The Congress Elections 2022

Turns out her story couldn't possibly be true. In the president's car, the president sits in the back and there is a wall or whatever between the driver and the president.

I believe I heard they were in the president's SUV, used for more more mobility and quick getaways, which, perhaps unsurprisingly, was the vehicle reportedly favored by Trump in general and doesn't have that wall.

The phalanx of Republican madwomen is really giving the game away.

Not just the ladies. A lot of folks are so excited they just can't keep the smile off their faces while they're soberly pretending this is about the law. But, yes, the ladies are the most thrilled in general. Generally, women are the strongest advocates for and against Roe vs. Wade, understandably so.
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Sep 16, 2010
The testimony in question:

Still seems implausible even if it was the SUV, Trump isn't limber enough to reach that far from the back and I don't think he has much of a grip to be honest, he has soft hands from all the wealth he lived through.

Hopefully they bring in the secret service to confirm.
Sep 17, 2021
Sep 16, 2010
Bunch of stuff.

An article says Trump was riding "the beast" not the SUV with Engel's testimony:

Secret Service statement says that Trump didnt attack anyone but did use the language she said he used.

EDIT: I guess it was in the SUV after all? Video of the SUV on Jan 6th.
Sep 17, 2021
And it could be staff just use that term colloquially to indicate whenever the president is in transit on the ground. Who wrote that statment from the Secret Service? I have heard reports of a divided Sercret Service. Trump had his people, and there was one in particular who was a real thrall, which is why Pence didn't want to get into that car during the insurrection.

You can continue to try to poke holes in this woman's story if you like, but I don't feel much like participating. I found her to be quite believable.

But I simply don't know. Unlike so many of my countrymen, I am willing to say so. I am perfectly willing to wait to watch people go to jail, the cowards to turn on each other and the truth to struggle to breathe.
Sep 16, 2010
Here's a little story about a little group of people who don't get much ink in the press but about whom we Americans can nearly all agree: Who really gives a shit what the natives think anyway?

How long do you think it'll be before they ignore your opinion, come for your rights, your jurisdiction, your land? Just two years ago, they made a ruling that reflected the compromise between today's practical requirements and the natives' sovereignty. What do you suppose happened in the last two years to prompt a 180-degree turnaround? Of what use is a promise? Money and power over others are clearly more important.
Sep 16, 2010
The phalanx of Republican madwomen is really giving the game away.
Yeah, they should have left the Girl Crazy thing to AOC and her Squad.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
You know, I was in the minority opinion recently when I said Boebert may not be as stupid as she seems, or something along those lines. I believe I took some real crap when I said something similar about Trump in his old thread.

Boebert may technically be dumb as a post. I'm really not sure. She is certainly ignorant about many things, but so am I.

But, I'm tellin' ya, there's some real guile in those eyes. Trump understands a whole category of things all the talking heads trying to shrink his head don't even begin to understand, even if he is unable to speak them properly. Do not discount the lizard brain.
Sep 16, 2010
But, I'm tellin' ya, there's some real guile in those eyes. Trump understands a whole category of things all the talking heads trying to shrink his head don't even begin to understand, even if he is unable to speak them properly. Do not discount the lizard brain.

Well yeah, he has 70+ years of sleazing his way through backroom deals, skirting the letter of the law, and using wealth to buy his way out of problems with an army of appealing lawyers. If he weren't so stupid in all other realms, he would be president still, working towards an "emergency action" to grant himself a third term - Constitution be damned.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Yes , and look for a similar kind of sleaze out of Boebert.

For you kids out there, I'm not even entirely sure this is good advice, but I'll say it anyway, in keeping with a long track record.

Do not discount the lizard brain. You should embrace yours. Tame it, and make it your friend, your lifelong companion to assist you in your work, in your every endeavor in this life.

To do this properly, I'm not sure I can even explain, for I have likely not done it properly myself, to its fullest extent, nor do I particularly want to. Couch once quoted Neitzsche at me, about being careful when you gaze into the abyss, for the abyss also gazes into you. I do believe this is good advice.

But you at least need a look, if you are to tame the beast in your heart, though I may not recommend lingering too long. Like Yoda and his God damned tree, you will have to fight what you find there. It will not respect you otherwise. Yoda's tree would be a blessing, as most of us must look the old-fashioned way, and I wouldn't recommend taking up residence there.

When you are done, when that beast -- who, by the way, is neither good nor evil, but just another another animal, a force of nature, roaming this planet -- when your particular beast has learned to respect you and heed your call, you take him home with you.

You won't teach it civility, but you two will get by. You will learn to keep it quiet when you must. And you will reap the rewards of your new companion. He will alert you to danger long before you see it, long before the foolish flow of words fall from your mouth as you struggle to say just what it is you are thinking In a situation where higher processes of thought are of little use. Embrace your lizard brain and feel your senses heighten, feel how much further they reach, and feel your confidence grow.

And Neitzsche did appear to know something of this. He describes the arc of this process and just how far it can reach, as I recall, in Thus Spake Zarathustra. You could start there.

And just for the record, I'm no fucking Yoda. I am but a crude man. I haven't been far down that path. I mostly sit on my ass, smoking too much weed and popping off my shotgun. I am not the artist. I am not the dancer. But I do believe Neitzsche was, and you should read his book. If I recall, Neitzsche said you must first suffer. I've probably not suffered enough. And that's what I worry about with you kids. You haven't suffered at all. Maybe you are now.
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Sep 16, 2010
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yeah. It is disappointing. It is the warpath. :(

To address Overlt's point from earlier, I don't think the Dems should be playing the kind of politics he mentioned. That's an old game -- I believe begun and played much more by Republicans, a subject I believe was touched on in this book about how we got to current events. The Modern Eva Baun at Sunday School, who also won, was backed by a bunch of money from the Deomcratic Party, hoping to have the craziest candidate to defeat in Nov. It's dirty pool, and it's a lie. It's not seizing the microphone with the truth, like I was talking about before. It's not democracy done right, which is your only hand, if you'd only play it, you foolish, fearful Democrats.
Sep 16, 2010
On the constructive side, I was just listening to someone who had a rather good idea. Of course, he agreed completely with me about the democracy thing. :)

But he approached it from a different angle, which is good. He was an environmentalist. Much of his focus is on environmental rulings from the suoreme court, be he understands nothing else happens if democracy doesn't happen first. He was lobbying for Biden, in particular, to do more. Hit the road, Joe, he said. Amtrack Joe should frame this as a fight for democracy across our planet that is at the same time a fight to save our planet from destruction. (He, like so many environmentalists, gets emotional and scared, when he should just tell the truth that man should find balance before the planet, which is balance, decides to slough us off. It's more of a question of our destruction.) You like trains, Joe. Get on Amtrak and say your shadow won't darken the White House doors, until you're done after the election.

This is me talking again, outside of parentheses: The Dems foolishly debate Roe vs. The Kitchen Table, when they should debate Democracy vs. The Kitchen Table, and y'all know what I think about that. But, yes, please do frame it environmentally. Roe vs. Wade can bring out women to vote, but they are at least as divided on the question as everyone else. Now, we know the young ones are rightly worried about the future of the planet, and only democracy will guide man to the kind of balance needed to survive into the future.

And I suppose I should not just focus on the politics and actually repeat why this environmentalist was talking in the first place, the blatantly aggressive ruling that the EPA is not allowed to interpret legislation, as it's always done. Instead, we get to live with the Bible thumpers' interpretation of one text spoken out of one side of their mouth, while saying no one is allowed to interpret text out of the other side of their mouth. Only they, in their holy robes, are allowed to interpret text.

Instead, Congress must pass every detail, i.e. 0.0009 million parts of methane per whateverthefuck, into the actual law, which effectively kills all future environmental legislation in today's political climate for sure and quite possibly for a long time, until we improve our educational system.

Here is the link, CNN's take. Free, so everyone can see it.

Yes, any kind of environmentalist should be concerned about the supreme court and our democracy.
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Sep 16, 2010
Tomorrow is Sunday, a holy day for many in America. The day after that is our American Idependence Day.

One has many rules for many about how one should conduct one's self on a Sunday. The other doesn't really have many rules at all, just the usual secular ones that apply to everyone about not hurting anyone else as you celebrate, the same rules that apply to every other day of the year. Regardless, people of all walks of life generally do the same kinds of things. Birds of a feather do indeed lock together, and we all share this particular feather of Independence Day, at least for now, for as long as the Bible thumpers spare us from their interpretations of the holiday and their inevitable rules about what you should do and think on this particular day. Hot dogs and fireworks, after all, are frivilous. They might be frivilous, but nearly every damn person, no matter his or her color or stripe or beliefs here in America -- myself perhaps the only exception proving the rule -- enjoys this friviloty and flocks to it. Let them, I say. Allow nature to take its course.

This year, the two holidays, if you will allow me to characterize Sunday as such, fall back to back. Regardless of the day or year, even when the two fall on the very same day, we should take great care in separating them, separating how we think about them.

The snakehandlers in Florida are forcing Christian dogma into their teaching of history. Christianity has certainly played a central role in history, especially in America, and should be taught, just not the dogma part. Maybe you don't like that one particular publisher of textbooks printed math word problems about Justin traveling from New York to Chicago at 85mph because he was in such a rush to get home to pound his husband, Jeremy, which is roughly the worst verified example I have heard in relation to today's CRT panic. Maybe the fact 10% of Justins have always wanted to pound 10% of Jeremys in their bedrooms and the many efforts of organized religion to stop this behavior or ignore this fact should be saved for history or social studies class. But I, too, think not every lesson should be taught through the lens of racial oppression, nor should every lesson be taught through a Christian lens. You should teach of the dogma, not preach it.

For the dogma separates people, and I say allow birds of a feather to flock together. Do not declare which of your feathers is best and shun from the flock those who do not possess them, push them out of your tight formation, your group, your flock, to leave them behind to struggle on their own, to eventually tire and settle wherever their failing wings find them -- alone, their odds of survival much worse. If he survives, he will be stronger, but at what cost? At what cost to those enjoying the relative ease and safety of the flock?

I urge you all to celebrate this long weekend as you will. Me? I'm not much for parties any year, but this year I feel more isolated than I normally do. I feel more isolated than that natural level that is my nature, my personal norm, that odd equilibrium I seek out, that I instinctually find without really knowing where I'm going. This year, maybe I will just sit outside and watch the birds fly by.
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Sep 16, 2010
Sounds like you need a long vacation free of the internet and all electronics. I suggest stop following politics as well. As at some point all it does is burn you out in the end.
Consuming news activates the sympathetic nervous system, which causes your body to release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Then, when a crisis is happening, and we are experiencing this stress response more frequently.
Oct 1, 2010
Heh, just a short one, but I wish y'all a happy Independence Day. Wherever you may find yourself, I hope you're feeling the sun on your face. Me? Yeah, you know...
Sep 16, 2010
If you think Trump should be prosecuted for his many crimes, so we don't see an endless parade of aspiring autocrats and confidence men seeking our highest office, you could sign this petition. It appears too early to say whether this one is trending, but it should be.
Sep 16, 2010
Well seems the appropriate thread the mid-term elections are neither a red or blue wave as predicated once again. Seems the pollsters have not been correct since 2016.

Democrats look to gain one senate seat, Republicans look to have control of the house.
Oct 1, 2010
Well seems the appropriate thread the mid-term elections are neither a red or blue wave as predicated once again. Seems the pollsters have not been correct since 2016.

Democrats look to gain one senate seat, Republicans look to have control of the house.
Actually, that was mostly expected until just a week or so before the election.
I had written down the numbers from the Economist polls - they were 51D-49R Senate and 221.4R-213.6D - I did forget to write down the date, but it was about 1 or 2 weeks ago.

Numbers shifted a lot after that, but not sure why.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
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