Pillars of Eternity - Interview @ IncGamers


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October 1, 2010
Project Lead Josh Sawyer of Obsidian did a new audio interview on IncGamers this week to answer a few community questions, and to talk about Pillars of Eternity.

IG: Obsidian has always been a company with great vision, but sometimes games have been plagued by bugs on release. How confident are you that Pillars of Eternity is coming out solid?

JS: I came here to work on Neverwinter Nights 2. The early days of Obsidian were Knights of The Old Republic 2, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Alpha Protocol, and all three of those games had a lot of bugs. After Alpha Protocol we said that as much as possible we needed to fix that problem.

So with Dungeon Siege 3, that came out and it was, I don’t want to say completely bug free, but that was a really really solid launch. South Park also did really well coming out.

With Pillars, because it’s our game and we were doing some of the QA, we knew we had to take control of it and make sure it’s really solid. That’s one of the reasons why it was delayed.

With any RPG of this size there’s so many things you can do that I’m sure people are going to find something that we didn’t find when it comes out. Basically, we’re ready so that when people find things, we’re going to turn around and fix them as soon as possible; come out with a patch as soon as possible; fix anything big. Then we’re going have another patch after that to fix the longer term things people are going to encounter. It’s important that people feel they can trust us and that the game is going to be good when it comes out, but we know that given that it’s and RPG being made from scratch, and an engine that we haven’t worked with before, there’s always going to be some weird stuff that… you know… a few hundred people who might have played the game is not the same as hundreds of thousands of people… But we’re ready!

This has been a really great experience for us, we never thought we’d have the chance to make a game like this again. It’s really the dream of an independent developer to make their own IP and retain control of it, and it’s hard to negotiate deals like that. The fans that have allowed us to do this have done us a great service by helping us. So we hope that, not only that the game is good and they enjoy it, but that they enjoy the world and we can continue making more games in this setting in years to come.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
I hope they fine tune the walkpathing during combat a little more. Besides that, I only see a few minor glitches thus far.
Mar 22, 2012
Glad that Obsidian has made this into a success story. I think it's a big win-win for us the fans, and the RPG industry and a star company.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
There seems to be a handful of early bugs, but they don't appear to be universal to players so that's great. Hope this does well so we can see another edition down the line. I've quite enjoyed what I was able to play so far.
Jun 13, 2013
North Carolina, US
I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Sawyer's no-dump-stat attribute system. Yeah, he's made it idiot proof. Mission accomplished there, but he's also managed to squeeze all interest and consequence out of it. Aside from that, it seems he has done a bang-up job.
Sep 16, 2010
I'm not a huge fan of Mr. Sawyer's no-dump-stat attribute system. Yeah, he's made it idiot proof. Mission accomplished there, but he's also managed to squeeze all interest and consequence out of it. Aside from that, it seems he has done a bang-up job.

I don't think the idea was to make it "idiot-proof", but to give you more unique ways to build a viable character. Since all characters can benefit from all attributes, you can make some pretty wild builds that normally would not be as acceptable in other attribute systems. :thumbsup:
Glad that Obsidian has made this into a success story. I think it's a big win-win for us the fans, and the RPG industry and a star company.

And a huge win for kickstarter
Apr 17, 2007
I don't think the idea was to make it "idiot-proof", but to give you more unique ways to build a viable character.

Sawyer says as much in the interview cited above. He talks about knowing even intelligent people who have accidentally gimped their characters in other RPGs, and he didn't want that to happen.
Sep 16, 2010
Can you blame him? He obviously wants the game to be a success and rage quitting with a gimped character is not conducive to that success!!
Aug 31, 2006
I'm not a huge fan of dump-stats myself. Nor do I see this kind of system as "idiot-proof". Just because all stats are useful doesn't mean they're optimal.
Feb 3, 2011
Can you blame him? He obviously wants the game to be a success and rage quitting with a gimped character is not conducive to that success!!

Well, yes, I do blame him for creating a weak attribute system. Using your logic above, I guess he should have made a modern-day easy-mode game so no one ever gets frustrated, which, thankfully, he didn't do. Or maybe he should have just made a shooter, because those are more popular in general and more likely to be a success. Thankfully, he made the best RPG that I have played in years instead.

I'm not a huge fan of dump-stats myself. Nor do I see this kind of system as "idiot-proof". Just because all stats are useful doesn't mean they're optimal.

No, it doesn't . But by creating a system where important abilities for each and every class are tied to each and every attribute, he is encouraging attribute builds with little variation between character classes, thereby diminishing the importance of each attribute. That, to me, is a bland and uniteresting system that makes each class a little less unique.
Sep 16, 2010
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