ToEE - A New Fluent Let's Play!

Isn't it more of a video review or such you are interested in, if you want to know whatever to play a game or not, the way I see it, if you watch through a let's play series of a game, the game will not be so fun to play when you already know everything? Obviously this is not the case for strategy games either… but single player RPG's…

That I can totally understand, for strategy games to find new tactics or such.

Maybe I should have said I don't understand let's plays for single player RPG's.

Often, though, reviews just hit on some of the bigger features and the narrator has a tendency to dwell on crap I really don't care about. "Oh, look at the trees swaying! blah blah" Whereas with 'Let's play' stuff, you're getting a solid look at the start of the game and you can jump ahead to the nuts and bolts deeper in. If the narrator is still having fun in the mundane game-related stuff, it's a good sign it's a worthwhile experience.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
There are different people all over the world, one does not have to understand each and every one of them.
Thank you Fluent for your videos.
Happy gaming, GothicGothicness :)
Oct 18, 2011
Often, though, reviews just hit on some of the bigger features and the narrator has a tendency to dwell on crap I really don't care about. "Oh, look at the trees swaying! blah blah" Whereas with 'Let's play' stuff, you're getting a solid look at the start of the game and you can jump ahead to the nuts and bolts deeper in. If the narrator is still having fun in the mundane game-related stuff, it's a good sign it's a worthwhile experience.

Yes, yes that I can also understand, I guess for me a let's play is someone playing through the entire game :p
Oct 25, 2006
You guys are all very welcome for the video and I truly hope you enjoy it! Thanks for the nice comments! =)

I've already recorded 2 more episodes, and Episode 4 is a doozy!! Loving this game already. I'll upload the next 2 episodes today because I'm using Shadowplay and the whole process is super fast and simple, so I can make videos very quickly! =)
Episode 3 is here!! =)

In this episode I continue exploring Hommlet, meeting all the townsfolk and getting some backstory about the village and its inhabitants! Will I find the miller yet?!? I need that dang flour, man!! =D

Watch and see what unfolds, and stay tuned because Episode 4 is pure madness and crazy adventure!! Lots of combat and fun stuff ahead, so tag along for the ride. =)

Episode 3

Enjoy! :)
The first decent Let's Play I watched was by a guy called KSorian back in 2009. Looking back now, he still just has the two full Let's Plays, but they're still a great watch and surprisingly don't take up too much time. They're both properly Blind and you get to see the guy learning the game as he goes - and they're both games you've either probably never heard of or are unlikely to have remembered, so they are jammed with nostalgia:

1. Rocket Knight (Genesis):


2. Sparkster (Genesis):

Nov 1, 2014
Yes, just like with the recent Bloodborne, it was a PS4 exclusive combined with the fact that it is amazing to watch. In the case of Bloodborne it's a matter of why are you wasting time playing a crappy game when you could be watching Bloodborne ;) LOL
Nov 1, 2014
Thanks for all the responses everyone! A few things I'd like to address.

#1 - If you know me, you know that I have done many Let's Plays over the past year and some change, and none of them have been finished.
This is a thing I personally find very irritating. Jumping from game to game and showing this indecision off to the whole world is something I do not quite understand. It's like watching a spoiled child playing with all his toys and getting bored despite the profusion.
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
Well, Gloo, if you don't like it, feel free not to watch or follow me on YouTube! :)

Of course, I hope you do watch and I'd like you to follow along, but I also have ADHD and finishing things is very difficult for me. So rather than turning it into a tedious job that I will grow to hate, I play the games as I feel and enjoy every moment. Since I enjoy every moment with the games I do Let's Play, I can share that joy with everyone watching and hope they appreciate it whether I finish the game or not. =)

It's about the journey for me, not the destination. Even if I do one single episode of a Let's Play, I hope the viewers had fun watching it. That's all that matters to me. =)
I watch stuff like this to get an idea as to whether I'd enjoy the game or not. I don't have unlimited funds to buy everything I'm remotely interested in, so "let's play" videos help narrow that list down. That said, I watch less than 10 mins or so, and I skip ahead quite a bit. It's also great background noise when I'm doing other stuff at the desk.

My other reason for watching them is for new tactics/strategy, which obviously doesn't apply to RPGs. But when you're an XCOM junkie, or Wargame, etc— you sometimes learn some new tools for the toolbox.

Hey Fluent does a great job on these videos and you tell he is so into the game he is playing.

I should have said I can see why people like watch these sort of video's.
Apr 2, 2011
Nice videos, Fluent!

Are you playing ToEE with the Circle of Eight mod ?
Nov 15, 2013
Thanks for the kind words, Celtic! :party:

henriquejr, I'm NOT playing with the mod at this moment. I realize that I'm missing out on some features and what not, but I'd like to keep the game as close to the original experience as possible, warts and all! So, we'll see how it goes. I will save the patch for a future playthrough, for sure. =)
Episode 4 is live, and oh, my, we are getting into some adventure!! Videos coming out very quickly but I'm going to take a little break for today after this and give you all a chance to catch up!! =) :party:

In this episode I continue exploring and seeing the sights of Hommlet, add a couple fun, unique party members to the mix, and then get into epic battles in the swamp near the moathouse! Watch and see how we fare in these hair-raising, tense encounters!!! =)

That 4th one was pretty good, as you say, now it's getting to the fighting. The phrase "miss" is something you'll certainly be getting used to! You miss a lot in most cRPGs, but in ToEE it stands out so much because the combat is so slow combined with lots of low HP characters and such wide results in damage. As in this video, you'll go two or three rounds just feeling like a melon missing and getting a hit for 1 HP, across all your teams attacks then, all of a sudden, one dude will one-shot a bad guy and you'll be like "oh, that was easy...?"
Nov 1, 2014
Yes, the game is getting quite good now, and I am quite engrossed and thrilled by the combat system! It really is a beautiful design, and the turn-based tension mixed with the immersive lore and backbone of Dungeons & Dragons makes this game a real winner. I love it so far and see myself playing it for a long time. :)

How can you not love a turn-based D&D game that lets you create your own party? Brilliant stuff.

Also, I have missed a lot of attacks in combat, for sure, but when those attacks hit, man, it's a great feeling. It's very rewarding and keeps you on your toes, and I dig it so far. :)

More episodes to come! I'm going to play more tonight and upload some more footage tomorrow. Stay tuned!! =)
Can't read all of this thread. Sorry.

However have to say something.
A game is IMO supposed to be played not watched.
Cooking shows are supposed to be watched. They are - SHOWS. They are not cooking. I'm watching AngryJoe reviews not because I can do the same thing he does at his home, but because he makes a SHOW.

I just hope people understand that there is a big difference between a game and a show.
Apr 12, 2009
Haha, joxer, what I do is a show! It's called A Fluent Let's Play. It's my own little show I do on the interwebs where I play games and make (hopefully) funny and interesting commentary along the way. =)

So while it's not the production level of Angry Joe, it's still my own little show. :nod:
Thanks, Fluent! Keep it up!!

I believe you can get ToEE on GoG for $4.99 (not on sale). I'm thinking it's well worth it.

Thanks, Wenzil!! :party:

At $4.99, this game is a steal, and I can say that after only spending a few hours with it thus far. I bought mine in the massive GOG Dungeons & Dragons bundle for even less if I recall correctly, and it's definitely been worth it. =)
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