Fallout 4 - Deleted Content

As a modder, I don't place much faith in extensive mods being created for Fallout 4. The game, at it's core, is very shallow - every time I go to change something with FO4Edit, I question why I'm bothering. For every interesting locale or game technicality, there's several other areas of the game where the developers just "phoned it in".

Example: did you know that 99% of the game's lootable safes are populated with exactly the same thing? If it's a safe in a bedroom, at a military base, in a diner, or behind a school's principal's desk, every one of these picks from exactly the same loot choices. In FO3/FNV, devs took the time to divide everything up - they put thought and care into a hierarchy - so as to better create a believable world. It's things like this that you continuously pick up when playing the game from a modder's perspective and it completely saps any resolve you have for committing 100+ hours to create something for such a disappointing foundation.

Fortunately, given the number and quality of mods already on Nexus, even without the GECK, you would appear to be the exception and wrong with respect to future mods.
Dec 22, 2008
I love Fallout, and hate what Bethesda did with it, you can love and hate at the same time…. think about what you said just for a second, and you will realize how infantile and stupid you look

you take a cult IP with a loyal audience and monetize it? ofc I will criticize…. I have every right as a consumer and longtime fan… If you'd accept anything with a logo on it, then you're a clueless low-standard fanboy and not a real fan of Fallout

As it stands now, FO4 seems like an unfinished game, Skyrim was a broken sloppy work of a game at launch, You NEED mods to get them in respectable condition… deal with it . and stop defending big corporations who are manipulating you, by attacking real fans, you look pathetic

And if you are so unhappy with Bethesda's direction, may I suggest you try and be a little clever and take your complaints to the right forum?

This is the right forum, by the way: forums.bethsoft.com/
Sep 20, 2012
I have had an account there since it looked like this… which was sometime in 2004… But thanks anyway for the concern, its cute :)
Mar 9, 2015
This applies to a select few other members also. As I noticed the quality of the recent comments on various news-bits are becoming deplorable on this site.:disappointed:

I think it's time I go on another hiatus, or I'll just go into lurk mode. So I'll see you guys in another six months, or longer if I ever I feel like visiting this site again.

I have put them all on ignore myself and been avoiding any statements on it but since you summed it up nicely I will break my rule and comment on it (I dislike feeding the trolls which is why I find ignoring them and their posts tends to be the best approach).

There is a group of people who seem to have nothing better to do with their lives then hunt down threads (probably do a search on key words) and make posts that are neither constructive criticism nor of any value. They just seem to enjoy trying to wreck other people's enjoyment of various games that they don't happen to like themselves. It is very immature and more something I would expect at at codex, steam or yahoo comments.

Nothing wrong with not liking a game or providing constructive counter arguments on it. But this group seems incapable of being mature about it and generally (looking at their post history) revert to insults and aggressive comments towards the games and other posters. Since they know they can get away with it, and clearly like the attention it gives them, I don't see it changing either.

Shame they chase away folks and create such an unpleasant atmosphere here on the watch but I suppose they also enjoy doing that as well. If it weren't for ignore I would also just go back to lurking ... which I may do anyhow if the threads themselves aren't informative or interesting to read anymore.
Jun 4, 2008
The inability to process reality must be an interesting one…
Mar 9, 2015
I have had an account there since it looked like this… which was sometime in 2004… But thanks anyway for the concern, its cute :)

No. What's cute is if you actually think concern is what motivated my response.
Sep 20, 2012
Well its cute that you think that I think its that …. I heard you can get irony detectors for free today …. maybe, when you're off to pick up those rabies shots you forgot, you can get that as well :D:biggrin: get one for rune too
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Mar 9, 2015
Boredom + self-loathing + hurt = trolls. There's a few of them, and they're hurting so much inside that they have to externalize their anger and word vomit all over every thread. It doesn't matter if nobody wants to hear them or not, or that they have nothing valuable to say. What matters is that they have a way to say it. People like some on this thread hate this site and almost everyone on it…they only keep coming back because it's a place to gripe. They're lonely and angry and all they know how to do is complain, so...this is their way of being a part of a community, of sorts. It's sad, but...

All we can do is ignore them, for now, and create an atmosphere of unbearable positivity.

I'm totally serious, guys. Positivity destroys trolls.
Dec 16, 2013
I enjoyed Fallout 3 and played it through several times, yet many posters rankle on about it. That's the reason I don't put much stock in these negative posts and reviews about Fallout 4. I plan to play it; just not right away.
Mar 22, 2012
Boredom + self-loathing + hurt = trolls. There's a few of them, and they're hurting so much inside that they have to externalize their anger and word vomit all over every thread. It doesn't matter if nobody wants to hear them or not, or that they have nothing valuable to say. What matters is that they have a way to say it. People like some on this thread hate this site and almost everyone on it…they only keep coming back because it's a place to gripe. They're lonely and angry and all they know how to do is complain, so…this is their way of being a part of a community, of sorts. It's sad, but…

All we can do is ignore them, for now, and create an atmosphere of unbearable positivity.

I'm totally serious, guys. Positivity destroys trolls.

rofl what are you even talking about abrile…. I said the deleted content was interesting but it cannot fix FO4 , it has much bigger concerns … you deduced all that from that?

you saying that I hate big developers so much, that I need to ignore all the objective reasons for such action (monetization of cult franchises,shipping broken products, sloppy coding), and invent imaginary reasons (I hate myself :() ?
hahaahhahaahah if that's not deluded , I don't know what is

HOWEVER ….you know what youre saying too well… about self-loathing , hurt etc. …..
probably because you speak from experience :)
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Mar 9, 2015
I love Fallout, and hate what Bethesda did with it, you can love and hate at the same time…. think about what you said just for a second, and you will realize how infantile and stupid you look

you take a cult IP with a loyal audience and monetize it? ofc I will criticize…. I have every right as a consumer and longtime fan… If you'd accept anything with a logo on it, then you're a clueless low-standard fanboy and not a real fan of Fallout

As it stands now, FO4 seems like an unfinished game, Skyrim was a broken sloppy work of a game at launch, You NEED mods to get them in respectable condition… deal with it . and stop defending big corporations who are manipulating you, by attacking real fans, you look pathetic

Infantile and stupid? Right. Fallout 2 was edited in 1998. Fallout 3 came out ten years latter. Please, let it go, too much time has passed, it doesn't make sense anymore. And before calling me infantile you better be sure how old you are. Maybe I have kids around your age...
Jul 14, 2012
I'm totally serious, guys. Positivity destroys trolls.

I'm a very negative guy, so I'm not sure about that. But I hope a lot of positivity fills the Watch this year. I'm sure I'll be here much more often if those trolls get burned by Karma.
Jul 14, 2012
Seems like a little too much Codex is crawling its way into The Watch. Douchebaggery is the name of the game there. Let's not make The Watch another Codex. Let's stay civil and constructive.
Aug 12, 2013
Traverse City, Michigan
I share a lot of luj1's feelings about what happened to Fallout after Bethesda bought them.

However, I have enjoyed Fallout 4, and believe it actually feels like an improvement over Fallout 3, for what it is. To clarify, "what it is" is a sand-box ARPG shooter, and considering Fallout will never be the isometric, turn-based game that I fell in love with again, I think Fallout 4 is a big improvement over Fallout 3 in all the areas that count for for that type of a game.

That said, I am also pretty sure I will never actually finish Fallout 4. Bethesda just doesn't design games that compel me to play to main story-line completion. I've never beat a Bethesda game, and have played all their major released since Morrowind. On the other hand, I did beat Fallout: New Vegas and loved it. I hope there is a spin-off sequel in the future.
Sep 16, 2011
Boredom + self-loathing + hurt = trolls. There's a few of them, and they're hurting so much inside that they have to externalize their anger and word vomit all over every thread. It doesn't matter if nobody wants to hear them or not, or that they have nothing valuable to say. What matters is that they have a way to say it. People like some on this thread hate this site and almost everyone on it…they only keep coming back because it's a place to gripe. They're lonely and angry and all they know how to do is complain, so…this is their way of being a part of a community, of sorts. It's sad, but…

All we can do is ignore them, for now, and create an atmosphere of unbearable positivity.

I'm totally serious, guys. Positivity destroys trolls.

You know what kills the hatred folks? Ignoring them....I've ignored the member you all seem to keep quoting and my life is so much better. You don't give them the attention they want then they shrivel up...

I should take my advice with a few others rather then getting into it with them.

The unfortunate part is they hide in plain sight, insulting people by saying that only imbeciles or whatever names they can think of would play whatever game they hate, like in the Division thread. Then they cry foul if you call them out....I know it is far easier to ignore them, but some times you just want to hit them with a trout.
Apr 17, 2007
yeah and what happened when you woke up? No it actually goes like this

I say fo4/skyrim/division is trash ( objective truth perceived as insulting/trolling )

get bombed by butturt fanboys

the end
Mar 9, 2015
Fortunately, given the number and quality of mods already on Nexus, even without the GECK, you would appear to be the exception and wrong with respect to future mods.

Such as? Notice I said extensive mods in my original post. Mods on the caliber of Project Nevada and Fook. Or Requiem for Skyrim. Or even "smaller" mods on the scale of Burning Sands and Autumn Leaves. Such mods represent thousands of man-hours and you will be hard pressed to get people interested in forking over their time when they have such a discouraging, generic base with which to work in FO4.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Eh, people, lay it off and let people enjoy playing what they like.


Man, I must be drunk for just posting this. Probably am going to regret it tomorrow,
Jun 5, 2015
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