Piranha Bytes - Working On a New RPG


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
DSO Gaming has news that Piranha Bytes is working on a new RPG title. I hope it's Risen 3, or a new RPG set in a new setting.

Piranha Bytes’ Michael Ruve has confirmed that the company is currently working on a new RPG title. Although we don’t know much about this new RPG project, we do know that Piranha Bytes has implemented a better navigation technique for NPCs, and that cloth animation and a cool looking physically based lighting solution have been implemented.

Given the fact that Piranha Bytes has not shared any additional information about its new RPG, we can safely assume that it will be coming on next-gen platforms (consoles and PC).
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
Whatever it is they do lets hope its better then the thoroughly disappointing and poor Risen 2.
Jun 27, 2011
Whatever it is they do lets hope its better then the thoroughly disappointing and poor Risen 2.

Speak for yourself, there was nothing poor about Risen 2. Even if it wasn't their best work, it was still an excellent experience for the most part.

It's always good to hear that PB is working on another game.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
First time I hear about a new PB RPG and the best I can muster is a lukewarm : "Oh... that's nice".

I expect them to continue on the Risen 2 formula which translates to an entertaining but not all that exciting game for me. And yeah, in the context of their previous record (and how much I adore their games, even the seriously flawed G3 CPed and all), ultimately a let down.

Still interested to hear what they are up to naturally, but no day 1 purchase for me this time if its another Risen 2 on the works...

P.S: Hmm, I am equally unable to get hyped about the Witcher 3 also... Maybe I am just getting old :)
Oct 18, 2006
I'm with JDR13. Risen 2 wasn't perfect and it wasn't PB's best game, but there was still an awful lot of fun to be had.

I'm quite excited by this news!
Oct 18, 2006
Maybe Nameless One was implicitly making the argument that perhaps it's best we forget the abomination that was Arcania and simply move on to PB style Gothic 4?
I'm sure it's a sentiment many of the purists would empathise with.

How about some outlandish theories on the identification of the next game?
Risen 3 or a new Gothic title are the obvious choices.

Here's a wacky idea though:
One trademark to rule them all and in Khorinis bind them? :)

In any case, it's good to at least have some semblance of news from PB; even if it is more just murmurs of a sort.
Jul 12, 2009
Seems Michael Ruve knows more than he is saying, but that dreaded NDA stops him from saying more. Hopefully by next year we will know.:celebrate:

By the way I actually liked Arcania. The problem is it's just a bland average RPG. Just tell yourself it's not a Gothic game , and you will be fine.;)
Oct 1, 2010
Its not so much the setting though is it?

More like the gameplay mechanics and World Design/exploration approach that went wrong with R2 imho…

Its the "loose playful sand boxy approach" as Sascha put it that they lost recently…
The setting of Risen 2 was fine although under-utilized (Again as Sascha H. pointed out).

A Gothic 4 with Risen 2's approach/mechanics/exploration/World Design would be equally, just mildly interesting to me. Not Arcania sort of bad (only played the demo there though) of course; I mean I did enjoy Risen 2 and may even replay it some time in the future. Just not something that I will particularly look forward or rush out to buy…
Oct 18, 2006
Arcania's OK. Comparable to G3. But we're all hoping for a return to G1/G2 form, I'm sure!
Oct 18, 2006
Not a typing error, simply opinion. I found G3 quite bland compared to the first two games. Arcania was a step down again, agreed, but not of the same magnitude as G2 to G3.
Oct 18, 2006
As for PB new game, I am not optimistic that they have the budget to create a rpg of the same level as G1/2/3.

Its not a matter of budget I believe. Wasn't Risen 2 the game with the highest budget to date for PB (not sure about that) ?

To paste from the Sascha Henrichs interview linked above:

11. Would you like to go back to developing a new Gothic game?

Oh, ok, the following only represents my own opinion:

To be honest: not really. The one who develops a new Gothic, will get his fingers burned. He will be slashed by magazines and burned alive by die hard fans.

The expectations for this game would be so high, we couldn’t meet them.

The times have changed, the Gothic games lived up by a different mood, we were much more experimental back in the day. Something that was very exciting and the player could feel this loose and playful approach, but this also led to exorbitant developing times and many many bugs. We fixed this, but we also parted from this sand box developing approach.

What is this desperate need for a new Gothic game? What is expected? Well, a Gothic 1 extension is expected. Basically the same game, but more of it and in a fresh looking environment. Despite the fact, that our company is no more the same like back in the day and we would have a hard time, getting back that “feel”, chances are, we would be accused of plagiarism and lack of innovation.
Like “copy-pasting” our selves. These are accusations, we actually have to face very often; nearly after every new project. But in combination with a new Gothic, this would be terrible for the Gothic world.

When we do this, this one has to be nailed. It has to be fabulous in every aspect and there should be a huge and long planning phase. I believe it to be developed some day. But not know.

As you can see it seems more of a mentality shift in a more mature and business like approach that the company has taken the last few years. Nothing I read in those paragraphs makes me expect a return to the roots sort of thing, at least in the foreseeable future...

13. Seeing as a lot of years have passed since the release of Gothic 1, would you like to remake Gothic 1 or 2, with today’s graphics and technology?

Good question. I would do it, if anyone would give us budget for this.

Yes please!
Oct 18, 2006
11. Would you like to go back to developing a new Gothic game?
To be honest: not really.
but we also parted from this sand box developing approach

May 21, 2012
Sto plains
It will be dark and gritty. I bet.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Awsome news.
I adore ALL of their stuff. They simply know how to design a game with no mobrespawns that'll keep you playing it for hours and instead of taking a break you just want to explore it a bit more. But you already knew that.

I wish PB had the marketing machinery and invested hundreds of millions into it like Bethesda did. If that happened, the world wouldn't be flooded with grinders today.
Too bad we didn't learn is who's the publisher for the new game. But whatever that game is, and whoever the publisher is, and even if I have to turn on Steam, Origin, uPlay and WindowsLive at the same time to be able to play it, that game is an instabuy for me.
Apr 12, 2009
Answer to point 13 worth the pinpoint, expectations are killers and players (most) are unable to go over it and judge impartially. I bet quite many license are buried because of that… or thanks to that, but it's first time I read such a direct comment on that.

EDIT: Not that I care much, for me Gothic 3 was a pathetic failure already.
May 18, 2012
After playing Risen 1 I never bothered with any of their other stuff. Risen 1 was pretty bad imo.
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