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I loved KoDP. Does [Thea: the Awakening] have the same intricate story events?

The story is not as in-depth as of yet -- but the story's not that obvious early on in KoDP, either.

I have the sense that the story is intended to be explored through multiple replays. You choose a patron god at the beginning of the game, and I've already encountered what seems like it would have been a major plot-relevant faction I could have allied with if I had a different patron, but given the god I chose the faction spokesman just rolled his eyes at me and vanished.

Also, one minor side-story could have been resolved in about six different ways. I chose diplomacy over combat at each of its three encounters, and I ended up with two new recruits and a few common items as loot. I could instead have chosen to fight the initial quest-giver, his antagonist, or her secondary antagonists, which I'm guessing would have lost me the recruits but given me better (magical?) loot.

[By the way, diplomacy in this game has identical mechanics with combat, just based on different stats -- so skipping combat doesn't mean skipping gameplay.]
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Jan 30, 2012
San Francisco
Well, I've just realized that there are three separate tabs to the research tree in Thea. The tab that's on top when you open the research screen is "gathering" so throughout the game I've just been researching how to gather different kinds of wicker and reeds and such -- totally oblivious to the existence of tabs for researching how to craft weapons or construct buildings.

But I have collected a lot of wicker!
Jan 30, 2012
San Francisco
One handed swords are a good start as they give attack and defence....

You'd want to get some armour after that in my opinion like shields or armour dress.

Also always use the best materials.

They are just much better in everything.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
The story is not as in-depth as of yet -- but the story's not that obvious early on in KoDP, either.

By "story events" I meant like those intricate event sequences that might come back to bite you later in KoDP... Like how a minor squabble might lead up to a fued over the course of a few years depending on the options you pick at each event. Or carefully tending strange eggs that turn into fearsome triceratopses. :D
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
Gta IV...lot of flaws, in particular when it comes to game play, but a lot of time it amazes how this was done in 2008. How did Fallout III, win over this? Mind boggling.
Funny thing is one of my (highschool) friends is called Niko(la) Bellic and now I'm playing as him, dealing with russian mafia and trying to get laid in Liberty City.
Jun 5, 2015
I'm 2/3rds or so, in Talos Principle. Absolutely beautiful game. I love the mythos they created, and the biblical analogy to the events in the Garden of Eden, but in a cool sci-fi setting. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a game similar to The Witness, but with better puzzles and a great philosophical sci-fi story (where as The Witness had no, as far as I played anyway). Oh, and the soundtrack is very cool also.

You can get Talos Principle until monday for 75% off. Absolutely worth it. A real steal.
Jul 31, 2007
Sounds better than I'd realized. I'll have to give that a go. I believe we can test out the Vulkan drivers on it, too.
Nov 8, 2014
Just downloaded my copy of Into the stars. It was a funded kickstarter game inspired by FTL, and from what I played it delivered. The graphics are decent also.

Link - http://store.steampowered.com/app/360510/

Just be warned steam reviews are mixed, but I recommend it.
Oct 1, 2010
Steam? This game always intrigued me. :)

Yeah, on Steam.

Sounds better than I'd realized. I'll have to give that a go. I believe we can test out the Vulkan drivers on it, too.

It's really a nice gem. Some of the puzzles, towards the end, are insane. After banging my head against the wall for 15 min, I looked at the solution on youtube, and was shocked that I missed it.

Anyway, I really wonder if there are multiple endings. They really build it that way. I'm really curious.

The most insane thing about The Talos Principle is that its developed by the team behind the Serious Sam series. Shocking right? But they did a very good job.
Jul 31, 2007
I've just started playing Stardew valley and completely hooked! Loving this game :)
Finishing up dead state and then I'm going to have a few run throughs of Civ 5 and then on to Pillars of Eternity after patch 3.2 is out.
Oct 18, 2006
Bought Talos Principle, and am very impressed with it.
I got the game just after you wrote about it. The developers get bonus points for offering dedicated "motion sickness" options like Field of View range. They get malus points for still making it default to 75 on a PC. I have it at 95 at the moment but still get slightly nauseated over time. Might have to fiddle around with the settings some more.

As for the gameplay -- yeah, it's pretty fun. I'm still in the early stages though (level A).
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Aug 30, 2006
I've just started playing Stardew valley and completely hooked! Loving this game :)

I've made a mistake, bought it and started just to try... Spent my whole weekend on it and can't wait to get home and continue.
Not a minute with League of Legends, not a minute with Dragon's Dogma.

I feel like on drugs.
And am warning those who still didn't buy it - if you plan to buy it, take some days off before you start!
Apr 12, 2009
Still on Pillars of Eternity. I completed White March part 1 storyline a few days ago. I really liked it, it really feels like an improvement over the base game: better spacing, better usage of the text adventures, better encounters, better writing (aka less description across dialogues). The popup telling me to rest after it for WM part was a bit immersion breaking though. I haven't completed the optional Siege of Cragsomething. I started it, but it's clearly for higher levels than 11-12 (I have to rest after every 2 encounters) and left a few bounties in White March part 1 for later.

I also cleaned the Endless Path of Nua, build all there was to built in the Stronghold and did the quest chain so Caed Nua is all MINE. That's something I didn't do in my first playthrough (some stuff was added by 3.0 though). I think the Endless Path had too much levels though, but the ones tied to the storyline down there were cools.

What is left: White March part 2 and finishing Act 2 (2 quests left) and Act 3 of the base game.
Oct 13, 2007
Playing Dungeonmans, a fun rogue-like. You die often, but turning in artifacts and quest items improves your academy so future "dungeonmen" come out with out more stats and skills. Fun if you like rogue-likes, its not as in depth as say Tales of Maj'eyal or Dungeon Stone Soup, but still a pretty good game overall.
May 24, 2013
San Jose, California
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