The SWTOR thread

Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Been trying to get into this one again lately but the lack of something as simple as the option to play using mouse look is (still) really putting me off

Apr 9, 2015
Hm * I thought they had mouse look ? Pressing the key T ?
Or am I mixing this with something else ? Or ... with another game ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
It does run on my 64 bit Win7 PC, but that download was a whopping 35 GB, or something around that.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Nod, both the Everquest games did something similar last year. Kind of cool to see them adapt for the sixty-four bit systems, though I've not played either in over six months, now.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
New Season has begun.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Hm * I thought they had mouse look ? Pressing the key T ?
Or am I mixing this with something else ? Or ... with another game ?

Belated reply. I'm back playing SWTOR and unfortunately T doesn't do it. It is from something else, I seem to recall TSW (The Secret World) toggled mouse look with the T key.

I've not played SWTOR that much so still a great deal to learn.
Apr 9, 2015
BioWare is finally moving on from MMO'S, and a new studio is taking over.
Oct 1, 2010
Personally, I think that it's about time.l I guess that the MMO bound too many people and too many resources there.

I do hope, though that the new dev studio will be successful in maintaining it.
On the positive side, we *might* perhaps be lucky and get a far shorter update chain !
Bioware did 1-3 updates per year or so, that was quite grim in my opinion. They never fixed any problems soon, except for hotfixes.
Actually, the word "soon" has gotten quite an ironic meaning when it comes to SWTOR among fans.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I can't even log in anymore as I used the security app that gives you free cartel coins. As my phone tied to the App bricked and is dead. I'll call customer service one day.

Hopefully they can fix the issue without to much hassle.

As for the merge with another studio hopefully that means more expansions.
Oct 1, 2010
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I can't even log in anymore as I used the security app that gives you free cartel coins. As my phone tied to the App bricked and is dead. I'll call customer service one day.

Hopefully they can fix the issue without to much hassle.

As for the merge with another studio hopefully that means more expansions.
You could perhaps try it with the EA support web page ... I have no idea whether this works or not, though.
In my case, it worked, but that was because my device still worked.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Bruahaha !

Lt. Xorem is missing again

QA_Droid replied to vianiel's topic in Bug Reports
Hello, we are aware of the issue that some players are unable to see Lieutenant Xorem. It has been discovered that this issue is tied to players who use an AMD CPU. The current workaround is to group up with a player who can see Xorem. When that player talks to Xorem, the impacted player can join the conversation. We are working on a fix to be deployed in a future update.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
New code until November 1st !


It's a code for a decoration of Heta Kol and Shae Vizla.

I read about that only today.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'm thinking of giving this game a try - I heard it practically plays like a single player game with decent story and companions but I have a few questions before I try it out.

I want to try out free to play for now - is this doable or is this going to impose a lot of restrictions that will drive me nuts (as an example, I find it very difficult to play ESO without subscription because of limited bank space, no crafting bag etc so I want to know how bad SWTOR will be from QoL perspective without subscription).

How many companions do I miss out on? I'm really interested in story and companion aspect of most RPGs so this is important to me.

Lastly, how does it work on Steam? Do I need to create an EA account and end up launching EA launcher even if I play via Steam? This would be the major problem because I think I had 2 separate EA accounts and I can't remember any login details...
Sep 4, 2021
You'll miss no story companions. They appear after progressing through the story anyway. You'll have to make them somewhat stronger through giving them gifts or through talking to them, though. Each one has a different agenda/belief system, so your replies during dialogs can have a different effect on what they believe is the right thing.
Each class has its own companions. Only very much later (in KOTFE) you can get companions from the other faction, but you won't have a story with them, you.

You'll have restricted storage room, but you can buy that either via "Cartel Coins" - the "real money" currency - or via Credits - which is the in-game currency you can earn by doing dailies.
Crafting abilities are 3, of which you'll choose to have 2 active as F2P. You can buy the 3rd with Cartel Coins. Personally, I usually switch off the crafting mission ability, but not the crafting collecting ability, and not the actural crafting ability. You'll need mission ability as well, because collecting and mission gives you mats. You can do a second char, though, which has the mission ability switched on, but anothe one off, for example.

What's imho quite disturbing is that you can send only 1 item per mail as F2P, but The Fleet has a Legacy Bank in which you can story mats et. al. for all of your chars, faction restricted. There are planets which have access to both factions, but i don't remember whether they have public available Legacy Banks there, too.

As F2P you'll earn less that when being a paying player, but it is doable, imho.
The only thing which dives me nuts even today is the ability to not show the helmet, for example, or other clothes, only the standard clothes your character constantly wars because of stats in them are shown - in general character customizations. These must - I think - be bought entirely via Cartel Coins, apart from the race specific ones which are free. There are paid race specific ones, too.

I think the Life Day Event is a good time to start because everything is a bit lighter in mood, then. People are throwing snowballs at each other (and at NPCs) ;) You can get rewards by randomly "finding" "parcels" by hitting characters (even holograms sometimes !)
The ability to throw snowballs must be bought from the Life Day vendor at the fleet. You can also buy a snowball cannon with Cartel Coins (filed under "toys").

I have no idea about steam, though. I can't help you there. As far as it appears to me, you won't need a separate EA account, but I have never used steam with this game, so I really don't know.

If you start, and the Strongholds are still there for cheap (special vendor on the Fleet), then get one ASAP. During the anniversary each year they cost only 3 Credits, if I recall this correctly, but I don't remember how it is now.

And, choose your server wisely. I have a lone character on another sever, but I don't remember which one was that anymore.

The imperial faction is sometimes the most ... uneasy and aggressive one in the general chat, it seemed to me. I've read really disgusting troll posts there.
This doesn't mean that there are no good people there,. It's just so that teenagers who want to play evul rather play there.
Elitists exist as well, like in every game. They are only noticeable in group content, though.
Be aware of ninja invitations to anything.

After getting through your "origin" planet story, you'll be able to get to your capital planet - faction restricted - but from there you can get to THe Fleet even without having you own ship. You can't get to other planets from The Fleet without having your own ship, though. You'll get your ship after finishing the capital planet story.

As long as you *clearly* communicate that you are new, people will be friendly to you and give you tons of advice.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Thanks for the info, Alrik. Hmmm I'm more hesitant now. I do want my character to look good so not havinflg option to hide helmet etc sucks. Limitation of storage also is concerning. Do I have to pick up any crafting skills? It sounds like if I can ignore crafting, I can have more storage and free up ability slots.
Sep 4, 2021
Crafting is not mandatory. You can get items through in-game vendors with in-game currency, or through the in-game "auction house" aka GTN ("Galactic Trade Network"), where there is no auction, though. You just buy it or you don't like in a grocery store. The prices have been inflated a LOT during the last years, though. You can still buy decent armor pieces and weapons, but crafted ones are a tiny bit better. But, as I said, you can buy them in the GTN.

If you want your character to look good, you can also choose to use a different helmet ... the most beautiful armor pieces are from the Cartel Market.
"Adaptable" armor pieces are moddable, which means that you can put things into them which make them stronger.
The Cartel Market (where you pay with Cartel Coins) does have very ugly looking armor as well. You might want to use the preview function for that.

One special thing is the colour of the lightsabres. There are very nice colours out there, which can be crafted or bought via the GTN or the Cartel Market.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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