George Floyd Has An Extensive Criminal History

So you figure out a number yourself. A number that is not presented anywhere else. You refuse to share how you get to that number, so there is no way of determining the validity of that number, which makes what you say not very valid.

As to the second part of the sentence, I have no clue what that is about.
I'm pretty sure the number he threw out (when replying to me 2 weeks ago) was part of an elaborate attempt at sarcasm and was intentionally made-up, although I have no clue what his precise point was. Nobody knows what the hell he's talking about 99% of the time. I stopped caring long ago, but there's people here who still legitimately ask him to explain what he's talking about because they honestly want to know, and he still won't tell them. And it's not because he's hard to understand - he's intentionally evasive and cryptic. He refuses to tell you what he's talking about because he doesn't care if you know - actually he may prefer that you don't know.

That's pretty much the definition of a complete waste of time, and it's hard to believe it's been allowed to go on this long. On several occasions through the years when someone mentions that someone-or-another got banned on the Codex, I see people ask "what do you actually have to do to get banned on the Codex?" I know of at least two options. You can be a creepy, serial sexual harasser/stalker like Fluent, or you can be a worthless spammer like ChienAboyeur. Ironically, both are tolerated here with no issues :lol:
Sep 26, 2007
I'm pretty sure the number he threw out (when replying to me 2 weeks ago) was part of an elaborate attempt at sarcasm and was intentionally made-up, although I have no clue what his precise point was. Nobody knows what the hell he's talking about 99% of the time. I stopped caring long ago, but there's people here who still legitimately ask him to explain what he's talking about because they honestly want to know, and he still won't tell them. And it's not because he's hard to understand - he's intentionally evasive and cryptic. He refuses to tell you what he's talking about because he doesn't care if you know - actually he may prefer that you don't know.

Yes - it's hot, and I've run out of patience with the bollocks-talkers. :biggrin:

Under the word salad, it's a lot of repetitive pseudo-intellectual talking points, evading being pinned down through sneering attempts at irony. It's relentlessly rude and contemptuous, rarely even having the courtesy to attempt to engage someone in actual communication.
Nov 8, 2014
Under the word salad, it's a lot of repetitive pseudo-intellectual talking points, evading being pinned down through sneering attempts at irony. It's relentlessly rude and contemptuous, rarely even having the courtesy to attempt to engage someone in actual communication.
Yeah, it's obvious that he feels utter contempt for everyone as he has to look down his nose and post yet another biting piece of crypto-sarcasm to set some hypocrites straight. What I don't know if it's just towards members of this forum, or the world at large. If the former, I'm not sure why he still bothers posting here. If the latter, maybe the reason he posts here, in particular, is because it's the only place that lets him get away with it? :lol:
Sep 26, 2007
Although I agree that his English (assuming a he here, could be a she for all we know) isn’t up to the level that everything he writes is comprehensible and that his style of expressing himself is perhaps arrogant (maybe for the same reason), I do belief he is genuinely trying to add something to the discussion. We just miss understanding most of what he is writing. However sometimes he writes something that we can compute and that’s cool. Even though I find myself rarely agreeing with him on those occasions, but that is besides the point.
For all we know chien is an oracle, who we just don’t understand because of his not so good English skills. Could be autistic too, but then again, who isn’t in some form or manner these days.
Aug 30, 2006
No nation at the moment in Europe was founded on traditional white values.
The US were founded on the white race thing.

The ancient Greek and the ancient Romans had slaves. This is not direct "racism", but it is the degredation of human beings to something else - a social degredation as well.

And especially the ancient Romans did NOT give everyone the right to be a formal Roman citizen !

One had to achieve it - throgh wealth, mostly - or it would be given through some "sponsors" ("sponsor" is a modern word which I use only because I fail of thinking of a better word for it at this moment).

Everyone outside of the ancient Greek teritrory was considered as a "barbarian" - which a is VERY close to racism.

So, yes, the "white man" way of thinking to be better than others permeates whole cultures.

I recently even had the thought of the Cromangnon only succeeding that much as a "modern man" through racism - against the Neanderthals, perhaps.

Whereas serious scientists say that our "ancestral tree" is rather a bush : We have DNA from so many other brother and sister hominids in us …
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Although I agree that his English (assuming a he here, could be a she for all we know) isn’t up to the level that everything he writes is comprehensible and that his style of expressing himself is perhaps arrogant (maybe for the same reason), I do belief he is genuinely trying to add something to the discussion. We just miss understanding most of what he is writing. However sometimes he writes something that we can compute and that’s cool. Even though I find myself rarely agreeing with him on those occasions, but that is besides the point.
For all we know chien is an oracle, who we just don’t understand because of his not so good English skills. Could be autistic too, but then again, who isn’t in some form or manner these days.

I can usually understand Chien pretty well if I take a minute to decipher it, though the effort is rarely rewarded. I think it’s safe to say you’re not missing much when you don’t understand it.

This idea of not answering a straight question because some question of his he feels was not satisfactorily addressed weeks ago (and he spammed that thread to the point of trolling), is an illustration of the petulant, tiresome nonsense it usually represents.

Anyhow, I dare say he will continue undeterred. But, as he certainly isn’t shy about sharing his scorn, today I’m hot and bothered and felt like returning the favour. Nothing to worry about.
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Nov 8, 2014
Well, my Northern Ireland example is hardly lost in the mists of time. The Provisional IRA formed in the 1970s in response to brutality by the police and military. It became essentially a paramilitary civil war that ran right through to the 90s (with the peace arrangements still fragile) and anyone in uniform was a marked man. One of my relatives was nearly killed in one bombing. If you think that people who feel oppressed are going to accept that they just ought to submit to the authorities or accept being roughed up, I’m afraid that ain't how things work.

Through the 90's until when?
Jul 10, 2007
Through the 90's until when?

The Provisional IRA declared a ceasefire in 1997, and the Good Friday Agreement signed in 98, bringing in a new power-sharing agreement. The violence has never entirely ceased, and the agreement is still in danger of collapse.
Nov 8, 2014
I'm sure I'll get flak for this.:)

Brandon Tatum, a former Tuscon police officer, delivered an incredible response to the current situation that is taking place across the United States of America right now.
Oct 1, 2010
Couch right now:


May 18, 2012
That picture is one way to put it, I suppose. Another way would be to call Couch what he is: a race-baiting troll.
Sep 16, 2010
Another way would be to call Couch what he is: a race-baiting troll.
Which was really obvious in the very first post - and now even more obvious now that he edited it. I just popped in here to try and figure out why the topic was still even going.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
That picture is one way to put it, I suppose. Another way would be to call Couch what he is: a race-baiting troll.

Worse yet, he is a RACIST troll. He supports authoritarianism, white supremacy, military action against unarmed citizens, murderous cops, and more.
Oct 18, 2006
although I have no clue what his precise point was.
No precision needed.

A claim was made about police behaviour, how their violence affects people in a general manner.

If that general manner was, then it would translate in certain data.

In the US, the police is affected by a bias: a white person can join the forces in order to kill black people. The opposite does not exist.

Ironically, both are tolerated here with no issues :lol:
Not without issues.
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Mar 29, 2011
Everyone outside of the ancient Greek teritrory was considered as a "barbarian" - which a is VERY close to racism.

So, yes, the "white man" way of thinking to be better than others permeates whole cultures.

Chronology is a favourite for proponents of the american system.

Greeks were quite unlikely to have been influenced by the white man way of thinking as it did not exist in their own times.

Most of people they considered as barbarians were white skinned people that would have been by today's categorizations be considered as white people.

Ancient Greeks were a aggregate of various city states that were at logger heads most of the times, considering one to be superior to the others.

Their feeling of superiority had nothing to do with white man stuff.
Nothing close to racism.

Next iteration for denial: a man who thinks himself as superior to his brother is racist to his brother.
Mar 29, 2011
I do belief he is genuinely trying to add something to the discussion.
People must add to be allowed on this site. Adding what to what. Simple minded people do not add. They do not have the intellectual brilliance for that.
For all we know chien is an oracle, who we just don’t understand .

The same point made over and over again.

There is nothing to understand, there is no insight. Only plain things that are open to be seen by anyone, including simple minded people. It is part of enlightened people's superiority to be able to dress plain things.

The claim was made that police behaviour hit people in a general manner.
Since that moment, among other things, white police officers were caught longing for a race war to be triggered so they could curb the black population as it must be.

Simple minded view on the situation: another evidence that white people with a desire to kill black people are allowed in the police.

Enlightened minded view: police violence hits people in a general way. Everyone is affected.

No insight, no oracle. Nothing to understand. Written or not, it changes nothing.
Mar 29, 2011
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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