"Nextgen" GPUs

Most non founder editions are going to be cards with special fans, OC and features. So they are going to cost more than the "base price".

True but when GTX 970 came out they were selling for around £300 tops so its huge price hike for "similar" card.
Oct 8, 2009
Hairworks on 1070.
It's "earlybird" test, but I'm not impressed (3rd minute onward):

The reason I was planning to buy this card is - finally seeing hairworks enabled on everything without paying enormous sum for Titan X.

Okay, on the video is 1440p and I don't want to play games on resolutions above 1080p so it might be the reason it's struggling this much. But only 35 FPS on 1440p with hairworks… A letdown.
No wonder all tests results published elsewhere with TW3 running above 60 FPS on ultra and 4K resolution were made with hairworks disabled.

Again, it's too early to take this as 100% proof, but doesn't look good.
If I wanted to play TW3 on 30ish FPS, I'd have bought Samsung Galaxy instead of PC.

Just to add from comments a person who runes hairworks on 970, maybe is useful for future buyers:
"put shadow to high instead of ultra and hairworks AA to x2 instead of x4. Game moves smoother for me and only dips to about 55 the lowest in those intense scenes".
Apr 12, 2009
Yeah. There is the founders edition, which is more expensive than it should be.
About 100€ below that there are the 3rd party versions in it's "base version" and then up to basically the price of the founders edition you will find the OC editions of the various retailers (which are better than the founders edition).
For Europe the 1070 could be expected between 420€ and 500€ (500€ for founders). I have no idea how this translates into pounds. Probably not too well, if there is a brexit and the currency goes down the drain.
Jun 2, 2012
True but when GTX 970 came out they were selling for around £300 tops so its huge price hike for "similar" card.

Nvidia hiked the price of the 1070 to start with, the manufacturers are just following their footsteps…and the fanboys are going to buy those cards at those price because they can't wait and the chance of them going to AMD is very, very slim.
Oct 13, 2007
Fainboys is pretty relative there.
Personally I had bad experiences with AMD Cards, not just on one occasion. So not-AMD is my way to go (which only leaves nvidia left).
Also even if the 1070 is more expensive than the 970, it is still offering more value per dollar, so I am fine with that.
Jun 2, 2012
I'm not any kind of fanboy, it's just that I'm disgusted with AMD's Catalyst for years and some Quick Stream error whatnot that happens upon upgrading to windows 10 didn't make me to forget problems with AMD's software.

The thing is, I'm prepared to give nVidia $ and buy GTX 1070 if I'll be able to enjoy TW3 hairworx on 1080p without hiccups.
If that's impossible, they can forgeddit and I'll just buy that new 200 bucks AMD card when it's out - that one is supposed to run TW3 on 60FPS at least without hairworx.
It's as simple as that. I won't pay a higher price for a bonus feature that runs like crap.

There's one other thing. If I buy the new AMD card, I still won't trash my GTX 760 - upcoming dx12 games could benefit from that pair. And eventually nVidia will release dunno GTX 1370 that'll run hairworks without 30-40 FPS loss. By that time, I'll stick with whatever else.
Apr 12, 2009
Too early to tell for a video card that isn't even for sale yet. I'd say it's pretty impressive with unreleased hardware running on unoptimized drivers and will improve. Disabling Hairworks was just to keep the benchmarks fair vs AMD. However for those with an existing 970, they'd be better off getting a second 970 and running SLI. And 4K is overrated. I think curved Ultrawides are the future of displays. Pushing more usable pixels but less total:

Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
So the 1070 founders is released now as well. Prices however are not so nice. Founders and Vendors cards alike are around 500€
Jun 2, 2012
So the 1070 founders is released now as well. Prices however are not so nice. Founders and Vendors cards alike are around 500€

Which is basically taking the piss... but who can blame them since they know they can milk as much as they want.
Oct 8, 2009
In Newegg the first 1070s are showing up, $450 Founder's edition (thought FE was when you bought from Nvidia or something).
Sep 23, 2008
The founders edition is the reference card. But while it's the same card, everyone sells them. With no diffrence to each other afaik.
Jun 2, 2012
First shop with GTX 1070 founders ed. card here put the price 530€.
Are they out of their mind? It's almost twice the price of GTX 970 and exactly the same price of GTX 980.
I'm not paying that sum. Will wait for a normal card.
Apr 12, 2009
Try this link :) . At least there is one below €500 from Zotac.

And consider to not Brexit or the UK prices will 'splode even further through the roof! :biggrin:
Oct 18, 2006
I'm not in UK so can't do anything about brexit. :)
But I do buy comics from amazon.co.uk so count me not happy about silly politicians. Ah well… Archonia is still good (IIRC it's duch store) but they don't offer hardcovers for every possible release. And importing comics directly from IDW would get me bankrupt. :(
Also, I get my usual cloth (not maps!) and rags from boohoo.com which is uk store. Geez.
Apr 12, 2009
The German enthusiast site 3DCenter reports that some distributors have already received stock of the upcoming RX480 cards, and that the default will be 8 GB RAM. Review samples have been sent out. It looks like AMD wants to have product ready for the official launch at the end of the month. Custom designs should also be ready at this point.

Expected price point at this moment is $229 - $249 for the 8GB version. Performance should be between R390 and R390X, with much lower power consumption. Or 1/3rd to half between GTX970 and GTX980, if you want.

3DCenter expects the performance of the RX470 to be only slightly below the RX480, according to the infos available so far.
Aug 30, 2006
I saw the rumor about AMD RX480 already haven been shipped too. I find that a bit weird considering we are over 2 weeks before they can be sold. Reviewer receiving theirs early is normal and I expect the reviews later next week (or early the one after, and before people brings up the rumored June 29th embargo dates, the GTX 1080/GTX 1070 presentation embargo dates was in June and the reviews we out before June 1st).

The 470 is just a lower clocked 480 (same number of CU according to leaks), that either mean thermal problems with the dies or that the 470 will be OCable to 480 level (with custom firmware) and it only exist because AMD needs to sell something between $100 and $200 (they are precedent for that).
Oct 13, 2007
... before people brings up the rumored June 29th embargo dates, the GTX 1080/GTX 1070 presentation embargo dates was in June and the reviews we out before June 1st.

I'm not sure if I understood this part correctly but for GTX 1080/1070 the embargo dates were all in May and it was like this:

- May 6th: Editor's Day where GTX 1080 and 1070 were introduced and announced for launch on May 27th (GTX 1080 FE) and June 10th (GTX 1070) respectively

- May 17th at 6AM PDT: End of GTX 1080 FE review embargo/NDA

- May 30th (at 00:00 local time... it seemed like nVidia had not specified a concrete time or time zone so sites started publishing their reviews when it was midnight in their countries): End of GTX 1070 FE review embargo/NDA

Retailers started listing GTX 1080s on May 27th and GTX 1070s on June 10th as announced and expected and at least here in EU cards were available from day 1.
Oct 18, 2006
It seems like custom cards of the 1070 had different embargos. Guru 3D had to pull down it's MSI 1070 review and published it again on the 10th.

Reviews of the reference/founders card were already available for a while though.
Jun 2, 2012
I'm not sure if I understood this part correctly

In a thread elsewhere (I read too many so I can't find the post back) where people were arguing about the AMD Computex leaked NDA date (June 29th) being proof of us not seeing reviews until that date, someone showed proof that the Nvidia Pascal event had a mid-June embargo date for everything shown there yet, like you said, reviews came sooner than that because they had different embargo date than the whole NDA.

That's what I meant. In fact, today a Czetch tech side said they received their RX 480 samples and could post their review/benchmarks on the 20-24th.
Oct 13, 2007
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