YouTube Comments


Deleted User

Good LORD, man, YT comments are simply horrible. I never noticed it all that much as I rarely read more than one section of comments on a video, but now that I make videos myself (and a few recent videos of mine have reached 10k+ views), I read every comment, and MAN, just atrocious stuff, honestly.

I don't really take them to heart or whatever, it's just insane to read them. I know there are some good people out there who leave thoughtful comments, but let me tell you, those people are few and far between! :D

It's mostly a lot of "this sucks"..."lol your mom"..."go %&*)# a %#)"..."this game looks like garbage" and so many more great treats that I read in my inbox each day. :)

So, moral of the story? Maybe we should all try to leave thoughtful comments on YT videos. Maybe you will inspire someone else to do the same! :)
Welcome to my world as we even get some of those comments on this website. I watch few different Lets Play channels, and some have disabled comments permanently.
Oct 1, 2010
Don't get me started. Vile gibbering simpletons.
Nov 8, 2014
Rule #1, never read YouTube or news website comments. It's best for everyone that way.
Jul 3, 2011
I may disable comments for the Raven's Cry videos I made. They are the worst offenders. I hate doing that, though, for the one-in-a-million chance someone actually wants to leave a good or interesting comment. o_O
You have to remember that a lot of those comments are probably from teenagers, kids, etc. I generally agree with Menigal about not even reading them though.

I guess it would be hard not to read comments about your own video though.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well, my experience with comments on my own videos has been good so far, BUT, I'm talking about my little Let's Play videos which don't get many views. Usually people post thoughtful, nice comments on those, although comments are generally rare since they don't get many views.

The problem happened once a few of my videos started getting a lot of views. All of the sudden, the comments are rampant and most of them are negative. I still read them but it's mostly just to get a kick out of how crazy people act on the internet! :D
I noticed your comments skyrocketed after we posted your Raven's Cry Preview last week, and after a few threads on Steam shared links to your videos.:thinking:
Oct 1, 2010
I think this quote is perfect. :)

“I hadn't known there were so many idiots in the world until I started using the Internet.”
- Stanislaw Lem
Oct 4, 2011
Planet Earth
Yes. My faith in humanity is on an all time low. I hope they are just kids.

Is there a captcha to block teenagers (= -25 years) ?

What do you think of A
1. Nah. Sux0rs. Lulz
2. Dlc infested piece of crap
3. Sane answer

But we might block joxer too then ;)

PS. I suck at this kind of language
Jun 5, 2009
I noticed your comments skyrocketed after we posted your Raven's Cry Preview last week, and after a few threads on Steam shared links to your videos.:thinking:

Yeah, I also joined my YouTube account to Steam, and those videos of mine were posted on the Raven's Cry community videos page, so lots of people saw them. Needless to say I got many colorful responses after that. :)
But we might block joxer too then ;)
I rarely watch youtube vids and even more rare I put a comment.
Last year the only comment on youtube I made, in the whole year, was telling Angry Joe that he's unfair towards Risen 3.

Fluent, I suggest disabling comments on youtube like TotalBiscuit did because there is no other way to get rid of toxic community.
Crybabies are everywhere and youtube is not moderated.
Apr 12, 2009
Yeah, it's a question of proportions. If the number of stupid comments overwhelms the number of positive ones it's a time to switch comments off.
Jan 10, 2008
I think it's a good thing, because it gives you a pretty accurate picture of the mindset of people (of any given age), when they're not obligated by social norms. YT isn't as bad as it CAN be, because a lot of people have accounts that aren't entirely anonymous.

People subject to social norms are rarely honest - which I think is helpful to consider, when learning about the human condition.
Yup, advocated of "freeing from the social norms" don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
Jan 10, 2008
I don't really agree. I prefer to hear honest comments - instead of what people think I want to hear, or what people think they benefit from saying.

Then again, I would never put anything on YT because I wanted positive feedback (that would be a bonus, though). It would be because I thought it might be helpful to SOMEONE - and that's enough for me.

That doesn't mean I don't completely ignore bullshit, however :)
I don't mean comments DArt. Comments can be hurtful but they are (mostly) harmless. It's the behaviour freed from the social norms that I was thinking about.
Jan 10, 2008
I don't mean comments DArt. Comments can be hurtful but they are (mostly) harmless. It's the behaviour freed from the social norms that I was thinking about.

Making a comment can be considered behavior :)

Well, since I consider "most of" society rotten to the core - I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's necessarily a good thing either.

But I do think that it's possible (though extremely hard) to change social norms until they're no longer saturated with dishonesty, self-serving and ultimately self-destructive behavior.
But I do think that it's possible (though extremely hard) to change social norms until they're no longer saturated with dishonesty, self-serving and ultimately self-destructive behavior.

You are still young DArt. You will grow out of it :biggrin:
Jan 10, 2008
You are still young DArt. You will grow out of it :biggrin:

It's been years since I was really invested in it on a personal level :)

But I doubt I will stop believing it's theoretically possible.

I might get old enough to not care at all, but I will never get so old that I don't stubbornly believe in my own bullshit ;)
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