The TV Series discussion thread

I also thought the final episode of True Detective was disappointing, although I still enjoyed it, and the season overall was better than I had expected it to be.

I really didn't like how Frank met his end. He was portrayed throughout the season as being a pretty slick guy and not the type to jeopardize himself by doing something stupid. For him to go out like that was really lame.

I had it at a solid 8/10 prior to the last episode. I'd give it a final score of 7.5/10
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm waiting for Evil Dead series that should start later this year on Starz
Just watched pieces of Army of Darkness again and could barely stop. Helluva fun movie! And now I find out about the series. Hail to the king, baby.
Aug 30, 2006

Yup. This one's a must watch.

Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness were and still are the masterpieces of Hollywood. It makes me sad Hollywood just can't make stuff like that any more. Evil Dead remake was not bad, but it still wasn't the real thing.

I hope Starz will revive what Hollywood lost.
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Apr 12, 2009
Yeah I watched the new Walking Dead show as well. I'm glad I had a book handy, other than the girl from Deadwood there isn't a character on that show that interested me in the slightest. It seriously needs to improve. BTW that son looked like a girl to me for like the first 15 minutes of the show.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I recorded it but haven't watched yet. Y'all aren't giving me warm fuzzies on it.

I'm about 7 episodes backlogged on Defiance now. I just haven't gotten the urge to site down and watch them. Probably a bad sign.

I'm not terribly impressed with Killjoys and Dark Matter but I keep watching them. Not sure what that means.

I was going thru the fall schedules a couple weeks ago, mostly to mark down when series that I watch premiere their new seasons. I remember a couple new network shows that caught my eye enough to record a couple episodes (naturally I don't remember the titles right now) but nothing that qualified as "must see".
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I have been watching Grimm …
I really like it, the characters are fun and the plots are fun.

It's not an intellectual show but if you like a bit of fantasy and some detective shows this is perfect.

I love Grim.

One of the few shows I watch on regular broadcast TV albeit via DVR. I think it's the acting that is saving the show because the story arc has kinda went over the line IMO but the individual stories always seem to hold up well.

Grim reminds me of the X-files story arc, not in content but in the overall series presentation. Slowly dabbling out bits and pieces of the main story as the series progress. And like XFiles, it kinda feels like they are making it up as they go along. Nothing at all like the excellent Babylon 5, that felt like a real story arc.

(note: X-Files is in the top 3 of my all time favorite TV shows, Bab-5 might be in the top 25)

Funny story about Grim - on one of my DVR viewings, there was a secondary audio track running along with the main audio track. Literally describing everything on the screen. It turned out there is an audio track for blind people who watch television. On some occasions, there is a bug in NBC programming that automatically turns on this supplemental audio track. Since I was watching my DVR recording, I was unable to turn it off. While I was unable to get immersed in that particular episode, it was fascinating to watch/listen . . . up to a certain point. I eventually had to go to HULU to watch the episode . . . with all those commercials . . . . :'(
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
The final short season of Continuum starts soon and they previewed the first episode which was excellent.
Aug 31, 2006
I'm not terribly impressed with Killjoys and Dark Matter but I keep watching them. Not sure what that means.

I am enjoying Dark Matter quite a lot.
Imho it has great characters. They might be extremely clichee, but I like all the actors and the characters they represent. Also the story about exploring their backgrounds is interesting.

Killjoys however...I think Killjoys is the TV show which lost me the fastest. It didn't even take 2 Minutes. In the first pictures alone they are showing a star system which simply cannot exist. After that the clichee walk through a desert of an alien planet without any breathing aid. Now I thought I'll give it a chance, maybe the rest is entertaining. But it wasn't. It looks extremely cheap, the characters don't seem to have much profile and it's rushing from scene to scene much like in a comic series for children. Stopped watching it two third through the first episode...
Jun 2, 2012
Not following the thread completely and not going to check all the previous pages.

The shows I am watching are:
No Explanation needed: Game of Thrones, NCIS, Castle, Supernatural, Walking Dead and Dark Matter (see above)
Falling Skies - Aliens invaded earth, humans fight against them - Had good seasons and terrible seasons and is ending completely in a couple of days. Would not recommend to new viewers though. To many weak stuff in there.
The Last Ship - Earth depopulated by a virus (no zombies), and one US Navy ship tries to get the cure / rebuild the world. Started mediocre but watchable and became quite good. The second season was really great so far.
The Strain - Vampire/Zombies vs Humans. Not especially good. But if you can endure some cheapness it can be enjoyable.
iZombie - A new twist on the zombie genre. Todays world, woman dies and wakes up dead but tries to adapt and integrate herself. She works in the pathology to get access to brains, which she eats, needs to stay sane, and which give her visions. Not aware of this, a cop is using her help to solve criminal cases. Entertaining and quite good.
The 100 - Most of Earths population die, decades or centuries later Convicted teenage Criminals are sent to earth to see if you can live on it again.
While there is some teenage drama, it never is the focus. There is some really unrealistic stuff going on, but besides that, the series is very good and becomes even better in the second season.
Orphan Black - A story about clones. Starts great, the second season is weaker, the third became better again. The highlight is really the main actor, as she is playing 4+ of the main characters and does a great job in giving all of them extremely different personalities.
Longmire - Similar Setting as Walker Texas Ranger. A Cop in a very deserty area of the USA solves crimes, gets in conflict with native indians and so on. Very recommended.

Shows I am going to check out during the next months when they are releasing:
Minority Report
Emerald City
Heroes Reborn
Jun 2, 2012
I am enjoying Dark Matter quite a lot.
Imho it has great characters. They might be extremely clichee, but I like all the actors and the characters they represent. Also the story about exploring their backgrounds is interesting.

Killjoys however…I think Killjoys is the TV show which lost me the fastest. It didn't even take 2 Minutes. In the first pictures alone they are showing a star system which simply cannot exist. After that the clichee walk through a desert of an alien planet without any breathing aid. Now I thought I'll give it a chance, maybe the rest is entertaining. But it wasn't. It looks extremely cheap, the characters don't seem to have much profile and it's rushing from scene to scene much like in a comic series for children. Stopped watching it two third through the first episode…
Really? My exact opposite opinion. I watched a couple of episodes of Dark Matter and couldn't continue. I really disliked a few of the actors (especially One) and characters (especially One), and also didn't like the writing… Some characters were supposed to be bad-asses, but still they did whatever One wanted them to do when in all fairness they should have gone like 'screw this stupid guy' and leave him. I couldn't take anymore.

I am liking Killjoys though. Didn't like it much at first but grew on me.
Sep 23, 2008
Hrm...I can see your point with "One" and I had the same impressions at first (much like Rick's wife in walking dead who got on my nerves extremely quickly). But I wouldn't agree that they are all doing what he wants (might be the case in the very beginning) and he gets his own agenda and secrets as well. Also his conflicts with "Three" become more fleshed out later on. The one in the party giving it most structure and order though is "Two". But most of them ignore her/ the group with some individual decisions anyways.
Jun 2, 2012
I love Grim.

One of the few shows I watch on regular broadcast TV albeit via DVR. I think it's the acting that is saving the show because the story arc has kinda went over the line IMO but the individual stories always seem to hold up well.

Grim reminds me of the X-files story arc, not in content but in the overall series presentation. Slowly dabbling out bits and pieces of the main story as the series progress. And like XFiles, it kinda feels like they are making it up as they go along. Nothing at all like the excellent Babylon 5, that felt like a real story arc.

(note: X-Files is in the top 3 of my all time favorite TV shows, Bab-5 might be in the top 25)

Funny story about Grim - on one of my DVR viewings, there was a secondary audio track running along with the main audio track. Literally describing everything on the screen. It turned out there is an audio track for blind people who watch television. On some occasions, there is a bug in NBC programming that automatically turns on this supplemental audio track. Since I was watching my DVR recording, I was unable to turn it off. While I was unable to get immersed in that particular episode, it was fascinating to watch/listen . . . up to a certain point. I eventually had to go to HULU to watch the episode . . . with all those commercials . . . . :'(

We love Grimm as well - and I agree with you that some of the stories have gotten eye-rolling but it is the characters and acting tht bring you back. Definitely felt that this season!

We typically watch on Hulu, there always seems to be something going on when the show is live, and there is less pressure to force our schedule when we can watch on Hulu. Funny - our kids got us into the show, but they don't watch anymore ...
Oct 18, 2006
Narcos- a Netflix original docudrama series. Overall it was compelling, but then I find shows that focus on the world of drug dealers absolutely fascinating. There is a disclaimer in the beginning about some fictionalization, and you can usually tell those parts, which are unfortunately the shows liability. Oh well. Can't wait for season 2.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - If you are a fan of 30 Rock-- which is probably tied for my all time favorite sit-coms alongside post 'The Contest' Seinfeld -- you will probably enjoy this. It's produced by Tina Fey and others from that show. I love it-- has the same vibe as 30 Rock without seeming like a rip off.
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Jul 18, 2007
Anyone else see the premier of Fear The Walking Dead?

It set a new ratings record for a cable television premier.

Personally, I wasn't too impressed.

Episode 2 was a good improvement over the first, except for the ridiculous world's fastest resolving opiate withdrawal (even before Mom gave him a bump to take the edge off). I have to keep telling myself it's not the same as Walking Dead. I am enjoying the progression of society's collapse. It reminds me of the background activities in Shaun of the Dead before everything goes bad (i.e. all these bad things happening, but nobody's really paying attention).
Jul 18, 2007
I've put off watching FTWD for now because I'm re-watching Walking Dead from the beginning with my GF. She's never seen it, so we're going to watch the first five seasons before catching up on FTWD.

We're already halfway through Season 3 and she's hooked. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Poor GF :)

You should do what I do and introduce your GF to quality shows like Babylon 5 instead ;)

I know it's hard to believe, but a lot of people still like TWD. I actually thought Season 5 was the best one yet.

Been meaning to check out Bablylon 5 for a long time, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be on any of the digital streaming services over here. I'm not willing to purchase it on physical media without knowing if I'll like it enough to be worthwhile.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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