Cyberpunk 2077 - Interviews on Design

Something interesting from IGN on how "Cool" works ( or they want it to), interview with Pondsmith

But what does the Cool stat actually do? Cyberpunk 2020 creator Mike Pondsmith tells me it’s not just about how cool your character is, but also how well they can keep cool under pressure.

“Most gun fights end because someone loses it and can't keep it together,” Pondsmith said, which he learned from speaking with a friend in the Rangers. “I wanted to get that sense of you project that you're together, you can keep it together.”

He went on to explain that “everything you've got is a statement,” and that while style is still important, how you carry yourself is too. “You’re wearing your big-ass armored jacket and you’re carrying your big-ass weapons, but it’s not just that. It’s that you looked badass doing it, and that people give you some respect on the street.”

Pondsmith also said that Cool isn’t just the Cyberpunk version of the more traditional RPG stat Charisma. “You can have a tremendous amount of cool and have very little charisma,” Pondsmith explained. Basically, there’s a difference between talking your way out of situations and just throwing off a vibe that commands respect.

As for Cool in Cyberpunk 2077, Pondsmith likened it to how CD Projekt has also adapted 2020’s Lifepath system. “They are all things that basically and subtly influence how people will see and perceive your character.”

Pondsmith says he believes it will also influence dialogue options, but didn’t share specific details on that. He spoke about the idea that people who might otherwise draw weapons on you when you walk in the door would not want to mess with a particularly cool character.

Unsurprisingly, when Cyberpunk 2020 first came out, Cool is similarly talked about. “People joked about [Cool]. At first, everybody built their Cool up.” It’s no different now with 2077, and I’m sure it won’t be long after release before we see an all Cool speedrun.
Jun 5, 2015
You deduced that looking at other people playing it on Youtube as usual?

He's babbling his usual contrarian nonsense that's his fictional reverse re-imagining of Reality.
In this case, demo they've shown was almost entirely all gameplay, even more with this new type of seamless action/dialogue they've come up with.
Jun 5, 2015
In this case, I think Chien is referring to how the vast majority of gameplay in Witcher 3 consists of:

1. Clicking occasionally during extended dialogue sequences
2. Pushover combat
3. Auto-completing quests using Witcher senses

While it's an obvious exaggeration, I can sympathise with his point of view - and I agree with the gist of it.

That said, to each his own.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Chien :)
You deduced that looking at other people playing it on Youtube as usual?
No. On Twitch. And deduced is a big word since streamers demonstrated it.
Usually, streamers job is to feature themselves having fun as this is what their viewership want. This leads them to avoid exposing products. By the demand of their trade, they are sort of forced to embellish a product.

TW3 was not graced as a number of streamers made their show exposing the deficiencies in the lack of gameplay.

No deduction involved. Just watching and no turning eyes away from what was demonstrated on the screen.
Mar 29, 2011
He's babbling his usual contrarian nonsense that's his fictional reverse re-imagining of Reality.
In this case, demo they've shown was almost entirely all gameplay, even more with this new type of seamless action/dialogue they've come up with.

Simple minded people keep their imagination for situations when it is needed. Superior minded people, who have more than enough, can apply their imagination to situations when it is not needed and avoid using it when it is needed.
Mar 29, 2011
Haha, not much has changed around here, I see ;)
Oh it has as I troll occasionally and JDR took your place.:biggrin:

As for ChienAboyeur well as Ron Perlman says"War…war never changes."
Oct 1, 2010
Welcome back Dart, and I actually agree with you on trying to not let myself get too hyped (it IS hard though). Haven't played TW3 so can't agree with you on that one, nor with the ones saying you're wrong. I prefer to actually play a game before giving a verdict.
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Dec 20, 2010
Simple minded people keep their imagination for situations when it is needed. Superior minded people, who have more than enough, can apply their imagination to situations when it is not needed and avoid using it when it is needed.

You forgot the crazy people. They've got plenty of imagination. ;)
Jun 5, 2015
Oh it has as I troll occasionally and JDR took your place.:biggrin:

As for ChienAboyeur well as Ron Perlman says"War…war never changes."

Some of his points are pretty good, but he's not helping himself with the whole "superior mindset" stuff.
Welcome back Dart, and I actually agree with you on trying to not let myself get too hyped (out IS hard though). Haven't played TW3 so can't agree with you on that one, nor with the ones saying you're wrong. I prefer to actually play a game before giving a verdict.

I can highly recommend seeing both the good and bad in all games you play, because there's always plenty of both.

Well, in the vast majority games - that is.

Witcher 3 has a fantastic narrative and is definitely among the best games for sheer story-related content.

No question about that, I think.
In this case, I think Chien is referring to how the vast majority of gameplay in Witcher 3 consists of:

1. Clicking occasionally during extended dialogue sequences
2. Pushover combat
3. Auto-completing quests using Witcher senses
What you're describing is <insert any MMO here>. Except autocomplete is not any senses but exclamation mark over irrelevant static "dolls". That's not TW3.

Vast majority of TW3 gameplay consists of what you want to do in the game. In my case it was gwent. The thing you didn't touch as it doesn't exist in Destiny.
In your case it was barrels in the sea. The thing I avoided like a plague, grind-o-rama copypasted from Destiny aimed to please Destiny fans.

TW3 made sure to offer content for every taste. If you forced something you don't like instead of leaving that to those who love it, well, that's your problem.
Now I'm exaggerating. It didn't allow me orgies. In the close occasion, I was left alone, tied to a bed. How could I forget that horror!
Apr 12, 2009
Did you just talk negatively about MMOs without even mentioning respawns?

What happened to the real joxer?!?!?!
He got replaced by an Asian-looking man who eats knuckle sandwiches...his own.
Oct 18, 2006
Did you just talk negatively about MMOs without even mentioning respawns?

What happened to the real joxer?!?!?!

Jesus, no. Don't ask for the real Joxer, please.

And now you're officially known as Dartagnan, the Undying :D :D

Actually, I could not understand why did you leave RPGWatch for the 2nd time. Not even a goodbye letter? Well, to each his own, as you like to say/write :)
Nov 15, 2013
Jesus, no. Don't ask for the real Joxer, please.

Otherwise we will get both "false joxer" and "real joxer" here. :)

And now you're officially known as Dartagnan, the Undying :D :D
Actually, I could not understand why did you leave RPGWatch for the 2nd time. Not even a goodbye letter?

As you can see he is Darth Tagnan. So Dartagnan was his false identity and his leaving was just a trick. Darth never intends to simply leave. ;)
Feb 23, 2014
Ferdok in Aventuria (Europe)
As you can see he is Darth Tagnan. So Dartagnan was his false identity and his leaving was just a trick. Darth never intends to simply leave. ;)

Jedi mind trick. Or a Sith mind trick, as you wish. :)
Nov 15, 2013
Jesus, no. Don't ask for the real Joxer, please.

And now you're officially known as Dartagnan, the Undying :D :D

Actually, I could not understand why did you leave RPGWatch for the 2nd time. Not even a goodbye letter? Well, to each his own, as you like to say/write :)

I'm a little obsessive when it comes to closure, which is a bit of a problem when communicating and exchanging online :)

I love exchanging about games and pretty much everything - but I despise leaving something without some kind of mutual understanding.

Agreeing to disagree is actually my preferred ending to a conflict that can't be resolved - but a lot of people aren't willing to leave it at that.

But I've identified the problem - and I want to do a little ERP - as it's worked for me before with anxiety.

To me, OCD and anxiety are two sides of the same coin.
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