The Memory of Eldurim - Parry & Dodge Update


Part-Time News-bot
October 1, 2010
Liminal Games released the next weekly update for The Memory of Eldurim on Steam.. They also released the next development stream about Parrying & Dodging.

We got some good changes into the game this week. We think it really improves certain aspects of game play.


-Enemies and bosses re-spawn and get full health when the player dies.
-Parrying added. Press TAB key to parry. Parried enemies take 2x damage when attacked immediately following a successful parry.
-Dodging/rolling greatly improved. The player can now dodge in every direction. Player can now dodge enemy attacks and some spells if timed correctly.
-Battle music added.
-Day/Night cycle reworked. Day time lasts longer, night time is shorter.
-Starting player health increased.
-Many small balancing tweaks, less health on all AI (this is not the balance update, just a general tweak before the big balance update)
-Multiple Bug fixes.

More work was done this week on a few upcoming features. We are attending the GDC next week. We will start development again following our return.

The big balance update, the archives, item stacking, and item throwing are on the horizon. We will see you guys in San Francisco.
More information.
Oct 1, 2010
The game seems rather promising and reminds me of Gothic with Dark Souls type combat (I wish that Piranha would incorporate that combat system into their Risen games).
The game looks impressive for a small indie title (but the gameplay footage isn't as pretty as the trailer) and the little lore I've read is interesting.

Is it going to be released this year ?
Feb 16, 2015
From the little bit of video I watched they have a long way to go if they want DS like combat.

Dark souls combat is light years beyond other action based combat systems. I'd say batman, shadows of mordor combat would be a distant second.

The move sets, weight of weapons and hitting monsters and the combination of stats and player skill is really impressive and the result just feels really satisfying compared to other action systems.

Anyone making an action based combat system needs to play dark souls and take notes.

My opinion and all.

dark souls gushing aside this game does look promising even if it won't offer combat comparable to DS. I'll be following it and probably check it out at some point.
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