Paper Shotgun etc. It's also a little unfortunate that potential pledgers have been burned by some recent lacklustre RPG releases that haven't really fulfilled (possibly over ambitious) expectations for old school games.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
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