The Congress Elections 2022

My brother married a Scottish lass and lived there some time. He loved it, and he loved her.
Sep 16, 2010
For all those apparent multitudes who do not live in Scotland and are thinking of voting Republican in Nov., please do read this story about an Illinois congresswoman. And read all the way down to the end for the full scope of her comments.

Do you think these holier-than-thou crusaders are interested in the law? They're only interested in vengeance. Please do read this statement from the Texas attorney general. Read the whole thing, so you don't miss the parts about him closing his offices on this historic day and annually henceforth, so we never forget the "extraordinary violence" of Roe vs. Wade. This does not sound like the path of peace to me, reconciliation. It does not sound like reconstruction. It sounds like the warpath.

Now, mind you, the AG just ruled by edict right there. Interested in the law? An attorney general? Taxas' trigger law doesn't go into effect for weeks. That apparently doesn't matter at all. This particular day was more important to history, to the crusade -- the return to our original Constitution, their new holy scriptrues to be preserved and never altered, frozen in time, frozen in the past, the truth successfully vanquished by an immutable document that was never intended to be such but intended to live and speak for itself, not to sit quietly by as those who sieze the microphone interpret their quotations the same way so many Bible thumpers have before them, to their own ends and heedless of the actual document beneath their finger.

And please do read the whole of that last story, so you get to the part about the discussion of prosecuting those involved in the 70 million abortions performed under Roe vs. Wade. They are not interested in the law. They are not interested in practicalities. They are only interested in vengeance.

And as for the holier-than-thou Democrats, tonight I hear multiple reporters talk of their talks behind closed doors. They all agree they can't agree. They can't move forward. The reporters tell brief tales of Democrats bickering amongst themselves, debating Roe vs. The Kitchen Table. It seems to me, they bicker as an excuse not to move, not to make a hard decision that is not so hard to make at all, if you do not allow yourself to be paralyzed by fear.

I did a lot of driving in my last job, a lot of miles over country roads that would eventually take me home. I almost hit a lot of animals with my car. I did hit a few, though I tried like hell not to. I'm sure we've all run across the plentiful deer on the road and seen them freeze in your headlights. That can happen in broad daylight, too, though not as often, and it only seems to happen when they stop and look right at you, scared. Ever seen one charge right on past in front of you? If they keep their heads down and concentrate on where they are going, they zip right across, and there is no problem. I almost hit a moose once, rounding a mountain bend. It saw me. We locked eyes, and it moved. We both did. I'd have hit it, if it hadn't moved.

Choose your path quickly, head down and straight ahead. No matter what happens, you keep your feet moving. Forward progress. And be loud about it. The timid do not inherit the works of man. They get run over. Be loud about it but not shrill. Be sure everyone knows you're moving forward, not looking back at a brutal past narrowly avoided.
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Sep 16, 2010
Eh I tend to waste my vote instead if both parties are retarded. I always vote for the "One Nation" party because out of all politicians in Australia I trust Mark Latham the most. The main two parties are hell bent on grooming kids or at least turn a blind eye to it which I can never support.

I know it is a wasted vote but at least in good conscience I am not voting for the other two directly at least. In Australia you vote ultimate ends up for on or the other main party. Sucks.
Sep 17, 2021
.. I always vote for the "One Nation" party ..
With all the statements you have made in the past, I am not surprised.
Aug 30, 2006
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Sep 17, 2021
With her usual eloquence, Boebert makes clear the religious right's intent to seize our government: "I'm tired of all this separation of church and state junk." Personally, I'm tired of sanctimonious assholes telling me how to live my life. We have enough of those already. Don't really need it written into law.

If you think our supreme court shouldn't have a justice who was the sole vote to conceal the texts revealing his wife was lobbying for the overthrow of our government, you could sign this petition to impeach Thomas, which seems to be trending lately.
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Sep 16, 2010
You have a link to that article? I have googled it but came up with nothing. All the article i found that was the most recent was from this February and it was ruled that he had to reveal those texts. He could appeal though. So maybe it has happened but I am not aware of it?
Sep 17, 2021

Ah, I see. He should have recused but that was more than just her interactions. Still though, justice was done that day with 8 ruling against Trump.

We'll see soon enough if her interactions were actually illegal. If actually illegal, it is impeachable.

The framing of Jan 6 is kind of disturbing though. "Deadly riots", it was technically deadly because it was 4 protestors on Trumps side died, 4 suicides of cops, 1 cop died of a stroke later on, coroner ruled that one natural causes. And technically a riot because a few broken widows, most of the damage was done through vandalism and looting anywhere between 1.5 million to 30 million in damages unclear which is correct.
Sep 17, 2021
I would say the simple fact he didn't recuse himself and cast a vote without disclosures is reason enough to impeach him.
Sep 16, 2010
I would say the simple fact he didn't recuse himself and cast a vote without disclosures is reason enough to impeach him.

You are probably right there. I don't know why he didn't. Someone who has served as long as he has doesn't do that by mistake.
Sep 17, 2021
None of any of this is a mistake.
Sep 16, 2010
I guess I was just thinking about the insurrection in general, too. There was that big surprise witness today, who was an aide who was able to connect a couple of important legal dots: Trump and Meadows both knew the mob was armed and, knowing this, Trump asked for the metal detectors to be removed, before adding, mysteriously but quite crucially, then we'll go march down to the Capitol.

Trump can't claim ignorance anymore, which greatly helps to establish his state of mind and motivations.
Sep 16, 2010
I guess I was just thinking about the insurrection in general, too. There was that big surprise witness today, who was an aide who was able to connect a couple of important legal dots: Trump and Meadows both knew the mob was armed and, knowing this, Trump asked for the metal detectors to be removed, before adding, mysteriously but quite crucially, then we'll go march down to the Capitol.

Trump can't claim ignorance anymore, which greatly helps to establish his state of mind and motivations.

Maybe, but all I saw from the Jan 6 committee video that was shown was violence other than pushing and what not was 10 or so people with various sticks(batons, hockey sticks) at the end. I didn't see a firearm fired from the people. So even if Trump intended that for it to happen at least the people weren't dumb enough to do it.

EDIT: Just read the Washington Times story on it. Any evidence for it?
Sep 17, 2021
With her usual eloquence, Boebert makes clear the religious right's intent to seize our government: "I'm tired of all this separation of church and state junk." Personally, I'm tired of sanctimonious assholes telling me how to live my life. We have enough of those already. Don't really need it written into law.

If you think our supreme court shouldn't have a justice who was the sole vote to conceal the texts revealing his wife was lobbying for the overthrow of our government, you could sign this petition to impeach Thomas, which seems to be trending lately.

The phalanx of Republican madwomen is really giving the game away.
Nov 8, 2014
I guess I was just thinking about the insurrection in general, too. There was that big surprise witness today, who was an aide who was able to connect a couple of important legal dots: Trump and Meadows both knew the mob was armed and, knowing this, Trump asked for the metal detectors to be removed, before adding, mysteriously but quite crucially, then we'll go march down to the Capitol.

Trump can't claim ignorance anymore, which greatly helps to establish his state of mind and motivations.

Turns out her story couldn't possibly be true. In the president's car, the president sits in the back and there is a wall or whatever between the driver and the president.
Sep 17, 2021
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