Gaming BS of the week

Warren Spector is a famous game designer whose work includes Deus Ex, Thief, Ultima Underworld I & II, and System Shock.

A game designer? Mhmkay…
But since when a game designer is an authority for (any) language? He could be dislectic for anyone can know.

Before continuing about "immersive sims" nonsense, do please tell me what genre is this expansion:

Apr 12, 2009
A game designer? Mhmkay…
But since when a game designer is an authority for (any) language? He could be dislectic for anyone can know.
Yeah, that was my initial point :-/

The Sims are... management games?

PS: the wife is looking at me angrily right now because I promised her I'll mow the lawn today (merde!). Sorry for the short answers, we'll have this debate another time I'm certain.
Jul 27, 2018
Well if you're male and going to Pax West Riot Games wants nothing to do with you.


Link -
Recently Riot Games made a post over on their official website indicating that they would be hosting sessions at PAX West that excluded men. This gendered discrimination against men was heavily criticized by some gamers who wanted to attend the workshop sessions to learn more about getting into gaming, learning about game design, and getting an inside look at Riot’s art development and creation process.
Oct 1, 2010
Apr 12, 2009
Recently Riot Games made a post over on their official website indicating that they would be hosting sessions at PAX West that excluded men. This gendered discrimination against men was heavily criticized by some gamers who wanted to attend the workshop sessions to learn more about getting into gaming, learning about game design, and getting an inside look at Riot’s art development and creation process.

The complaining men were probable those who had bullied that female Bioware writer out of business.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
The complaining men were probable those who had bullied that female Bioware writer out of business.
Maybe but ten years ago if any employee I worked with went crazy on a paid customer they would be reprimanded, and eventually fired if they didn't clean up their act.

Nowadays I've seen official employees allowed to go bat shit crazy with no repercussions. So sorry I think if you treat your fan-base like crap you deserve it.

Look at my sig - "Remember these four simple words Get Woke, Go Broke."

Heck even Papa Johns a Pizza place has gotten political.

Oct 1, 2010
There was an initiative put forth by several major tech companies and a few other companies to get more woman into computer tech jobs. I'm mixed about it because when the company I worked for took up this initiative and our group offered an internship they only offered us woman to interview. I don't totally object to this but none of them had even rudimentary qualifications for our specific position and this pissed me off. One of our requirements was knowledge of C++ but none of the woman we interviewed had even learned C much less C++. One of the 6 or 7 had rudimentary knowledge of java script (not java). Ok. Great so we don't get a summer intern and the company continued (that year) to mostly make only woman available for interviews...
High level policy was ok but implementation was awful.

The complaining men were probable those who had bullied that female Bioware writer out of business.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
I don't know why I clicked to watch the new Anthem trailer but I did.

At the heart of Anthem is the concept of Our World, My Story.
The unique combination of a dynamic, ever-changing world
and a powerful, personal story.
In Our World, you band together with friends for epic adventures
across a vast, shared landscape, teeming with danger.
The world narrative advances for your whole team.
Together you’ll confront countless enemies:
those who threaten to take control of the Anthem,
as well as ancient beasts.
And you’ll get further into Our World by taking on explosive missions,
offered by Agents who need your help.
These missions take you deep into the heart of Anthem,
while also developing the personal stories of each Agent.
Trust me, I'm a person you want to know.
Outside of the battles, there’s freeplay,
a chance for you to explore solo, or with friends.
Uncover answers to your questions about Anthem
and find powerful artifacts that could lead you to victory down the road.
Back within the safety of Fort Tarsis is where My Story begins.
This is your chance to develop a richly personal narrative,
where your choices have consequences.
In this bustling trader town, you’ll develop bonds with your pit crew,
who can help you prepare for future battles.
They’re the people in the world who have your back,
and as your relationships develop,
you’ll learn about their pasts and the future they hope to see.
Fort Tarsis is ripe for exploration as well.
You may even encounter shadowy figures of questionable character;
it all depends on the decisions you make.
This is real-time storytelling,
a reinvention of personal narrative in a multiplayer game.
As a Freelancer, you are the bridge between the heroic adventures discovered in Our World
and the personal journey that unravels in My Story
…and, ultimately,
the key to the fate of everyone.

Who dafuq wrote the narrator's script?! Such huge pile of bs I haven't seen in a (mmo pretending not to be mmo) trailer for a long long time, if ever.

Anthem’s story DLC will be free for everyone
That got me a serious stomachache.


Speaking of mmos, I can't care less about those really, but…
Sony is blocking Fortnite cross-platform play because “PlayStation is the best place to play”

After developers worked hard to keep mushrooms Fortnite players separated from m+k ones because of course m+k destroy those…
Does Sony seriously believe *everyone* is that stupid?

EDIT: JS made a vid a few days back already, fast reaction on this PR arrogance:
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Apr 12, 2009
Perhaps we need a new thread called gaming bullshit of the year. Or we could vote in a few months about stuff that appeared in this thread…
2K wants people to “contact your local government” to say lootboxes are good actually


Next in news - contact your doctor and say smoking tobacco is good for lungs actually.
Apr 12, 2009
There was an initiative put forth by several major tech companies and a few other companies to get more woman into computer tech jobs. I'm mixed about it because when the company I worked for took up this initiative and our group offered an internship they only offered us woman to interview. I don't totally object to this but none of them had even rudimentary qualifications for our specific position and this pissed me off. One of our requirements was knowledge of C++ but none of the woman we interviewed had even learned C much less C++. One of the 6 or 7 had rudimentary knowledge of java script (not java). Ok. Great so we don't get a summer intern and the company continued (that year) to mostly make only woman available for interviews…
High level policy was ok but implementation was awful.

Never mind knowledge but these kind "woman" or "minority" only policy can cause real harm and I say this as a "minority" myself. My company recently hired a rich woman of color over a poor white guy. She went to private school (it can cost around 20k per year!) and he went to local state school. They are both equally qualified so we should really have tossed a coin but instead we choose her because she is a woman since we have more men as programmers than women. Sad times really.
Oct 8, 2009
2K continues with their bullshit, and it's so aggressive I bet RDR2 will be built around scamming gamers with all means possible.
Microtransactions are an 'unfortunate reality of modern gaming', says 2K

"We know nowadays that most people don’t have the patience to work their way to the top."
Most people or two hotel owners on phones called "killer whales"? And who designed that "work"? Not me, I'm #1 hater of any kind of grind.
Screw you 2K.
Apr 12, 2009
PC gamer. PC? Gimmeabreak… Lemme quote the part with a comment from someone (not me, that site banned me from commenting):
"I could see playing DQ11 with a mouse and keyboard after I tweaked the
mappings, but since I have an Xbox controller at my desk anyway, I'll
save myself the hassle."

oh yeah, the "hassle". You guys are hardcore pc gamers indeed
Instead of saying the port is so lazy it's not worth the full price for example, so called PC something site does what.
With journalists like these, we'll continue getting pisspoor ports.
Apr 12, 2009
For god's sakes…

To defend right to scam people by taking it to court? Can you go lower EA?
And what about other countries?

I mean:
Less than a week after Belgium began a criminal investigation into FIFA's loot boxes, 15 gambling regulators from Europe and one from the US have together announced they will "address the risks created by the blurring of lines between gaming and gambling".

The collaborative effort, organised at the 2018 Gambling Regulators European Forum, includes signatories from the UK, France, Ireland, Spain, and even the US (via the Washington State Gambling Commission).

Doesn't stop there:
Earlier this year, the Australian Senate approved an investigation into loot boxes to be held by the Environment and Communications References Committee. Today, the committee has reported the results of those findings, and the final word is not kind. Among other things noted in the results, the committee says “loot boxes provide games companies with an unregulated way of exploiting gambling disorders amongst their customers.”
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Apr 12, 2009
BioWare and EA sitting in a tree. Both deserve each other and I hate rhymes.:cool:

Well another video about Anthem - Bioware Responds to Backlash After Implying Anthem Will Heavily Influence Mass Effect & Dragon Age

For the love of god, just make Dragon Age and Mass Effect a proper game. Don't "live service" them, just give us complete packages at launch, and maybe a few sizable reasonably priced expansions down the line, and then move on. I don't want content split into pieces and drip fed for years on end. Not for these games.
Oct 1, 2010
One more to add today about what Joxer always posts about.

The famous loot boxes.:police:

Oct 1, 2010
Well that meeting ain't bs. :)
What could be bs is their conclusion (like UK comittee declaring lootboxes as healthy/desirable nonscam), but it's too early to know anything.
Apr 12, 2009
Well this one made me laugh so hard.:lol:

Halo Infinite is a Live Service, Microsoft Hiring Monetization/Psychology Expert

Also some more videos for Joxer.;)

Oct 1, 2010
It amazes me as to how much absolute garbage some people will actually tolerate. I consider platforms like Origin and ubisoft to be total junk, yet some of these other tricks within games utterly astound me. I can understand how some people get swindled, but why wouldn't they simply demand a refund and just move onto something else??
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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