BG2: What am I doing wrong?

I can't remeber right now whether or not he was a Harper as well.
He was, or at least "him and his Harper friends" battled Firkraag at some point.
Nov 18, 2006
IIRC, she knew that the PC was (being a friend/Harper colleague of Gorion). Even if Gorion hadn't told her, it wouldn't be a difficult thing to guess that a second foster child of unknown origin and of the same age as the PC was also a Bhaalspawn.

She mentions in BG2 that the main character is 'one of the children,' so she obviously knew a lot about what was going on with the whole Bhaalspawn thing.

Sarevok definitely should have known though, although I guess you could say that she wasn't powerful enough for him to be concerned with, but then she was powerful enough for Irenicus to be concerned with.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
On the other hand I was left with the impression that Gorion didn't pay Imoen that much attention (in BG1 at least). As for Sarevok, my memory says that it I (the PC) was reffered to as Gorion's ward, and hunted down as such, and nobody paid Imy much attention. So the old geezer somehow managed to keep her Bhaalspawn identity a secred, or he himself might not have know about her. Which brings up the question how did Irenicus know that.
Oct 18, 2006
On the other hand I was left with the impression that Gorion didn't pay Imoen that much attention (in BG1 at least). As for Sarevok, my memory says that it I (the PC) was reffered to as Gorion's ward, and hunted down as such, and nobody paid Imy much attention. So the old geezer somehow managed to keep her Bhaalspawn identity a secred, or he himself might not have know about her. Which brings up the question how did Irenicus know that.

I always had the idea that Irenicus discovered Imoen's Bhaalspawn identity during her period of captivity, perhaps while performing the long hours of experiments and torture upon her and the PC.

I don't think anyone knows if Gorion was aware, and I think the Devs intended it to be that way. I also think it would be a bit of a stretch to assume that Jaheira was aware.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I always had the idea that Irenicus discovered Imoen's Bhaalspawn identity during her period of captivity, perhaps while performing the long hours of experiments and torture upon her and the PC.

Probably the best bet since it wasn't really explained.

I guess I'm looking at it this way:

In ToB they make mention of Gorion snatching you from basically the nursery of Hell where they'd gathered all the Bhaalspawn babies in some attempt to resurrect Bhaal. IIRC, they were going to start sacrificing babies shortly, but Gorion and company came in and stole the pc.

Now obviously, lots of Bhaalspawn survived so it's possible that Imoen found her way to Candlekeep by other means. Jaheria says that Gorion was part of their adventuring party prior to settling in Candlekeep, which leads me to believe that she was part of the Bhaalspawn kidnapping.

So how does Imoen end up at Candlekeep? If it's not in the same snatching as the PC, it seems like a big coincidence that she would end up at the same location, roughly at the same time, and no one would take notice (were there other kids around? I always got the impression that Imoen and the pc were the only youngins there).

That's where I make the leap to thinking Gorion had to know and if he knew, Jaheria must know as well.

Either way, it's not like it hurt my enjoyment of the game. It just seemed like a bit of a cop out. I guess they needed a character to be the Bhaalsibling that you would actually want to go after and rescue, but it could have been interesting to make it another character with a separate backstory you had to figure out. (Hmmm, maybe a good mod could be made on that!)
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Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Jaheria says that Gorion was party of their adventuring party prior to settling in Candlekeep, which leads me to believe that she was part of the Bhaalspawn kidnapping.

That's where I make the leap to thinking Gorion had to know and if he knew, Jaheria must know as well.

Possible, but very unlikely. The devs would probably have revealed at some point if Jaheira had been that much involved in the origins of Imoen and the PC.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Interesting discussions. I personally think JDR13's explanation makes sense, especially Irenicus said something about her childish personality his her bhaal essence well. Probably when he was torturing Imoen, something may have happened to hint that she is a bhaalspawn.
I've never really thought about it. There was nothing at all indicating in BG1 that Imoen was a child of Bhaal. I personally don't think she was intended as a child of Bhaal at all, untill they decided to make things a little more interesting in BG2 (with the whole Irenicus plot).

Also worth keeping in mind is that Elmister told the PC to go to Jaheira, not Gorion. Elmister was obviously aware of the situation, and definetly knew about Imoen - there's just no fooling the most powerful wizard in the world. :)
Oct 18, 2006
In the begining of BG1, obviously. It's another debatable thing, but I think El might have mentioned J and K more specifically, G's intention was to go the Friendly Arms Inn (and this is a point I might be mistaken about, I'm not a 100 % sure that G told us where we are going. If he did indeed was headed with the PC towards the FAI, th El point is rather moot). On the other hand El's sayings (if any) could be contributed to him being a good do-gooder and pointing us in the general direction to the more of his kind. The only other companions by this point would be a Necromancer and his shady friend.

It just struck me as obvious - if G knew about Immy being a Bhaalspawn all along, he should have taken her out of Candleekeep along with the PC. In reality, he left her there.
Oct 18, 2006
I don't remember running into Elminster until after Gorion was already toast.

IIRC Gorion just says you're leaving, but you find a letter on his corpse that says if anything happens to him to go to the Friendly Arm Inn and ask for Jaheria and Khalid.

It just struck me as obvious - if G knew about Immy being a Bhaalspawn all along, he should have taken her out of Candleekeep along with the PC. In reality, he left her there.

Only explanation I would have is that since the PC's powers are much more robust and show up earlier, that he didn't think she was in danger from Sarevok.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Good Lord of the Tigers, i knew that i shouldnt have poked my head into this thread! Im trying to finish pt I right now..

Imoen! Say it aint so! :tears:
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Elmister appears as an "old man" that you bump into, and advices you to go to the Friendly Arms Inn. However, I seem to recall the whole "if anything goes wrong, go to the Friendly Arms Inn" by Gorion too.

Oh, and the letter you find on Gorions body is also written by Elminster, it's signed "I'm getting too old for this, -E".
Oct 18, 2006
Quick question. I recently installed the Beyond the Law mod, and as tedious as it is, i would like to complete it...quickly. Does anyone know of a site where i could see the walkthrough for BTL?
Mar 22, 2009
Sorry, but I hadn't even heard of the mod previously. Still, I'd check out the forums, over here for general tips and stuff. Though, I don't think that a mod spanning throught all of the chapters of BG2 is supposed to be finished fastly in any way.
Jan 12, 2009
I've played BTL and I had to heavily rely on walkthrough. I had msn contact of the author, so you could do the same or find a short walkthrough at SHS.
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