BioWare - Dragon Age 3: Inquisition Revealed @ Bioware Blog

Sounds good to me. I really like the idea of a more expansive world and better reactivity to player choices.
I never bought or played DA2 so DA3 is a wait and see.

Ssince I did buy it and played it and finished it I can only say you've made a good choice. By skipping that game you didn't miss anything important.
This time, when DA3 gets released I won't just jump on it but will wait and see if it's worth my time and money.
Apr 12, 2009
I'll go against the grain here and say that I'm looking forward to this. I won't pre-order, though I generally don't pre-order games anyway (I have no problem waiting 3-4 months for a price drop).

I'm curious to see what this game will look like using Frostbite 2.

I was disappointed with DA2, but not enough to sour me from the series; I still like the world they've started building and am interested to see where the series goes.
Mar 7, 2012
So far I don't see anything of significance one way or the other. We pretty much already knew Bioware was doing DA3. They'd have been idiots not to, given that their other major franchise (Mass Effect) has reached its conclusion. Beyond that, they've burned enough of my trust with DA2 and ME3 that I won't buy another of their games without reading multiple reviews first, and I'm no longer enough of a fan of the company to want to waste my time reading tea leaves.

If Bioware still has it in themselves to produce a game that I want to play -- and they could -- then I'll buy and play it. But I won't take their word on anything. The product can and will speak for itself in due course.
Nov 30, 2009
DA2 came out 16 months after DA:O with lots of DLC in between. DA3 is still 15 months away from now, assuming no delays, and we haven't seen any DLC in almost a year. I guess they did learn that lesson, at least.

So what's this Frostbite 2 engine? Hmm… OMG!!! The logo!!! It's the white hand of Saruman!

Hmmm, so they are using the same engine Battlefield has been using?? Okay... wasn't expecting that.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
DA2 came out 16 months after DA:O with lots of DLC in between. DA3 is still 15 months away from now, assuming no delays, and we haven't seen any DLC in almost a year. I guess they did learn that lesson, at least

DA 2 DLC and expansion were canceled to work instead on DA3. They didn't learn just let the ship sink and moved on.
Oct 1, 2010
No one expects the Dragon Age Inquisition! ^^;

New engine = good. Other stuff we have to wait and see.
Aug 24, 2007
I was disappointed in Dragon Age: Origins. I didn't give DA2 a second thought after playing the demo. Folks at the Watch will have to start wetting themselves over how great this little piece of heresy is before I even glance in its direction.
Sep 16, 2010
We are working on a new engine which we believe will allow us to deliver a more expansive world, better visuals, more reactivity to player choices, and more customization. At PAX East, we talked about armour and followers… Yeah, that kind of customisation. We´ve started with Frostbite 2 from DICE as a foundation to accomplish this.

Yeah, that's not the kind customization I want. I want to customize my character's stats and skills, and inventory. Not to have unprecedented control over mustache shape, and pauldron tints.
May 4, 2011
1) It's good to hear they haven't given up on the franchise= good sign.

2) They are clearly trying to distance themselves from DA2= good sign.

3) It's apparently been under production since before DA2, somehow= curious sign.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
Yeah, that's not the kind customization I want. I want to customize my character's stats and skills, and inventory. Not to have unprecedented control over mustache shape, and pauldron tints.

Unfortunately for us, that's what character customization seems to mean these days.

"Q: So can we look forward to customizing our character origins/backgrounds maybe give him advantages and disadvantages that will affect the way we play?

A: No. But look twirlable goatees and paintable armor!"
Feb 3, 2011
3) It's apparently been under production since before DA2, somehow= curious sign.

What they said was something like 'work of some sort' probably meaning Dave Gaider and 'Team Estrogen' (because the writing team is all female) going into overdrive. The writers are usually busiest at the beginning and end. A story can be penned long before they decide if they'll hang a hack&slash gameplay on it, or RPG.
Feb 28, 2011
Liked DA Origins and many earlier titles. Played the DA2 Demo. Skipped the game after that. Skipped ME3. Most probably will not be interested in any future products.

Bioware is just not producing for me anymore. Luckily, there are other studios that do. Good luck to Bioware, I'm sure they have a "more profitable" group of consumers in their focus. The only reason I'm still interested in news about Bioware games is a faint memory of long gone nostalgia.
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May 18, 2012
What they said was something like 'work of some sort' probably meaning Dave Gaider and 'Team Estrogen' (because the writing team is all female) going into overdrive. The writers are usually busiest at the beginning and end. A story can be penned long before they decide if they'll hang a hack&slash gameplay on it, or RPG.

"Team Estrogen" was actually working on SWTOR for about "half" that two years (well 2 of them at least).
Oct 13, 2007
Is the awesome button still connected now, in Dragon Age 3?
Oct 26, 2006
Given BioWare's history of blatantly exaggerated claims about game content during game development combined with zero BioWare accountability and apologies after game release, my take is BioWare honestly expects no one to seriously believe any of this.

So. I do understand. And I don't seriously believe a word of what BioWare wrote.

DA2 was a huge disappointment for me, but BioWare won me back a bit with ME3. Yeah, they converted the franchise into a shooter and there's nothing cool about that, but it was still a pretty good game I thought.

I won't preorder DA3, but I'm certain to purchase it after a week or two, barring catastrophic release issues or exceedingly poor reviews.
Apr 5, 2011
San Juan Islands, WA
I loved DAO - really enjoyed it and thought it was a great game. DA2 was rather meh. Story and companions I liked but the reused content, combat, and the ending was rather lacking.

I will give DA3 a try if it looks like they may go back closer to DAO with perhaps a few of the good things in DA2. But if they continue their current negative trend in quality (IMO) I won't.

At the moment Project Eternity has WAY MORE interest for me the DA3. PE got me searching for information and looking for posts on the net. DA3 - I haven't even been tempted to read anything besides what the watch posted. Although I am vaguely curious what the BSN forums are saying about it. In the same way you are curious to know why that ambulance and police car went rushing by your window ...
Jun 4, 2008
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