I almost like the 2022 graphics more. With the 2023 one, things seem brighter (not sure I like that or not). Its probably a moot point cuz when I get the game I'll be running it at low to (mid at best) detail anyway.
I'll probably play on high with a few tweaks at best. As the requirements for Ultra with all the bells and whistles is to high. Nothing new with Bethsdea games though.

Same way I played Fallout 4 when it first came out as well.
I guess it depends on how my machine (which was never top of the line in the best of times) handles it. I do meet the requirements, shockingly enough. I'm completely used to running games at low detail, and even though its never happened to me, I'm kinda paranoid of melting my graphics card.

125 GB, dear god. I'm glad I bought a 1 TB SSD when I got my computer a couple years back. I thought it was needlessly excessive when I bought it, but I may very well fill that thing up.
Btw, they've announced it has "gone gold" today. Preloads start tomorrow, the 17th, unless you're playing on Steam (in which case not until the 30th). I'm on Xbox, so I'll be getting that puppy ready to go.
Is it also playable sooner on Xbox? Just curious. I have the Premium Edition on Steam. I'm considering changing my stance about not playing it at launch. I think I get to play it 5 days sooner or something like that for having the Premium Edition.
125 GB, dear god. I'm glad I bought a 1 TB SSD when I got my computer a couple years back. I thought it was needlessly excessive when I bought it, but I may very well fill that thing up.
It's pretty crazy how fast these install sizes are blowing up. I just built a new rig with a 2TB NVMe SSD, and I'm already questioning how long that's going to last me.
Isn't it due to 4K graphics? I wish some games would have the option not to install 4k textures. I'm still ok with 1080 DPI, but probably because I've been used to it for so long. I've always lagged behind in technology for some reason. Hell, my last computer lasted me 10-11 years and I'd still be using it if Windows 7 wasn't retired.
That's part of the problem but it's mostly due to audio, video, and textures not being compressed as much as they were ten years ago. Also helps slow down piracy.

They should offer the option to allow users to install what you want and stop all in one downloads. Just look at JRPGs they are a prime example for that happening.
Yeah, I kinda joked to myself awhile back that if they made 100 TB games, no one would be able to pirate them. I better not joke about that, I'm sure in my lifetime games will get that big. These huge sizes must suck for people who's ISP have low usage limits. Hell, it wasn't too long ago mine was 120 GB (it went to 1 TB and now its infinite).

There was one recent game I played that gave me an option to not download HD textures... might have been Diablo 4. Yeah, that one only takes up a miniscule 46 GB on my HD.
I have pretty fast internet, but I'll still sometimes not pirate a game if it's over a certain size. I only pirate something to briefly try it before purchasing, but if it's a big download I'll often skip it just for that reason. I just can't be bothered to download a large file that I'll be deleting usually on the same day.
This is going to sound weird, but I haven't pirated a game since I got a Steam account in the early 2010s. I guess getting stuff for dirt cheap on sales killed piracy for me. Unfortunately I hoarded a couple hundred games that I'll probably never play :lol: I guess once something hits a certain price point, I have no qualms in wasting money.
I find the prospect of being a smuggler oddly appealing. I normally don't do thief-type characters (at least on first playthrough), but I may give that a go first.
They mention that there will be 20 recruitable NPCs, but apparently only four of them will have significant backstories and companion quests.

I would have expected more, and I wonder if that's why they haven't talked about the NPCs much.

I don't really care either way though. I've never played Bethesda's games for the companions, and I enjoy exploring just as much when I'm solo.
How many companions can you have with you? (I obviously haven't been following this game too closely until recently :LOL:) I can see having one major NPC and 2 minor ones (ie, hirelings with some voiced lines) as a party working out ok.

I normally go solo as well. At least in FO4 and Skyrim I did. F:NV I always had 2 companions with me.
I assume we will only be able to have one companion at a time like their other titles. I'm cool with that. The last thing I would want is for Bethesda to start trying to make it a party-like experience. We have other games for that.
Yeah, and also way too high of a risk of dying from friendly fire (either you or them). I mainly want another character as a packmule and maybe to help me out offensively (esp. if I do a character that isn't combat-focused).
How many companions can you have with you? (I obviously haven't been following this game too closely until recently :LOL:) I can see having one major NPC and 2 minor ones (ie, hirelings with some voiced lines) as a party working out ok.

I normally go solo as well. At least in FO4 and Skyrim I did. F:NV I always had 2 companions with me.
Almost certainly one. BGS doesn't do parties.
I know what he meant. The games are designed for one character, but allow followers because they don't feel like companions, or a even party in a single Bethesda game.^^