The TV Series discussion thread

And once again, an undisputable fact…..Tormund has the worse luck of any damn wilding. EVER. He totally always gets the shit jobs =xxxx And I do not mean latrine duty!!! Because, of course, Sam has that one wrapped roses.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I watched the first season of The Strain and wasn't impressed. Does it get significantly better after season 1?
No. Feel free to drop the whole thing. I watched 3 seasons and am not sure I'll continue with the next one, the last season ended with nuke explosion which irritated me more than grinding in games.

Eh now I see 4th season started airing somewhere… Not sure if it's on any channels available to me. Dunno. Not really caring about it. Will see.
Apr 12, 2009
And the 13th Doctor is…

Can't wait to see her in action!

She's such a Minerva

I watched two of the three aforementioned shows for the first time tonight - The Expanse and Dark Matter.

The Expanse left a good first impression. It has great production values and decent acting. The events in the first episode already have me wanting to know more of the story. I'll probably watch the next few episodes this weekend.

I can't say the same about Dark Matter. I watched it immediately after watching TE, and it seemed cheesy by comparison. I didn't like any of the characters, and the cliché beginning didn't grab me at all. It felt like "Lost" in space, but not as interesting.

Its nothing like Lost in Space, nor is "Lost" in Space, but it is very derivative. Edit: I do suppose the occasional flashback to their past gives it a bit of a "Lost" vibe.

I like it, and I really like the characters. The best episode by though, is the Season 1 finale. You'll want to watch that as you get invested in the characters.


Where can I find The Expanse? Its not on Hulu or Netflix. Dark Matter is on Netflix.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I could've lived without the bedpans and barfing montage.
Nov 8, 2014
Why is Dragonstone (or Dragonrock or whatever the name is) abandoned? looks like a perfectly fine castle to re-occupy.
Sep 23, 2008
A little late, but I just finished watching GoT. I found the beginning kind of predictable, but it was decent overall. I thought the scenes with Sandor Clegane were the best part of that episode.

Why is Dragonstone (or Dragonrock or whatever the name is) abandoned? looks like a perfectly fine castle to re-occupy.

It was previously occupied by Stannis Baratheon and his army. I assume there was no one left to return to it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm watching GoT again for kicks. Wasn't a bad episode - though it remains very focused on the spectacle and over-the-top characters.

The starting scene is a good example of what's become so typical of GoT.

On the bright side, even as a non-patriot - I have to say my fellow two danes are doing exceptionally well. I'm especially impressed by their lack of the common thick danish accent :)
Wolfing, in the novels Dragonstone isn't abandoned, rather, it just keeps switching hands. Perhaps in the tv series people are considering it a cursed place, there was plenty of time for someone to take the place after Stannis and his army headed north. Who knows, maybe based on the local history it could be considered a cursed place or simply bad fortune abides there.

It is one of the few Valyrian fortresses on the continent, it is somewhat isolated with a robust port, and can be securely held with a minimum force. Would be nice to see a pitched battle there at some point.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I hate to say it, but Twin Peaks is starting to drag. The last two episodes were pretty boring, and now there's only 8 left. Something needs to happen soon.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I haven't watched TV in years, but Game of Thrones sounds interesting. I find the books pretentious and long-winded though.
Oct 18, 2006
I haven't watched TV in years, but Game of Thrones sounds interesting. I find the books pretentious and long-winded though.

Personally, I think the first season and the first book are both truly excellent.

Unfortunately, the show took a turn for the worse in second season - and by the third season, it was pretty much already a show based on the gimmick of grim and "shocking" violence and a plot that moves at the pace of a drunken snail. Now, it's just popcorn stuff with the occasional glimpse of what was once great about it - but it never manages to shine through the silly and over-the-top crap.

Still, it's very pretty and entertaining if you enjoy the spectacle. It's also full of great actors - and I have to say the dialogue is mostly very good as well.
The first season was about a blonde who's considered a brood mare. And another with a wig, exiled.
And then there is also a ginger who's fate is to become one, looks like that.

The first one becomes deadly mistress of doom and unleashes the very reason previous king was kiled for.
The second one, uses her oxidation immunity to become a leader. After surviving tortures of a Misfit, the third one is now near to become her x-men kids role.

And of course you don't like it. IMO the first season with weak women storywise is trash saved only by Sean Bean's charisma. I can't adore latter seasons more and can't wait to see what the queen mother is up to next.

btw, usually I don't like Hollywood's silly materials with female leads as it's usually crymeariver drama or shelivesonlytomeethim bullshit. Unwatchable. Well, unless it's a Fat Greek Wedding comedy type that ridicules stereotypes.
HBO's GoT moved into a completely different direction where scheming and manipulating slowly moves to hands where it belongs. Female hands.

No I did not watch the new season's start - I'll do what I did with the previous season, wait till it's aired completely before watching it as a "marathon".
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Apr 12, 2009
Where's Eye? ;)

I mean, your closed-minded bullshit just entered a whole new level of misogyny. Eye's usually not too keen on that kind of thing :)

Not that I mind. I find it amusing just how ignorant you're not ashamed to be.

All human beings tend towards manipulation when they really want something they can't otherwise get.

Well, almost all.

That's one of the few things this show got right. Littlefinger is the most prominent example of a small human being trying to get big.

He was very active in the first season, too :)
Dunno why, but somehow I'm proud to be judged as closeminded and ignorant by you.

And of course I'm not ashamed of posting what I actually think. Never cared if it's likeable by "authorities".
Apr 12, 2009
Never be ashamed of who you are :)

Shame is a useless emotion, except for a very brief period of time that's intended to teach us a lesson. But never dwell on it.

Do I really have the power to make you proud of yourself, though?
Not really that's why I said dunno why.
Instead of adding an ignorelist entry I find the whole thing amusing. Midlife crisis finally hit me I guess.
Apr 12, 2009
Well, without our interactions - half the activity of this site might go away.

Probably not a bad thing, though :)
I haven't watched TV in years, but Game of Thrones sounds interesting. I find the books pretentious and long-winded though.

Then go ahead and watch it, excellent series. I mean, dragons, magic, undead armies, giants, wars, gods meddling, it has it all for a RPG player :)
Sep 23, 2008
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