Skyrim - 6Gb HDD Space Explained

Omfg. I'm not sure to whom some of you are replying at this point. I'm certainly not crying in my cheerios over here. I'm a pretty hardcore straight up rpg guy and I like good games with good worlds and storytelling. I just chimed in because some people seemed under the impression that bsoft had actually invented a new, fantastically superior compression method and waited until we cried console textures to mention it! ^^;

Rose tinted goggles. There a must for every gamer.;)
Oct 1, 2010

Also, not a surprise.


So, what is it then? :)

Fishy. Unless by initial trailer Hines means this one, which, well, would be fishy too.
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Apr 4, 2008
yeah i googled it, Hines clarified himself and said the trailer was infact a mix from all sources, including consoles. But it's strange that Breckon says otherwise. I mean if they've decided to lie about something, at least let everyone in your team know about it so you don't f*ck up? :p

Whatever. It will be great nonetheless ;)
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I'm impressed that a journalists had the technical know-how to do that.

I'd be willing to bet that he won't be reviewing anymore games though. :)

It was probably a Russian gaming journalist....
Oct 13, 2007
This place is going to get silly in about a week, RPG "gurus" will be telling us all why the game sucks because it has a bad texture here or there, or that it doesn't allow you to sit(I'm not sure if it does). This is a safe prediction:)
Apr 17, 2007
yeah i googled it, Hines clarified himself and said the trailer was infact a mix from all sources, including consoles. But it's strange that Breckon says otherwise. I mean if they've decided to lie about something, at least let everyone in your team know about it so you don't f*ck up? :p

Whatever. It will be great nonetheless ;)

IIRC, the "Making Of" trailer was the one he said was a mix from all sources, which he later clarified to mean that the only PC footage was the part that is playing on a monitor in someones cubicle.
Jan 15, 2011
But posters can be disingenuous, right? The post I responded to was "only" posting in the interest of "solid" information, right?

It’s tyranny of the center. They are making a game to appeal to a broad demographic, and the majority of that demographic happens to be not smart and overly dramatic. In my book you hold the special education teacher to a higher standard than the retards in the class. The students never asked to be fucking idiots, yet the teacher made it her/his goal to directly benefit and make a living from her/his job working with them. A disingenuous audience does not make it right for the people who want to directly benefit from that audience to be disingenuous as well.

I like to think I have my own special and unique form of retarded idiocracy, and I doubt many would disagree. But I made up my mind to walk this path alone long ago. Someone has to fight the good fight and be the lone voice of reason in this mad online world filled with even more retarded idiots than I. Your job of being normal and running this place is probably a thankless job, but mine is even more thankless due to being unnecessary.
Feb 16, 2009
This place is going to get silly in about a week, RPG "gurus" will be telling us all why the game sucks because it has a bad texture here or there, or that it doesn't allow you to sit(I'm not sure if it does). This is a safe prediction:)

I doubt that. I'd say there are far more "hardcore" RPG players here than on most forums out there, people here will not care about such things, some will however complain about other things (that relates to gameplay). That is my prediction ;)
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I doubt that. I'd say there are far more "hardcore" RPG players here than on most forums out there, people here will not care about such things, some will however complain about other things (that relates to gameplay). That is my prediction ;)

There are 6 pages of threads on textures here alone, and that is not without confirmed problems.
Apr 17, 2007
There are 6 pages of threads on textures here alone, and that is not without confirmed problems.

That's not the same as saying the game is unplayable or that it sucks. People do care about graphics for this game though, both Morrowind and Oblivion were ground breaking games when it came to graphics.

People seems to love it (xbox version) so i'm not worried it will suck. I don't think i've read a single "this game sucks" in the "scene" forums, and that rarely happens, often its 50% "great game" 50% "worst game ever" for the big titles.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Soil erosion!

When it was released it got a lot of praise for its graphics, both on PC and xbox. I bet you can't name another open-world game with that kind of graphics, released at that time :)
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
roqua you walk a lone road because like fire, you consume anything that isn't like you and turn it into ash.
is fire alive; is roqua
like a plane (not the pilot) crashing into a building—your messages/words aren't about the act just the violence
at least you don't wear a mask so there's that…
Oct 26, 2006
Also, not a surprise.


So, what is it then? :)

Fishy. Unless by initial trailer Hines means this one, which, well, would be fishy too.

Clarification from Nick Breckon:

Alright, some clarification.

We never lied. Some shots in the initial gameplay trailer were indeed captured on a PC -- using the 360 renderer. They were captured that way for logistical purposes. Essentially, the footage you saw is 360 footage -- or footage of the PC version if you have the graphics sliders at that level, depending on how you look at it.

I think the game looks great on 360/PS3. It can look even better on PC if you have a beefy machine due to the advanced graphics options/higher resolution/AA/etc. You guys can be the judge in a few days, but we're not engaging in deception here.
Jan 15, 2011
Clarification from Nick Breckon said:
You guys can be the judge in a few days, but we're not engaging in deception here.

You guys can be the judge after you bought it.
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Oct 8, 2009
roqua you walk a lone road because like fire, you consume anything that isn't like you and turn it into ash.
is fire alive; is roqua
like a plane (not the pilot) crashing into a building—your messages/words aren't about the act just the violence
at least you don't wear a mask so there's that…

Thank you. That may be the first poem anyone has ever written for me, AND BOY WAS IT A DOOZY!!! But I like actual women and not man-womens. Also, I’d hate to be the cause of anymore of your brooding and the extra mascara use that would entail, so instead of the usual I’ll leave you with this little scribble I just wrote in reply to the poem you wrote of me and I’ll end it with two quotes that I also just invented this very moment to chew upon.

I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark should burn out
in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom
of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist.
I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.
Feb 16, 2009
how can you have morals but be responsible towards no-one—that's probably the definition of amoral. also your last quote is funny as one of the quotes in tropico 3 is by malcolm x—"You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."

however i think i disagree with both of you as neither tenant is acceptable and i would always strive towards peace, as true freedom is never attainable even for the sociopaths who burn out thinking they've reached it so why walk down that road. suffering for peace by sacrificing freedom is hardly futile as it has its own non altruistic rewards. since you'll always have to answer to someone unless you're a true hermit persuing a path of "freedom" is about as meaningless as the bumper stickers "freedom isn't free" as it's all realitive in reality where your freedoms often come at the expense of others. real peace requires costs as well though they are never as high for anyone as the those of freedom.

—-of lesser import—-
you can condescend all you want but all humans, still come from a man and woman so despite your desire to strip any feminity from yourself for whatever reason, and i'm sure there are judging by your comments over the years, all close-mindedness does is firewall yourself from those you might other impact or benifit from. i've never bought into a freedom that somehow is riddled with exceptions.

—of even less import—-
you're apparently unaware of this that i made years ago as well

and even better malcolm x quote—
"I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don’t believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn’t want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn’t know how to return the treatment."
Oct 26, 2006
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