C2077 CP2077 Adventuring Journals [spoilers]

Cyberpunk 2077
Does anyone know where the heck can you buy knives/throwing knives in Watson? In 2.0 is what I mean. All the guides and articles keep giving advice that doesn't seem to be up to date anymore.
There seemingly isn't a throwing knives perk anymore, but I did find one that enhances throwing knives. So I assume I just need that one?
But my main issue is I can't find any knives for sale anywhere. The only seller I know of is the boxing dude near V's apartment. And he's not selling knives.

EDIT: yeah, I don't know what gives about knives, but I did stumble upon a random drop of an axe I can throw. I'll make due with that, for now.
There's a melee merchant but he only has bats and batons. The knives I have are those I looted from bodies. It's strange that weapon vendors don't have any indeed; I saw the same here.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
There's a melee merchant but he only has bats and batons. The knives I have are those I looted from bodies. It's strange that weapon vendors don't have any indeed; I saw the same here.
The older guides are saying that coach Fred should have knives, at least at a certain point. Maybe I'm not there yet. But the axe I'm able to throw has been more than adequate. It shockingly sometimes does more damage, when aimed at the head, than my pistol.

In other news, I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised at how decent the stealth system is. In my previous playthrough I killed a japanese mobster (called Jontaro, or something) by going into an all-out shootout.
Well this time, I sneaked directly into his upper floor from nearby buildings. It was fun finding a way up there.
And then I managed to kill one of his bodyguard with my axe, from afair. And then sneaked into his apartment, disabled his camera and turret.
And then sneaked behind him and strangled him. So much fun. :D
Unfortunately it devolved into an all-out shootout afterwards, when an axe throw didn't kill one of his guards. But hey, it was fun while it lasted. I think throwing stuff is gonna be fun, and I hear it's quite overpowered.

And I forgot to mention, I'm playing on very hard, so hacks are mandatory to keep enemies still so I can headshot them. It's quite the challenge, but oh so fun.
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Jul 31, 2007
Many dialogues in BG3 have outstanding body language, but the facial expressions aren't very good, at least for the MC. The Origins are mostly fine, but my character only makes faces that are distracting and hard to decrypt. The most striking is the environment, as you said. It's definitely more immersive in CP 2077.
The body language is fine, but when you talk to people in BG3, they're bound into a space and don't have the latitude to interact with their environment like they do in CP2077. That's how most games are. There are just a lot more phyiscal actions CP2077 NPCs can and do perform.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Reinstalled it today. Haven't had time to play yet, but I did run the benchmark. It selected the Ray Tracing: Ultra setting for me, so I just left it on that and didn't change anything. Got an average of 76 fps which surprised me after hearing about how poorly optimized it is for AMD cards. I hope it actually performs close to that in-game.

Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm definitely enjoying the stealth build a whole lot more. A lot more exploratory and makes you troubleshoot hard encounters. Especially on very hard.
This cyberpsychosis hunt (Lt. Mower) for example, which I struggled with on my run and gun build, and which I only managed to take out by speccing into dash, so I could dash around the arena and not get hit by her melee swings.
This time I decided to inspect the building who's inner courtyard she is in, and finally found a way up there and managed to see the inside of the courtyard from above. I swear climbing in this game is so fun, since most buildings have hidden ledges you can climb.

Unfortunately, seems the script (or theoretically I guess you could explain it by her being ultra-aware due to her condition; but that is a bit cheap) triggers her to detect you the moment you enter the arena, regardless if you're up looking down on her.
But even so, I managed to cheese her just by using the fact that my health packs regen, and she doesn't. Took a bit of peeking out and taking pot-shots at her, but I got her.
Also, I'm not sure if they've changed the mechanics, but even though this cyberpsychosis hunt asks that you use non-lethal weapons, seems lethal weapons work just the same. I noticed it a lot that most I kill tend to just lay on the floor, and I can take the extra shot and finish the off, for no other reason.
Jul 31, 2007
Yes, a few of those cyberpsychos seem to artificially jump you when you hit a hidden trigger.

I remember trying several ideas for that one, and stealth allowed me to move and hide behind the boxes to get behind her back and neutralize her alive. From what I saw of the difficulty in 2.0, I bet it's harder than before.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Yes, a few of those cyberpsychos seem to artificially jump you when you hit a hidden trigger.

I remember trying several ideas for that one, and stealth allowed me to move and hide behind the boxes to get behind her back and neutralize her alive. From what I saw of the difficulty in 2.0, I bet it's harder than before.
You could pull stealth on her? In my case she triggers the moment I get anywhere in the inner courtyard, either on the ground with her, or up on the ledges.
I did see a youtube video of choking her out, but the dude also cheesed the AI. He first entered the courtyard, triggered her, then ran ran out of the courtyard, till she disengaged from combat.
And then moved in again, triggered decoys on one of the electrical pannels inside the courtyard, lured her there and then strangled her.

Anyway, all of this, even if it doesn't work sometimes, is way more engaging than just having constant shootouts with all enemies. Stealth play really changes the rhythm and feel of the game.
And to go with my new stealth netrunner build, I went hackerman on it.

So ridiculous, but also cool at the same time. :D
Jul 31, 2007
You could pull stealth on her? In my case she triggers the moment I get anywhere in the inner courtyard, either on the ground with her, or up on the ledges.
I quickly tried and it's not too hard (in the normal difficulty mode...).

First, I tag her to be able to track her more easily. Then I use the floodlight (in the corner, near Satan's Pits) to make a distraction and I move to hide behind the box at the opposite side. Then a 2nd distraction to get right behind her and that's it.

EDIT: I don't remember how I finally did it last time. Maybe I had the invisibility add-on. I couldn't remain hidden just by stealth and coming into the yard this time, but I could follow her easily and I only have Cool 5 at the moment.
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Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
They still haven't fixed things in the UI like how the weapon add-ons are displayed when selling them. Sometimes you see a weapon has no add-on when it actually has one (like a silencer or a scope), and sometimes it's the opposite. Very confusing and I've already sold the wrong gear because of that.
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Apparently, there's still armor on clothes. Though it makes sense, in this case. :unsure:
And I saw glasses adding a little of zooming on weapons.
So maybe that's why the wardrobe is still in there.

Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
A reinforced ballistic vest isn't clothing. :)

It makes sense that armor would give you a defensive bonus. The problem I had with their system before is that you got bonuses from stuff that realistically shouldn't add anything i.e. a button-down shirt or a tank top.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Just noticed a 1.8GB update when I started Steam a few minutes ago. Nothing on the Steam page about it, but I assume it was a hotfix of some kind.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
The stealth system in CP2077 is definitely more than I presumed it would be. I actually managed to full stealth a whole side gig, and did most of a gig in stealth, until I got spotted.
Along with a bit of athletics and climbing ability, with the ability to shut down cameras, then take control of cameras one after another, and tagging everyone in a base, you can really set yourself up for success. I am impressed how well this works out.

Also, while most gigs always end in a firefight, I did find out where I was able to retrieve some personal info on an NPC, which opened the quest to blackmailing that NPC for the object I could've (and did on my previous char) just shot the place up.

I've now cleared all of Watson of all cyberpsychosis missions and what I thought were all gigs (and didn't even talk to Dexter Deshawn yet), but I see that they keep spawning, once in a while. Are they going to "infinitely" respawn (the green gig ones is what I mean, that give you street cred).
I'm surprise how solid the gameplay system are, now that stealth is actually a real possibility. It's definitely stronger and more diverse than Witcher 3.
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Jul 31, 2007
I've now cleared all of Watson of all cyberpsychosis missions and what I thought were all gigs (and didn't even talk to Dexter Deshawn yet), but I see that they keep spawning, once in a while. Are they going to "infinitely" respawn (the green gig ones is what I mean, that give you street cred).
Infinite? No. They're not random, so they can't spawn infinitely.

They're still spawning because your street cred is going up. They have different levels at which they unlock.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
By the way, is there an attribute for the inventory max weight? How does it work now?
I assume you've figured this out by now, but if not, carry weight is increased primarily through cyberware (not all of it, obviously; it'll tell you when it does) and by leveling up your Solo "skill". You get +50 at level 5. You get Solo skill points from using heavy weapons, unarmed and blunt melee. Which means I have literally zero of them since I'm a katana wielding ninja. ;)
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I wonder if you can level up all the skills (even ones you're not going to usually use), just to get that extra perk point you every-so-often get for a new level in whichever of the skills. Or if it's worth going through that trouble. I mean, I assume that if you want to min-max, you kind of have to.

Regarding max weight, I did increase mine a little bit (+40) from a cyberware implant, but it's absolutely useless, so far at least. I'm picking up everything I can find, but since the sell stations are so frequent and all over the place I'm never even close to max weight.
Jul 31, 2007
If you can bother to stop there frequently and sort out what you want to keep, dismantle, and sell, that's fine. And later, you can just leave most of it on the ground since you don't really need money any more.

I tend to wait too long before selling them so it's sometimes a struggle. And I had a strange thing with 2.0, after The Heist when Jackie dies and you arrive in front of the hotel to meet Dex. When I got out of the car, I was encumbered. Sure, I took some loot during the fight, but not that much and I didn't have this problem when I entered the car. When I opened my inventory, I saw a lot of stuff I never picked up. I was wondering if it was Jackie's but I doubt it. I never had this in version 1.x.

Since I had items disappearing from my backpack, maybe it makes sense that sometimes stuff appears? :p

Did you get that too?
Aug 29, 2020
Good old Europe
Since I had items disappearing from my backpack, maybe it makes sense that sometimes stuff appears? :p

Did you get that too?
Hm, now that you mention it, I didn't notice anything disappearing. But I swear I had a bug that once duplicated 2-3 clothing items.
I'm 95% sure I didn't pick up two of each of the items I saw duplicates of. But aside from that no. This does worry me, about maybe me not noticing bugs. The disappearing items sounds worrying.
Jul 31, 2007
Hm, now that you mention it, I didn't notice anything disappearing. But I swear I had a bug that once duplicated 2-3 clothing items.
I had that bug back when I played the game at release, but, oddly enough, it was only in the closet in my apartment not in my inventory.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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