Original Sin - Post-Funding Update #49


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Larian Studios has posted a new post-funding update for Divinity: Original Sin with news the Alpha has a release date, and explains they need feedback.

Divinity:Original Sin’s Alpha Dated! Input needed! Live stream!

We keep on getting the same question – when, when, when ? - and we keep on telling you – soon, very soon, very very soon. Well, no more “soons” from us – we’re ready to put a date on the alpha release, or at least a date range ;)

Next to that, this update also contains a list of recent previews from our hands-on event, a call for input for the higher level backers and an invitation to a new live twitch.tv session, this friday, and yes, just because it's friday the 13th!

Here goes:

When is the Alpha coming?

The date is Tuesday December 17th 2013. The date range is next week. If something goes wrong, it might be December 18th or 19th or who knows, it might even be December 16th, but rest assured that it will be next week, unless of course calamity strikes. The exact hour, well that is still to be decided.

Decision time - Live on Twitch

The decision will be made in a live twitch.tv stream on December 13th starting at 17:00 CET, 16:00 GMT, 8:00 PST, 11:00 EST. David & Swen will be playing the alpha, approve, or disapprove things, and then decide if it's ready or not.

Our Twitch.tv channel is www.twitch.tv/larianstudios

What can I expect?

You can check for yourself in this let’s play video from last Friday in which Swen reviews the state of the alpha. Contains minor spoilers, so consider yourselves warned.

We’ll be releasing a first chunk of the world, good for approximately 10 hours of play, known to the team as The Left Side Of Cyseal. (Which is pronounced by some as "Sigh Seal" while others say "See Zay-All"…)

It’s alpha – that means place holders, rude balancing, some missing features, plenty of bugs etc… But, it’s playable, and you can play quite a lot. But you might also get stuck.

Don't plan on playing this if you want a polished experience! Wait for the real thing instead! Even if you're tempted!

Also, you need to be aware that savegames will not be compatible between different versions of the alpha and at first we will limit gameplay to single player. Multiplayer will open up but at a later date.

That's a lot of disclaimers, but we know from experience that we can repeat over and over that something is not final yet still get mails from angry people yelling at us that they want us to fix their savegame because they don't want to lose their hero. For the record, we won't! :)

But, despite all the disclaimers above, we will be very appreciative if you do in fact play the alpha and give us constructive feedback. That's why we decided to spread it to all of you. The group that has played Divinity:Original so far is very limited and we're very much in need of extra opinions on what we did right & wrong and what we should fix prior to release.

Who can play the alpha?

For the moment, Kickstarter backers only. We might be opening up beta access at a later date for people who preorder, but with 20K backers, we’re sure we’ll know what to do on the short term ;)

How will I get access?

You’ll be able to redeem a Steam key via your Kickstarter account on the Larian Vault. We’ll guide you through the process once again once the alpha is actually live.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Can't wait to check it out :)
Oct 18, 2006
I'm curious as to how we're going to get our alphas, with Myrthos dealing with real life. I'm not sure Larian even knows or cares who at the Watch has purchased alpha access. Perhaps HiddenX has some insight. Since I funneled all my backing through RPGWatch, I'm at the mercy of the site to get my alpha and all the rest of my goodies.

Couch are you keeping in contact with Myrthos? I hate to bug the guy if the real life stuff is serious. Maybe he can get the info passed down to you or another moderator.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm curious as to how we're going to get our alphas, with Myrthos dealing with real life. I'm not sure Larian even knows or cares who at the Watch has purchased alpha access. Perhaps HiddenX has some insight. Since I funneled all my backing through RPGWatch, I'm at the mercy of the site to get my alpha and all the rest of my goodies.

Couch are you keeping in contact with Myrthos? I hate to bug the guy if the real life stuff is serious. Maybe he can get the info passed down to you or another moderator.
All I can do is ask him for you hopefully he responds as he still checks the site every few days. As I said before he is very busy right now.
Oct 1, 2010
All I can do is ask him for you hopefully he responds as he still checks the site every few days. As I said before he is very busy right now.

Totally tongue in cheek:

Yep, I understand. Still, if I give you money and you start avoiding me it makes one wonder. I wonder if you're busy spending my money and not meeting obligations. I'm sure that's not the case, but…..if it is I'm sending the Elder Spy after him :biggrin:

Speaking of real life, I had mentioned that my Father in law was doing very poorly and was in ICU. He is now in hospice and it's a matter of days now until he passes. Merry Christmas. It's great when a family member dies between ThanksforNothing and Xfamilymembermas :(

See, I understand about real life, Couch.
Oct 18, 2006
Nut, you can probably get in touch and ask Swen or Forktong directly through twitter or PM on their forum. That is very likely your best bet to get an answer in my opinion.

Wouldn't mind if you did rather than I ;) Since I pestered Forktong a little while back when the Larian Vault came up about whether our donates would be handled through that.
Oct 18, 2006
I really need to stop watching all these vids....

Nope not tempted to play the Alpha... No siree... :(
Oct 18, 2006
Speaking of real life, I had mentioned that my Father in law was doing very poorly and was in ICU. He is now in hospice and it's a matter of days now until he passes. Merry Christmas. It's great when a family member dies between ThanksforNothing and Xfamilymembermas :(

See, I understand about real life, Couch.
I understand crpgnut I had a few relatives die on or near the holidays also.:'(
I really need to stop watching all these vids….

Nope not tempted to play the Alpha… No siree… :(
You know you want to it calls to you in it's sweet siren song. Though if your smart like Larian said wait for the final release. I know I always do.;)
Oct 1, 2010
You know you want to it calls to you in it's sweet siren song.

Stop it! >:O ;)

Though if your smart like Larian said wait for the final release. I know I always do.;)

Yeah, that is what will happen in the end (not enough hours in the day to play the complete ones these days ;) ). I just got that ... urge when I watched the video...
Oct 18, 2006
Swen tweeted that alpha keys are available to us. I've contacted them and expect to be able to provide those who won a key a code to download the alpha.
Aug 30, 2006
Hope real life is letting up on ya, Myrthos. Glad to see you're here, even if for a moment. I know how hard it is to break away when real life starts badgering you. Also, very glad to hear about the keys :)
Oct 18, 2006
Ah damn, just noticed Myrthos' reply.

I need to check the forum more than just the 5 threads that show up on Forum Watch & News Watch :p.

What I'm wondering as well is how they'll handle the people who have chosen the rewards"Name the Undead, a Pet, the Summon", Write a Dialog, Design a Henchman, Message in a bottle, Message in the woods etc stuff. I think they stated that people who had won such rewards had to connect on the Larian Vault and write those things on there.

I'm not worried so much since I wasn't one of those, but I'm still curious for them :p
Oct 18, 2006
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